Super Mothership

Chapter 226 Xiaomi and Xiaoyou

(TL:By Rafael,

“As the saying goes, morale is available!Now, it's time to implement the conscription plan!"Nie Yun said.

“Yes, Your Excellency the captain!The conscription plan is launched!”

Countless streams of information began to spread from the quantum computer center of the Seawolf to everywhere, like a giant net, reaching out its tentacles to every corner of the azure planet in front of it.……


In an estate in Scotland.

“...the footsteps of doomsday have stopped!Mankind... has won!”

Looking at the replay video of the American press conference on the monitor, a silver-haired old man frowned deeply. He was Klein who had quit freemasonry not long ago.

“How could this happen, so quickly?But obviously it's not the day of the visit yet?Could it be that something has happened that we don't know about?This is not a good sign...”

“Didi!"Just as Klein was worried, his phone rang.


“Patriarch!The big event is not good. I just received news that Duke John has just announced you as a traitor to the Freemasonry within the Freemasonry. At present, Duke John is using the Freemasonry network to suppress our family's industry in all directions!”

“Hmm?Is there such a thing?Klein was startled when he heard the words.

He had some doubts in his heart. John's handle was still in his own hands. Did he want to break the net?

“Yes, although we can hold on for a short time, their power is too huge, and over time, we are afraid that we will lose a lot!"”

“Well, I see, I will find a way to solve this matter."Klein hung up after speaking.

He frowned, picked up the phone again and dialed a number……


Half an hour later, in a coffee shop.

“Hehe!Klein, I guessed you would look for me. It seems that you have received the news?"Duke John took a sip of coffee slowly, and said with a smile to Klein, who was sitting opposite, but his tone was a little cold.

“John, is it necessary to make trouble like this?I have already promised you not to make the events of that night public, why do you still do such superfluous things?"Klein asked his doubts.

“superfluous?Ha ha!Klein, it seems you don't understand yet!For me, it's either a friend or an enemy!And you have stupidly chosen to stand on the opposite side of me, and of course, on the opposite side of freemasonry!Do you think this matter can be just forgotten?”

Klein couldn't help but wonder when he heard the words, “John, aren't you afraid that I will announce what happened that night?"”

“That night?Did anything happen that night?Haha!You can just try it!"John smiled fearlessly.

“Hmm?The holy scriptures...”

“Holy scriptures?What's wrong with the holy scriptures?Isn't it still locked in my treasure house?"John took a soft sip of coffee and said leisurely.

Klein was obviously taken aback by John's attitude, and then thought of a possibility, and said in amazement: “ actually forged the Holy Scriptures!”

Indeed, although the holy scriptures were destroyed, the electronic backup is still there. If you ask a clever expert, it is entirely possible to forge a fake that is fake.

“Forged?You are so naive, have you forgotten the ‘Mona Lisa’ in my treasure house?The one hanging in the Louvre is also a fake, but I took out the authentic work. Guess which one the world will believe is the real one?

There is an old saying that when the truth is false, the truth is true, and when the falsehood is true, the truth is also false!True or false, who can say it clearly, haha..." John laughed unscrupulously.

“Oh, even you dare to forge the holy scriptures, it have already turned your back on the faith of freemasonry!"Klein sighed.

“The faith of freemasonry?No, no, no, I have never turned my back on it, and I have always firmly believed that we are right. Only under the leadership of freemasonry can mankind be ruled for a long time.

Let's see what the ghost captain you are optimistic about has done!I received a message from the United States that this bomb incident was caused by Captain Ghost!

Why have we been at peace with aliens for so long, and as soon as the ghost captain appeared, he almost caused all mankind to be destroyed?Who is right, isn't it obvious?Don't you understand?

If you wake up now, I can give you another chance!"John looked at Klein with a sneer.

“The bomb is related to Captain Ghost?Is it actually like this... Hehe!That's it!But at least, people can force aliens to deal with humans, which is much stronger than those of us who can only hide in the corner and tremble waiting for fate..." Klein laughed to himself after being shocked.

“He is stupid!Knowing that you can't do it, this is what a fool can do!"John couldn't help but be angry when he saw Klein comparing the two sides like this.

“Whether he is stupid or not, at least judging from the results, the aliens seem to be deflated!Haha..." Klein laughed happily.

"Huh!Klein, are you really crazy to regard a guy of unknown origin who is not even sure about the enemy as a savior?It's so ridiculous!”

“At least he came to be the savior, better than you, a waste who flaunts justice, but only knows that he is soft and afraid of hard fighting in the nest."Klein's tone was already contempt for Johnny, and the two sides completely tore their faces.

"Huh!Stubborn!That being the case, Klein, then you can see if the savior in your eyes can save your family!"John coldly left these words behind, picked up his clothes and left the table.

Klein looked at John's leaving back and sighed helplessly.

Things are a bit troublesome, and John is clearly fearless now. I am afraid that even if he announces the destruction of the Holy Scriptures, he must have prepared a comprehensive response strategy.

With a trace of worry, Klein returned to his manor. As soon as he entered the door, the steward of the manor suddenly brought a box, “My lord, there is a package for you!"”

Klein glanced at it suspiciously, and he saw a very strange silver swirl pattern printed on the package in the housekeeper's hand, with three letters “sos” written below!

sos?Is there still this company in the world?Is this a world-class infringement?

He received the package strangely, and after the housekeeper respectfully stepped back, Klein opened the box.

And inside... is a silver helmet……


Although the bomb storm has passed, the matter has reached the point where all mankind is almost destroyed. The United States can no longer hide the truth of the incident. This is no longer a matter for the United States. If you still cover your mouth and don't speak, the United States will soon be overwhelmed by the criticism of the world!

In fact, they are indeed being criticized!

All countries basically knew why the United States concealed the news until the paper bag couldn't hold the fire, so they pretended to hold a press conference generously.

The longer the preparation time before the end of the world, the more survivors, then who will have more advantages in the process of rebuilding the order after the disaster. The United States wants to establish a new order of Midi after the end of the world!

On this point alone, the United States will have to bear the hostility from all over the world. If the attitude of admitting mistakes is not more correct, it will really be extinct from mankind, even its own people will not agree with this approach!

The U.S. government is naturally aware of this. After the incident, the U.S. government made an emergency public relations, solemnly apologized to governments around the world as soon as possible, and immediately issued a notice.

“In view of the serious malfeasance of the Minister of Defense in this human crisis incident, such as abuse of power, dereliction of duty in supervision, failure to report information, and leaving his post awol, he has been removed from his post for investigation and officially handed over to the judicial department!”

Yes, the Minister of defense has been removed from his post.

When the Minister of Defense, who had just got off the plane, heard the verdict against him with a blank expression on his face, he was completely dumbfounded.

Even if you make mistakes, you won't be removed from your post, right?

However, being able to become the minister of defense, his political wisdom is naturally not low, and he quickly figured out the reason. This time the matter was too big, so the United States...needs a scapegoat!

When the lost Minister of Defense was taken into the car, for some reason, the Minister of Defense remembered the meaningful words of the ghost captain, “...Then, good luck!"His Excellency the Minister of Defense!”


Regarding the practice of abandoning the car and protecting the coach in the United States, although all countries know that the Minister of defense is just a scapegoat, the weight of this sheep is indeed heavy enough, and all countries are basically satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, the United States quickly sent detailed information about the incident to the governments of the world, including some alien information in the 13th District and a little information about the gravity bomb.

According to the official statement of the United States, that is naturally quite great!The story is probably like this……

One day Xiaomi, a villager in Earth Village, was wandering around the village, only to suddenly find that there was a roadside bomb on the side of the road!

When Xiaomi, who has a sense of justice, sees it, it's okay. What if it blows up the children?Even if you can't blow up the children, it's not good to blow up the flowers and plants!

So he took the bomb back to his home for some research, and found that if the bomb exploded, not only the flowers and the children, but the entire earth village would be flattened!

Xiaomi suddenly became anxious. He began to waste sleep and food, smashing pots and selling iron to find ways to study how to dismantle the bomb. After spending a lot of money and resources... he still failed to dismantle it.

Then the bomb suddenly started. Just when Xiaomi was in a hurry and notified the villagers of the whole village to run away, at a critical moment, the villager Xiaoyou happened to pass by and found out about the situation here. , So Xiaomi came up with an idea.

“Why don't you have some music to relax?”

So... Xiaomi and Xiaoyou played a rhythmic music and relaxed.……

Then...the bomb was dismantled.……

It's really gratifying, gratifying and gratifying……

This story can be described as tortuous and bizarre, full of surprising desire to complain about the case.……

Naturally, countries rolled their eyes one after another to express their disbelief. Your whole article Xiaomi will not complain about the self-sacrifice and dedication of Balabala in the global village for the time being. The most bizarre thing is that a piece of music solved the bomb?Tease me!

But after the vowed United States showed all the powerful force field shields and the “concert live” videos of the bomb's final explosion to all countries,……

Governments of various countries: “...”

The flower grower looked dumbfounded, what?Is my teacher Gong behind saving the world?

Teacher Gong:“......”( lt;(ˉ^ˉ)gt;)

TL Note- Bgm is important 


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