Super Mothership

Chapter 225 Morale is over the top

(TL:By Rafael,

Listening to the blood-boiling shouts around him under his charge horn, Albert opened his hands, as if he was calmly embracing the coming death.

Today's speech is not only a eulogy for mankind, but also a horn for mankind to launch a charge on alien civilizations!Its historical significance can be described as unprecedented!

I, Albert, can have this honor, and I have died without regrets.……

However, just when Albert was immersed in the regret-free history of fame and youth, a staff member suddenly ran over sweating profusely and said something softly in Albert's ear.

Immediately afterwards, Albert's eyes slowly widened, and the expression on his face began to change. It was quite wonderful, stunned, surprised, lost, and panicked.……

To sum it up, it's probably... are you fucking teasing me?

Although it was great good news, Albert was no longer in the mood to cheer at this moment.

Yes, the news from the 13th District finally came. Unfortunately, under the control of a certain behind-the-scenes director, the time was just a little bit late.

It was this little time difference that made Albert feel like he was being set on a charcoal fire at this moment, and his inner entanglement was suffering, not for outsiders.……

Is there a mistake in Ni Mei's!I just announced that mankind is going to end!Are you here now to tell me that the countdown has stopped?Are we safe already?How does this make me explain to the billions of people who have been infected by the atmosphere and fallen into a state of “fanaticism”?

Such a difficult bend, the concubine really can't do it, it will roll over.……

Albert wanted to cry without tears for a moment and felt that it really took too much courage to continue to live.……

He hesitated for a while, and finally mustered all the courage to continue to live and put his trembling lips close to the microphone.

The abnormality on Albert's side had long been noticed by people, and the crowd gradually quieted down to see what this heroic human fighter wanted to say.

“My compatriots, I... I can't believe the news I just heard... oh my god!I feel like I'm going to faint with excitement!

Yes it is!The news is so exciting!

Someone just told me!Our scientists have found a way at the last minute and successfully dismantled the bomb!

The footsteps of doom have stopped!Mankind... has won!"Albert said with an expression so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Everyone: “......”

It took several seconds for people to turn around from this sentence and understand what happened. Suddenly, the whole world fell into cheers!

Some hugged each other and wept with joy, some put their hands together to thank the gods……

The reporters on the scene were also cheering, and countless hats and ties flew together. Then, the instinct of the journalists made them react quickly, and many people began to run to Albert with microphones.

“Mr. Albert, what the hell is going on, is there really a bomb?Why was it successfully dismantled at the last minute?”

“May I ask if this is a shocking scam directed and acted by the United States?Is there a certain strategic purpose in it?”

“Why did aliens invade the earth?Is there a secret in it?”

“After this incident, will we humans form a resistance army?”


A series of problems caused Albert to have two big heads. He was finally forced to use a trick helplessly. Everyone saw Albert's eyes bulging, shortness of breath, flushed face, and then... His eyes rolled and he collapsed softly to the ground.……

Reporters: “......”


Just when the panic caused by this false alarm to the world gradually subsided……

“Your Excellency, the initial preparations for the ’Reincarnation of the Dead' plan have all been completed!”

“Hmm!Very good, how about the casualties in this incident?”

“I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, Captain. Global aggregated data show that the turmoil caused a total of 168 deaths and 3,267 injuries, most of which were dignitaries and rich people from various countries.

Although the scope of violent conflicts has been controlled as much as possible, and communications and police deployment have been secretly interfered with, the number of humans is too huge, and this is already the limit of what can be done!"The code name said.

Because Nie Yun deliberately controlled the speed of news dissemination, the riots have not spread to ordinary civilians on a large scale. At present, due to the news that the bomb has been dismantled at a press conference in the United States, the entire world order is gradually stabilizing under the full appeasement of various governments.

“Don't apologize, the number of people dying from various causes every day in the world is in the tens of thousands, and this result is much better than I expected.

It's worth it to exchange a little sacrifice for the success rate of the plan. If you are afraid of your head and tail, nothing can be done!

As a leader, you can be merciful, but for a war that is either you die or I live, kindness often brings greater harm, whether it is to the enemy or to one's own people, kindness is not in charge of the soldiers!”

Nie Yun's words seemed to be for him, but they seemed to be for himself.

“I understand your Excellency the captain, but I don't quite understand this machine. We can actually use more gentle methods. Why do we use this intense method?”

“Well...gentle means slow, we don't have much time!

In addition, this exercise is not as simple as you saw. Its role is not just to cooperate with our "reincarnation" plan.

In fact, this is a low-cost, high-return planning plan with one arrow and three carvings!

Its second function is a conscription mobilization conference!

In addition to sophisticated equipment and sharp weapons, morale is also indispensable to determine the outcome of a war!

Do you know what Neon's biggest failure in World War II was?

It was not a declaration of war on the United States, but after the declaration of war on the United States, it stupidly used a sneak attack to attack Pearl Harbor!

The consequence of this is to directly define the United States as a just party!

Do you know what kind of hot scene the conscription point in the United States will be in the future?Someone actually committed suicide because he was unable to participate in the battle after losing in the selection!

Facing such a fanatical warrior who is not afraid of death, Neon really knelt, and has been kneeling until now.

Even if Neon chose to declare war at the time, it would be thousands of times stronger than a stupid sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

However, in the period of anti-US aid to North Korea and the Vietnam War, the US army was firmly beaten by the flower cultivators. Why?Because their soldiers know that they are the aggressor this time!

In simple terms, if the anger value is not full, you can't let go of the kill!

On the other hand, the flower grower is just the opposite. Someone actually wants to beat the idea of grass beside his nest, and I'm not willing to eat it!So the anger was directly filled with brim, and then the United States knelt down.……

Therefore, morale, which seems to be shadowless and invisible, is actually quite effective.

And this 'Doomsday crisis’ is the ‘Pearl Harbor incident’ of Gemini's civilization against the Earth!

In other words,for the earthlings  now...the morale is over the top!”

TL Note- Morale.


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