Evil Avalon

Clans/Organizations (as of Chapter 142)

(TL:By Rafael,valhallatls.blogspot.com)

※ Information may be added or revised.

◆ Colors ◆

A top-tier guild in Japan, reputed as the strongest in the country. The guild features five sub-organizations, each represented by a flag with vertical stripes in white, red, blue, yellow, and green. These sub-organizations compete for promotion to the higher ranks within Colors. Including all its members, Colors is a large guild with over a thousand members.

Clan Leader: Kotaro Tasato

Leader of the secondary organization "Kurenai" within Colors. One of the few "Samurais" in Japan. A graduate of the Adventurers School and currently holds the rank of Baron. His main weapon is a large sword imbued with fire magic.

Vice Leader: Yukikage Sanada

A tall, slender young man who always wears glasses and a blue robe. Also the leader of the secondary organization "Soukuu-kai" within Colors. A "Priest" capable of managing the HP and status recovery of dozens of people simultaneously, he is a representative of Japan and serves as a strategist within Colors. Souta's mother is a big fan of Sanada.

◆ Kinran-kai ◆

A secondary organization of Colors. Once a leading guild in Japan, it was nearly destroyed in a conflict with the secret society "Oboro." To survive, it became a subsidiary of Colors. Currently, it is rapidly gaining strength due to substantial funding.

Clan Leader: Kazumoto Kuki

Leader of Kinran-kai and Vice Leader of Colors. Around fifty years old, with a suntanned, muscular appearance. He brought wisdom and experience to the once youthful and impulsive Colors.

Vice Leader: Sosuke Kirigaya

Around twenty years old, with wolf-like eyes full of ambition. Formerly the leader of the guild "Sorel," known by the nickname "Mad Dog." Due to his significant achievements, he was promoted to Vice Leader of Kinran-kai and is rumored to be on the verge of joining Colors. He had entrusted Sorel to Kaga but dismissed him and now oversees it personally.

Daigo Kaga

Around thirty years old, with a sturdy build and a great sword user. He was appointed leader of Sorel by Kirigaya but was defeated by a person believed to be from Oboro (Kano) and was subsequently dismissed. He has since returned to Kinran-kai.

◆ Sorel ◆

A tertiary organization of Colors and a subsidiary of Kinran-kai. Formed by Kirigaya about a year ago, it frequently clashed with other guilds and had a notorious reputation within the Adventurers Guild. It is increasing its influence within Kinran-kai. Sorel has a history with Souta and Kano.

◆ Oboro ◆

A secret society believed to be behind various conspiracies and an urban legend. It constantly engages in conflicts with guilds and nobles and excels in interpersonal combat. A large bounty is placed on its leader. Oboro is a mortal enemy of Kinran-kai.

◆ Kunoichi Red ◆

A private military organization established by Mikami and Toudou. It is composed solely of female "Thieves." The clan's designated uniform is a highly revealing ninja suit. The organization is deeply involved in espionage and the operation of the Adventurers Guild.

Clan Leader: Haruka Mikami

A countess with strong connections in political and business circles, she is also a renowned beauty and an actress in the entertainment industry. She values tradition and is highly conservative.

Vice Leader: Mizuha Toudou

An old acquaintance of Mikami and the direct superior of Kirara Kusunoki. She is usually seen wearing a provocative ninja suit and has a cheerful demeanor. She is involved in the operation of the Adventurers Guild.

◆ The Ten Rakshasas ◆

An esteemed guild with a history dating back to before the war. It boasts one of the largest scales in Japan and is a leading figure among the new nobility. Comprising ten executives and ten organizations, it is in constant conflict with the old nobility.

Clan Leader: Kaede Takamura

A charismatic figure within the Ten Rakshasas , holding the rank of Baron. Eldest son attends the Adventurers School.


A high-ranking executive within the Ten Rakshasas who wears a black demon mask with sharp black teeth. Despite his youth, he has the ability to single-handedly annihilate large noble bases. His younger sister attends the Adventurers School.

Holy Maiden Agency

An organization dedicated to protecting the sole Holy Maiden in Japan. It also serves to protect and train healers. The agency possesses various concealed technologies and information, wielding significant influence across various sectors. Sera Kikyo is also a member.

Holy Empire

A young nation established by adventurers in the 1990s, led by the Holy Maiden Aurora. Originally a small city in Eastern Europe, it expanded its territory through fierce wars with neighboring countries and aggressively collected dungeon information. It is now considered the world's largest nation of adventurers.

  • Holy Maiden Aurora

    • Known as the "Agent of God" or "Divine Being," she is one of the four Holy Maidens in the world. Aurora is a central figure in the empire and is pursued by major nations as a war criminal.
  • Mikhailo Maxim

    • One of the Holy Empire's highest advisors, a Cardinal. Despite appearing to be in his mid-20s, records indicate he has been active for several decades. Formerly regarded as one of the top five adventurers globally.
    • He has recently entered Japan with his subordinates and is operating covertly.


Extraordinary life forms residing in dungeons. Though they have horns, their appearance is mostly human. They possess a unique mental structure, making them highly resistant to mental attacks. Their personalities and thoughts vary widely; some demons kill everything they see, while others cooperate with adventurers. They are bound by a restriction that prevents them from moving beyond certain dungeon levels.

  • Arthur

    • Appears to be around 12 years old. He was originally a quiet demon confined to a castle on the 38th floor. However, his personality flipped to become cheerful and active due to the influence of the carefree Arthur who took over his body, putting the original demon's consciousness to sleep.
    • His main weapon is a scythe larger than himself, and he is skilled in magic combat. He usually roams the dungeon in the form of a white spider.
    • Currently observing the Kinran Clan Party, which Souta, Satsuki, and Lisa are participating in.
  • Furufuru(Furfur)

    • Appears as a bewitching woman.
    • Known as "Obaba," she can knock out even the toughest adventurers with a single punch.
    • She runs a shop on the 10th floor of the dungeon, but no one knows its location, so she has no customers.


Refers to individuals who played Dungeon Explorer Chronicle, commonly known as "DunEx." To enter this world, one must earn the highly difficult "Next Major Update Tester Participation Rights," limiting it to skilled players only. They possess extensive knowledge of dungeons and future events from the game, giving them significant influence over their surroundings and society.

As of episode 142, the known players are: "Narumi Souta," "Nitta Lisa," "Tsukishima Takuya," "Arthur," and "Volgemuth." Each of them is endowed with powerful debuff skills.

TL Note- Clan infos.


  1. Another great update i had forgotten that Kaede Takamura even existed and his little sister in Class C.


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