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Super Mothership

Chapter 305 Solar System Defense Chain (TL:By Rafael, Since virtual reality technology has flourished in the confluence of interstellar wars and the scientific and technological circles, the desire for virtual helmets from all walks of life on earth has fallen into an almost fanatical state.     The meaning represented by the virtual world is not only seen by Chu Xiaoxiao, but elites from all over the world understand how much change this kind of thing will bring to the earth once it becomes popular.     Not to mention the endless business opportunities contained in it, let alone the deadly temptation of unlimited coins.     But in addition to the current outflow of about 1 million virtual helmets, Captain Ghost seemed to have forgotten that he still had such a good thing that could be called an artifact, and he ignored the purchase intentions of snowflakes flying from all over the world.     As the saying goes, if you leave immediately, you are the

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Super Mothership

The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Super Mothership

The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Super Mothership

The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Super Mothership

The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet