Super Mothership

Chapter 223 The Weakness of Aliens (2 in 1)

(TL:By Rafael,

In the 13th district of the United States, there is less than half an hour left in the countdown to the bomb.

“Think about it, is there any way to stop this damn bomb!""The district chief slapped the table fiercely and yelled at a researcher in front of him.

“This...we tried our best, if we can give us more time, maybe...”

“Give you time?Who will give it to?Those damn aliens?”The district chief interrupted him directly.

After the bomb was discovered, all the top scholars in the United States were urgently summoned to analyze the gravity bomb, but the time was too short, and so far they still have no clue about cracking the shield.

“K, calm down, there must be a way. What's the situation with Captain Ghost?"Jay next to him said loudly.

“I'm making people keep in touch, but I haven't been able to get in touch!That guy, isn't he deliberately playing with us?”The district chief said bitterly.

“It shouldn't be. Although we are not considered friendly forces, at least for aliens, we are still on the same front after all. It is not good for him to watch the demise of mankind!”

For some reason, Jay always felt that something happened during the time they were in a coma, and he didn't believe that Captain Ghost would just let it go.

From any point of view, abandoning humans is a strategic mistake, so he is very sure that unless the ghost captain is really powerless, he will definitely take action!

But others don't have as strong confidence in Captain Ghost as he does.

"Ugh!The countdown is less than half an hour away. It's all at this time. What's the use even if you get in touch?No matter how capable Captain Ghost is, what can he do in such a short time?

I have asked the personnel to evacuate urgently. The farther away from the bomb, the higher the chance of survival.

In addition, the White House has already begun to prepare for a press conference. They intend to make the news public. At this point, there is no need to hide it anymore.

Mankind, after all, is still going to usher in a catastrophe...” The district chief said in despair.

As the countdown approaches, the United States, which was originally expected, has no hope for successful bomb disposal at this moment. It intends to hold a press conference as a representative of mankind to ring the bell of the end of the world.

“Hold a press conference?But..." Jay was taken aback when he heard the news, he just wanted to say something.

At this moment, “District chief!There is news from Captain Ghost!”At this moment, a person next to him shouted.

“what?Finally got in touch?Take it quickly!”The district chief and Jay were shocked when they heard the words.

“Your Excellency Captain Ghost!I am the mayor of District 13, thank you!Thank you so much!”After the communication was connected, the district chief came up with a little excitement and thanked him.

As for what he thanked, the district chief said that there are many. For example, I thank you for not giving up on mankind, and for example, I want to thank you for rushing back to the service area in your busy schedule.……

“Uh, ha ha!Hello, Mr. Mayor!”It's still that familiar metal sound.

“There is not much time left, so I won't be polite. Excuse me, your excellency, that bomb...” The district chief glanced at the countdown and said hurriedly.

“Well, don't worry, we have analyzed the working principle of the bomb!"The first words of the ghost captain shocked everyone.

“So... is there a way to crack it?”After the district chief asked these words, he waited for the answer from the opposite side with tension and expectation!"

“Hehe!Of course...there is!”

“Is this...really?”The surprise came so suddenly, the district chief's voice trembled a little.

“Of course!And it's very simple, it only takes 3 minutes and 47 seconds for you to solve that bomb!”

What?3 minutes and 47 seconds?

Everyone's faces are weird, how can you be accurate to seconds when you dismantle a bomb?Is it a timer?

The district chief was even more excited, “Then... what is the method?”

“Remember the sonic power I made before?”

“Of course I remember!”How can I forget, I'm still dizzy and nauseous!The district chief groaned in his heart.

“Well, that's actually one of my testing methods, and it really allowed me to find the key!"Nie Yun said.

“test?You mean... the method of cracking is related to sound waves?"Jay reacted quickly and was surprised.

“Not bad!Soon after I started attacking the shield, I discovered that there is actually one thing that can penetrate the shield... that is sound waves!Therefore, we don't need to attack the shield to destroy the bomb!”

“Well...indeed!We have also discovered that, unlike electromagnetic waves, sound waves are a kind of mechanical waves, and the force field shield does not interfere with the penetration of sound waves.

But we have tried sound waves of various frequencies. Their lethality is too weak, it is okay for creatures, and it has no effect on this kind of mechanical target at all!”The district chief said suspiciously.

“Hehe!The method you tried is wrong, you need a more tortuous scale and a more penetrating and contagious sense of rhythm!"Nie Yun smiled mysteriously.

A more tortuous scale?

A more penetrating and infectious sense of rhythm?

Everyone's faces were blank. Are you sure we are discussing how to dismantle the bomb?


Ten minutes later, the area where the bomb was placed had been cleared, and the surrounding area was filled with all the audio equipment that could be found in the 13th District.

At this moment, there are still fifteen minutes left in the countdown!

“Everyone pay attention, the PA equipment is turned on and the volume is turned on to the maximum!Play... start!"Following this order from the district chief.

“āáàà!āáàà oh eh!Ah is the younger brother, Ah is the knife, and Ah is the big one with the big knife.


Ah Yi Ya Yi Yo, Ah Yi Ya Yi Yo, my brother can bring one with one with one, he can bring one with one knife, he can bring one with one with one, he can bring one with one knife, Ah Yi Ya Yi Yo...”

District Chief: “......”

Jay: “......”

Everyone: “......”

Strange music echoed throughout the underground area!The huge sound waves make people's eardrums ache.

The length of the song is 3 minutes and 47 seconds, and everyone understands where the Captain Ghost's bomb disposal time, which is accurate to seconds, came from.……

The tension and anxiety caused by the imminent explosion of the bomb seemed to be dispelled by this incompatible song. The entire 13th District was shrouded in a very inexplicable atmosphere, and everyone looked weird.……

Indeed, as Captain Ghost said, it has a tortuous scale and a very penetrating and infectious sense of rhythm.……

But... I always feel that we are like a bunch of fools for doing this.……

“Hey hey!Does this really have an effect?"The district chief endured the blue veins on his forehead.

And regardless of the song that makes it difficult for people to make an evaluation, using music to deal with aliens, is this script correct?

“That's it!Is the truth always hidden in inconspicuous corners?It was so unexpected to me!"Jay looked excited, as if he had a fascinating confidence in Captain Ghost.

“What do you think?”The district chief's eyelids twitched.

“You know, I have heard this song before!In the battle against the f-35 in the Ghost Sea, the ghost in the sky once played this music.

I have specifically studied the airframe of the ghost in the air. As the only fighter unit that Captain Ghost has ever seen in the world, there is no doubt that this is a super drone that is so advanced that it is unimaginable!

Let's treat it as the main mass-produced fighter of Captain Ghost.

Its ultra-high maneuverability, ultra-high flight speed, combat performance, and strong and terrifying automated combat intelligence!Even the f-22 is far from comparable to it!

Then think about it, every inch of such an advanced drone must be so compact and precise that ordinary people can't imagine it!But even waste precious in-flight space to install seemingly almost useless audio amplifier equipment?Why is this?”

“Huh?It's really suspicious for you to say that!After all, this kind of thing is not something you can add if you want. It must be produced after the design is finalized. In other words, in the original design, they added external audio equipment?

However, why on earth is Captain Ghost's fighter equipped with audio?Could it have any effect?”The district chief said suspiciously.

“Hehe!You forgot, the main enemy of Captain Ghost is not humans..." Jay said in a faint voice, listening to the music that seemed to make people fall into it.

“It's not human... do you want to say that this stereo is used to deal with aliens?!”The district chief said in disbelief.

“Why is it impossible?Isn't it a basic military common sense to target different enemies and transform their weapons?

Besides, we don't know anything about aliens and their weapons and equipment at all. Even a bomb from another person can't be completely cracked. How can we know that the opponent's not the kind of inconspicuous thing that we didn't expect at all?”

“You mean...aliens, or their weapons and equipment, will be restrained by music?"The district chief's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

“No, didn't you just listen to Captain Ghost?It's not ordinary music, but this kind of tortuous scale, with a very penetrating and infectious sense of rhythm!I think this piece is likely to contain unique sonic changes, that's the key!

Why this song was released during the battle of the air ghosts is not mentioned for the time being, but if this time, this song can really crack the bomb, then it is really different!

Perhaps... it is not an exaggeration to call it the ‘Divine Comedy’ of mankind!"Jay listened to the music with a look of intoxication, as if listening to the high-pitched horn of humans attacking aliens.

After listening to Jay's analysis, the district chief was stunned for a long time before he recovered, and then suddenly, the unbearable magic sound in his ears seemed to be much smoother, as if it was composed of the gospel from heaven, which began to wash his heart.……

Some staff members next to them looked at the district chief and Jay in surprise. Their expressions of enjoyment were simply out of place with the people around them!

strange?Why did the two of them still have unbearable expressions just now, and they enjoyed it while chatting?

Is there another mystery to this song?Is it actually a kind of late-stage music that is extremely resistant to listening?Everyone couldn't help but ponder the artistic conception patiently.

Not to mention, although it sounds a bit unacceptable at first glance, it really feels a bit enchanted when you listen to it.

Everyone in the room was immersed in a weird state of comprehension……

And almost in a second, as soon as the music ended, the bomb over there began to change drastically in the eyes of everyone's infinite surprise!

“Zizi~" The blue arc penetrated from the inside, crackling on the shell of the bomb, the shield flickered twice and went out directly, and then the electric light became brighter and brighter.……

“Not good!Get down!"Jay saw that the situation was wrong, and after yelling, he directly held down the district chief beside him and threw him down on the spot!"

His voice just fell, "Boom!”With a loud noise, the entire body of the bomb exploded violently, the glass of the observation window was directly shattered, the glass slag splattered, and the huge waves of air made everyone suffocate.

After a long time, when everyone got up in embarrassment from the mess, they found that the bomb was already in a sea of fire!

“I... am I still alive?The bomb was destroyed!It didn't explode!Oh yeah!Saved!Haha!Long live the Divine Comedy!I love the divine song!”……

Everyone found that the crisis was over, and cheers came!

The district chief looked at the disappearing bomb with the rest of his life and disbelief. It seemed that he couldn't accept that just one song would kill the great crisis that could destroy mankind?

Then he turned his head to look at Jay in a daze.“This's over?”

“The facts are in front of you, what an incredible alien, the unfathomable Captain Ghost!"Jay patted the dust on his body and sighed.

“Unexpectedly, the nemesis of aliens turned out to be a song!?This is really... right!I'm going!My bomb!"The district chief was halfway through his emotion, and suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but look at the sea of fire.

“Stop, stop, stop!Don't even howl!Hurry up and rescue the bomb for me!Count as much as you can save!Hurry up!”The district chief shouted bitterly.

Only then did everyone react that this gravity bomb was a precious research object, and they ran to get the fire extinguishing equipment in a panic.

“Looking at this, I guess there is nothing left!"Jay looked at the scene of the explosion and shook his head, and said with some pity.

“Oh...the biggest secrets of the 13th District are all ruined, and it will be even more difficult to get funds in the future..." The district chief looked tangled, and the joy of just surviving suddenly came to naught.

“Ahem!Compared to funding, it is estimated that there is another thing that is more anxious now!"Jay said suddenly.

“Hmm?Excuse me?”The district chief was puzzled.

“Press conference..." Jay reminded faintly.

The district chief slowly opened his eyes wide.

Damn it!That's right!The press conference is being held!The spokesperson of the United States is making a generous statement, ringing the bell of the end of mankind!

Although the current situation is critical and the impact is bad, it can at least end. It's a big deal to play a rascal and say it's a rumor, but if you wait for the press conference to be held,……

The doomsday clock rang, but it didn't come, so……

The doomsday storm that the United States directed and acted from beginning to end will become a complete global joke!

Perhaps the history books of 10,000 years from now will evaluate this incident like this: This is an organized, premeditated, well-planned, and nasty political incident that is seriously anti-social and anti-human. The main persons involved include the Secretary of Defense of the United States and the mayor of the 13th District.……

Thinking about it, the mayor of the district, who was only one step away from the stench for thousands of years, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead.……

TL Note- History is cruel.


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