Super Mothership

Chapter 222 Cut Blue (2 in 1)

(TL:By Rafael,

An airport in London.

“Let me in!You bastards!I am the president of xx Group, I pay millions of euros in taxes every year, and you have an obligation to protect us!”

“Let those dignitaries get out!Their lives are worth money, are ours worthless?”

“Please, I still have children with me...”


Thousands of people who received news through various channels and were sure that the end of the world was coming were crowded to enter the airport. The guards of the guards also looked a little panicked, and the defensive order was gradually collapsing, and even people gradually began to turn around and run into the airport.

At this moment, another plane roared to take off, causing a noise.

As if seeing that his chance of survival was reduced by another point, finally, the increasingly anxious people and the uneasy guards caused a loophole in the line of defense, and the crowd finally flocked into the airport like a thousand miles.

Then the people who poured into the airport rushed to every plane that could be seen in sight, pulling each other and starting to fight, and physical conflicts broke out from time to time, and the airport was suddenly in a mess.……

At this moment, there is no class or status, and wealth and fame are so ridiculous in front of the value of life. The dignitaries who had fled in panic in the plane struggled with bruised noses and swollen faces, begging to be dragged out of the plane.

Almost all aircraft came to a standstill in conflicts and scramble. After losing order, the efficiency of escape dropped sharply, but everyone seemed to be unaware of this, scrambling for the increasingly slim hope.……

At this moment, there is no class or status, and wealth and fame are so ridiculous in front of the value of life. The dignitaries who had fled in panic in the plane struggled with bruised noses and swollen faces, begging to be dragged out of the plane.

Almost all aircraft came to a standstill in conflicts and scramble. After losing order, the efficiency of escape dropped sharply, but everyone seemed to be unaware of this, scrambling for the increasingly slim hope.……

What they don't know is that all the surveillance systems in the airport are doing their best to capture these pictures at this moment.

“Zi!”The camera in a corner turned an angle and pointed at a tall bald man in the chaotic crowd. He had a tattoo on his face. At this moment, he was violently punching down a guard, pulling out his baton and smashing it horizontally, rushing out of a gap among the more than a dozen people in front of him, and then panting for breath, blood-red eyes ran forward.……

The brain quickly scanned the man's facial features, compared with the citizen database of the London administrative system, and established a personal profile of the man.

“Drop!Name: xxx, initial camp judgment: Chaos!Personnel code: h0000101.”

“Zi!”The camera turned slightly and pointed again at a crowd of people not far away. A middle-aged woman was pushed by the crowd and fell to the ground. She sprained her foot and couldn't stand up. She couldn't help but scream for help while avoiding the crowd in horror. .

However, in such a chaotic situation, where can people take care of others and turn a deaf ear to her cry for help!

At this moment, a pair of powerful hands stretched out from the crowd, grabbed the woman's shoulders, pulled her out of the crowd, and dragged her to the corner next to her.

“Are you okay?”A typical Asian man's face appeared in front of the woman.

“Thank you!Thank you sir!"The woman couldn't help thanking again and again gratefully.

“Drop!Name: xxx, initial camp judgment: Kind!Personnel code: s0000041.”


Asia, Africa, America……

Similar scenes are staged in various places around the world. They observe the various states of the world through the ubiquitous modern electronic network, collecting information about certain special people and classifying them.

And on the Seawolf.

“Report to the captain, the scheduled goal has been achieved, and a total of 10,000 people have been screened. In addition, the large-scale disaster documentary "The End of Mankind (Part 1)’ has been recorded!"The code name reports to Nie Yun.

“Hmm!Very good, then I announce that the exercise..." Nie Yun smiled with satisfaction, and then just wanted to announce the end of the exercise.

“Didi!"His communicator rang suddenly, and Nie Yun took a look, it was Chu Xiaoxiao!"

“Uh..." Nie Yun was taken aback for a moment, then his forehead began to sweat.

He suddenly remembered that he had just told Chu Xiaoxiao that the bomb was just the main line of the game “Endless World”. As a result, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. He just went to dismantle a bomb. It was completely a clever move, so he took advantage of the situation to direct a “doomsday exercise”.

He completely ignored it. If Chu Xiaoxiao heard the news and compared the keyword “bomb” with the countdown time that matched so seamlessly, then how would she “Long Yan be furious”?……

Nie Yun's mind turned a thousand times in an instant, then he sighed helplessly and answered the call!

"Hello!"Nie Yun's tone was a bit heavy.

“...Nie Yun, about that bomb... is there anything else you want to say to me!?"After a period of silence, Chu Xiaoxiao asked this question unsurprisingly.

"Ugh!Do you know?"Nie Yun sighed.

“It should be said that the whole world knows!Do you still want to keep it from me when you make such a big noise?"Chu Xiaoxiao's tone was slightly sad.

She didn't blame Nie Yun for hiding it from her. From the first time they met, Chu Xiaoxiao knew that Nie Yun's body was full of countless secrets!Secrets that could not be solved one by one shrouded Nie Yun in a layer of mist. Often the previous secret had not been solved, and another bigger secret followed.

For this kind of concealment, she had never blamed Nie Yun before. In her eyes, Nie Yun was a member of a super secret organization after all.

She thought that perhaps these confidential things could not be leaked by Nie Yun because of the organization's regulations, or that Nie Yun concealed it for her safety reasons, but it was actually a kind of protection.

But now... the bomb will explode soon!Mankind is about to be destroyed, can't you confess to yourself?

“Forget it, it's not important to say this now... Nie Yun, the bomb is about to explode, where are you?Is it safe?"Before Nie Yun answered, Chu Xiaoxiao had already asked again with concern.

Nie Yun was a little moved when he heard this. Chu Xiaoxiao's generosity was beyond his expectation. At this time, he felt a little guilty about concealing Chu Xiaoxiao.

But... if she confesses everything, then she is bound to tell her the truth that she is the ghost captain, and then Nie Yun makes up for the next conversation between the curious baby Chu Xiaoxiao and the honest little Langjun Nie Yun.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Wow!So you are the ghost captain, so where did those super technologies come from?

Nie Yun: Well... Actually, I got a magical mechanical worm that can Barabala.……

Chu Xiaoxiao: Wow, the mechanical worm is so cute and great!So how do you control them?

Nie Yun: This...are you sure you want to know?

Chu Xiaoxiao: Of course!Tell me quickly!

Nie Yun: Okay... Look, this is the secret of my control of them!

Then Nie Yun activated his transformation skills!

Chu Xiaoxiao:……


So, according to the above script, in the end Nie Yun must tell her a cruel truth, that is, your boyfriend is actually a "robot" or...“bug man"?

Although Nie Yun can maintain all the characteristics of creatures in an ordinary state, just like ordinary people, God knows how Chu Xiaoxiao will react when he hears it!

Do you know how Xu Xian died?Well, that's right, I was scared to death by my own wife!

A lesson from the past, a teacher of the future!

Whether it's scared dumb or scared away, it's not what Nie Yun wants to see!It was precisely because Chu Xiaoxiao's reaction was not expected that Nie Yun reluctantly chose to conceal it, was a bit selfish.

But he had to admit that he did like Chu Xiaoxiao very much!

I like her purity and kindness. Although some young ladies have a temper and are not good at expressing feelings, they always treat each other sincerely.

In retrospect, they were originally two people from different worlds. They had an intersection because of their father. They had experienced the pride and prejudice when they first met. They also met again because of the coincidental hero saving Beauty, and then there was a series of happy daily life.……

Unconsciously, the two of them have a tacit understanding of getting along with each other, and the heart that sprouted for the first time, or call it...“First love”!

In fact, during the period when Nie Yun merged with the mechanical worm, although his body had evolved and his life form had been sublimated, his human emotions were fading!

The perfect fusion of mechanical insects is not a simple matter. There are too many unknowns and dangers in the process. Before Nie Yun fully merges, he still doesn't understand what kind of “thing” he will become.

In the early stage of the fusion of mechanical insects, whenever Nie Yun used the abilities of mechanical insects with all his strength, he found that he would enter a cold and ruthless state, the feelings of creatures were suppressed to the limit, the whole person is like a machine, efficient and precise, but there is no trace of anger.

At that time, he shot and killed the second son of "Desperate Sanlang”. He killed for the first time, but he hardly felt anything strange.In the later yacht incident, Nie Yun even killed those mercenaries into a river of blood, and he didn't even frown.

Originally, Nie Yun felt that he was ruthless, but later he realized that this might be somewhat affected by the mechanical worm.Maybe under normal circumstances, he will kill and kill, becoming more and more indifferent to life.……

And since when did he have a beautiful shadow in his heart that even the full use of mechanical insects could not erase?

Perhaps it was the night Chu Xiaoxiao was rescued from an uninhabited island, watching her beautiful side face when she hugged her knees under the stars and said to herself, “I'm going, I'm on the incense stick.”……

With the resentment of being abandoned, the kind Chu Xiaoxiao still chose to forgive her father. Perhaps since then, Chu Xiaoxiao has occupied a place in her heart, making herself think of it from time to time and worry about it.……

And it seems that because of such an indestructible feeling in his heart, the influence of the mechanical worm on Nie Yun miraculously began to subside!

In a sense, maybe it was Chu Xiaoxiao who saved Nie Yun. Her weight in Nie Yun's heart was far higher than she had imagined!

It is precisely because of this that Nie Yun can spare no effort to help Chu, and even carefully maintain this relationship by concealment.……

Nie Yun hesitated for a while, and finally decided to confess something to Chu Xiaoxiao a little bit, as for the truth.……

"Ugh!In long can you hide it for as long as you can..." The innocent young man Nie Yun sighed in his heart.

“Xiaoxiao, I'm hiding something from you. I really have a last resort...” Nie Yun admitted for the first time that he was hiding something from Chu Xiaoxiao.

Just this sentence made Chu Xiaoxiao's previous grievances disappear.

“But taking this opportunity today, let me tell you some facts... You should probably have guessed it, about my organization and Captain Ghost...” Nie Yun carefully considered his words.

Chu Xiaoxiao secretly said in her heart when she heard this, sure enough!

“So... is the organization behind you really the mysterious ghost captain?So... the move against the Dayao Group is for...”

“That's right!It's for you!"Nie Yun replied without hesitation!

It was natural for him to kill the mercenaries hired by the Riyao Group and want to grab his “fleet”, so he left the matter of his anger behind!

“Nie Yun”" Chu Xiaoxiao was really moved in a mess!

“Xiaoxiao, I confess to you today. In fact, I am worried that if I don't say it now, I may never have a chance to say it again...”

“Nie Yun!Where are you now?Captain Ghost is so powerful, didn't you go to take refuge?!"Chu Xiaoxiao was taken aback when she heard the words, and couldn't help but say in a hurry.

“To tell you the truth, I just flew to the United States after I left. Only I can dismantle this kind of bomb!So... I'm right next to the bomb now!”

“what?!How do you get up to this kind of thing like bomb disposal!Since it can't be demolished, why don't you leave there yet!Go, you idiot!"Chu Xiaoxiao was anxious.

In her mind, the news of the bomb explosion had spread all over the world, and Nie Yun must have been helpless.

"Ugh!The power of this bomb is beyond everyone's imagination. Ordinary means can't defend it at all. I can go, but what do you do, how can I leave you alone!"Nie Yun took the opportunity to earn points.

“You... you fool!"Chu Xiaoxiao had tears in her eyes, and she was really caught!"

“But you don't have to worry too much, the bomb is not bound to explode, my bomb disposal has entered the final step!For example, what is in front of me now is a red line and a blue line. As long as I cut it right, the bomb will not explode. If I cut it wrong..." Tasting the sweetness of good intentions and lies, Nie Yun began to go further and further on this road of no return”……

“what?!"Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned when she heard the words, and then hope rose in her heart.

A 50% probability is better than waiting to die!

“Then...have you chosen yet?"Chu Xiaoxiao said nervously.

“The probability is the same, so I think...let you choose!I choose to believe you!”

“Huh?!"Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened in amazement.

“Goo!”She swallowed and spit, is there any mistake!"I just made a phone call and wanted to talk to my boyfriend about personal feelings, it's really personal!

But you suddenly put the choice of “survival” or “destruction” in the world into my hands, and I have no mental preparation at all!

“Choose, Xiaoxiao, if I am still alive by then, I will decide to go home and marry you!"Nie Yun started to put up a flag for himself.

"Puff!Hey, are you of legal marriage age!"Chu Xiaoxiao was immediately amused by Nie Yun.

She took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that Nie Yun was with her, as if there was no fear in her heart.

“Cut the blue!"Chu Xiaoxiao said resolutely!

“Blue?Why?"Nie Yun asked curiously.

“Idiot!"Chu Xiaoxiao didn't answer, but blushed as if ashamed and angry.

“Uh... idiot?"Nie Yun scratched his head for unknown reasons.“Well, now that you have chosen it!Then I cut it!”

“Hmm!Chu Xiaoxiao nodded heavily.

Ten seconds...twenty seconds...thirty seconds……

“Nie...Nie Yun?Did you cut it?"Chu Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.

“Huh... Xiaoxiao, congratulations, you saved the world!"Nie Yun said with a smile.

Chu Xiaoxiao: “......”

TL Note- Reminds me of the movie 2012.


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