Evil Avalon

Chapter 48-My relationship with her


(Sponsor- Krazey)

(TL:By Rafael)

I hurriedly downed the bread I was about to eat with milk, changed into my gym clothes, and walked quickly to the arena #3, the meeting place for the sword-fighting class.


 What a mess. I've got a physical class coming up, and I'm exhausted because of the sudden call.


...... However, today's sword-fighting class will not be as strenuous as the first class, and if you're paired up with the relaxed Nitta-san, you won't be exhausted by mistake. In fact, it was sure to be a cackling practice, and I couldn't wait for it.




 While remonstrating against my unconscious skipping, I arrived at the arena #3, which was built with thick outer walls. The inside was dazzlingly white with intense lighting.


 This arena is the third largest of the four, but it has a high ceiling and is about the size of the high school gymnasium I attended in the original world. Naturally, the entire area is within the magic field. The floor and walls are covered with impact-resistant tiles, so you can train to strengthen your body.

"Are there any students you haven't paired up  yet?"


 Murai-sensei, the homeroom teacher, walks in and checks the list. She said that if there were no pairs, she would pair them up herself. That seemed like more of a punishment game to me.


 And why is the homeroom teacher in charge of the physical education class? In other words, she's a Class A graduate of this adventurer's school. She has a higher level of experience than most adventurers, and is capable of teaching. I'm tempted to do a quick appraisal to see how strong she is, but I'll stop now.


 In the back of the teacher are several instructors and a handsome Priest teacher. We can receive not only first aid but also regeneration magic for free, so one can rest assured incase something happens to one.


 Each of my classmates was given a black protector to wear over their entire body and a hard rubber sword, and we listened to the homeroom teacher's explanation as we put them on. We were going to have a sword-fighting ground training session.


 As the name suggests, sword-fighting is a martial art that uses swords, but it differs from kendo in that it focuses on fighting monsters rather than people. Monsters have different weaknesses, different sizes, and different ways of attacking, so how to get around them is very different from how you do with people.


 The weapons used in sword fights are usually a jumble of one-handed swords, large swords, swords, daggers, etc. There is no uniformity. How to get in between weapons and opponents is also different, so a hit-and-away style is basically preferred.


 However, in today's sword-fighting class, there was no such thing as hit and away, only swords made of light rubber. The main focus of the class is on ground training, where we pair up and hit each other head-on, similar to kendo. If there was anything that needed to be improved, the instructor would give guidance.


 Although it is common to pair up with a partner of about the same level, this E class has been in the dungeon for less than two months, so there is not much of a difference in level, and it doesn't seem to matter who you pair up with .......


 This time, Nitta-san, who was to be paired with me, wanted to be an archer and her main weapon was a bow. She seems to have never used a melee weapon before, so I wonder if it would be better if we fought with our hands down so as not to be noticed. When I looked at her, she whispered, "Nice to meet you♪" and gave me a small wave. No, no, no, it's my pleasure♪


 On the other hand, Omiya-san is paired with Kuga-san. The petite Omiya-san, who wanted to be a wizard, and the slender Kuga-san. The difference in the jobs they want to do, the difference in their physiques, and the difference in their experience can be a good learning experience for them, so I want them to do their best, but the important thing is that Kuga-san doesn't seem to be very motivated. She had a languid look in his eyes.

"Let's begin."


 The classmates were probing each other. Most of the classmates are trying to be adventurers, and most of them are trying to be serious. Some of them, like Kaworu, had experience in kendo, and here and there a few of them were holding magnificent stances.


 As for me. The difference in level between me and Nitta-san is not checked, but it must be huge. And I don't know how far I can go against a girl who is so soft and gentle. I think I'll attack first.


 "I'm a little confident in my swordsmanship~" 
Nitta-san put her hands lightly on her hips and showed off her large chest as if to show off her confidence. I wondered if she had practiced kendo before, since she said she was confident in her swordsmanship. However, no matter how skilled you are with a sword, there is a difference in level in the magic field. There's nothing she can do.

(You seem confident, but you have to be careful not to arrogant.)


 The way she brushes her hair adorably and slowly pulls out her sword from her waist makes me smile. Not so alarmed, I took a closer look at Nitta-san's stance.


 Her center of gravity was lowered, the sword in her right hand was in front of her, and her left hand was drawn back as if she was using magic. It was a stance often taken by magic swordsmen. This is not a stance that an E class student with limited dungeon experience would take.

(No, that's not it.)


 But there's something else that sets off alarm bells in my head.


This is a style of sword fighting where the tip of the sword wavers in time with your breathing, and you make small feints to keep your opponent from seeing your initial move.


 Suddenly, I felt a strong sense of déjà vu, and the image of "that guy" who came chasing after me to kill me in the game days flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning.

"Hey. Narumi Sota-kun..."


 Nitta-san, who was looking into my eyes from the front, was looking for my reaction. The soft smile that should have been exactly the same as before began to look like the face of the devil.

"-Maybe. Evil-Kun ... would be better~?"

(Fu*k...... seriously? ......)


 The area around the girl in front of me shakes violently, and I have the illusion that an unidentifiable air is flowing out of me. Before I knew it, my heart was beating loudly and I couldn't help but swallow my saliva due to nervousness.

"The reaction is after all him! You are him  right, I thought so ~"


 Even though we were in the middle of a sword fight, Nitta-san jumped up and down in a cute way to express her joy. As for me, I feel like I'm going to end up depressed. I had assumed that there might be some players in this world, but of all people, this person?

"The last time we faced each other was during the Castlevania. That time, a lot of our team members were killed."

"Yeah, it was like that ....... I was killed then, too."


 Until we came to this world, Nitta-san and I were "rivals who competed with each other in battle." To be exact.


 I was a PK (*1) and Nitta-san was a PKK (*2).


 "Dun-Ex uses a PK system that allows you to attack and kill players,  I started the game for the thrill of it and decided to become a PK, picking fights with various players, killing them, or getting beaten back.


 However, if you kill a player, you'll be wanted, and you won't be able to enter the strongholds that players use, such as Obaba's store on the 10th floor, for a certain period of time.


 If you continue to PK while wanted, the Adventurer's Guild will put a large bounty on your head, and you will be judged to be a "permanent PKer. No matter how much good you do, you will never be able to get back to normal, and the PKK will start hunting you for the bounty, and you will be forced to fight them endlessly.


 Also, if you die or are killed while PKing, you will lose a lot of levels, all your equipment and items, and you will also be given a disgraceful title. In my case, I was called a "disaster scoundrel," or "disaster evil" for short.


 The only people who can continue to PK are either thrill-seekers like me or eccentrics.


Thus, it was inevitable that a connection would be made between me, a PK, and Nitta-san, the leader of the PKK clan, who had formed a clan to pursue and defeat such a PK. We chased and were chased, fought, attacked, and killed each other many times.


 That's how it was in the most recent game situation before she and I came to this world.


 I observe the girl in front of me.


 With a jet-black full plate and a huge aura, he wields a magical sword with his free swordplay and chases me around with his crazy energy.She's a far cry from the image of a dark knight,......, as she is now a sissy-type girl with cute sports glasses.

"Um, are you a custom character?"

"Yeah, I'm real. But Narumi-kun isn't."


 Yes. When I chose the "custom character" option, I was reincarnated as Butao, the character from the game. I can't tell you how many times I regretted my choice at that time. Now that I seem to be able to successfully lose weight and get along well with my family, I don't have any problems.


 On the other hand, Mr. Nitta said that when she chose the "custom character" option, instead of making up her character, she became her real self without question. I thought her real self was a huge wrestler-type girl with a vicious face, but she was so cute.

"So....... How did you know who I was?"

I now possesses a 《Fake》, which I recently acquired. I'm not sure if they did a quick appraisal so that I wouldn't notice. I don't know how to do that.

"I wasn't sure but the deciding factor was your reaction when you saw the Pendulum."


 The Pendulum is a style of swordsmanship that allows the user to move the tip of the sword in subtle ways when facing each other, timing attacks and feinting. Nitta-san's PKK clan is a devilish group of swordsmen who specialize in duels, using real swordsmanship and military-like discipline and tactics in their battles.


 Rumor has it that she himself taught sword fighting to the members of the clan, raising the level of strength of all clan members, but I wonder if this is true.


 The current Mr. Nitta doesn't have a huge amount of aura or a lot of swordsmanship skills like she did in the game. However, as a PK who has crossed swords countless times and been killed countless times, I can't help but be wary of her.


Nitta-san smiled lightly and looked into my face again with eyes that looked as if they were lit with a suspicious fire. It reminds me of the gesture she made when she was a dark knight.




 Hey, you're not trying to kill me, are you? ......

(*1) PK

Abbreviation for Player Killer. (*1) Abbreviation for "PK Player Killer." A player who intentionally attacks regular players for the purpose of stealing their gold or items. They are usually considered evil, and are feared and hated by players.

(*2) PKK

Abbreviation for Player Killer Killer, a player or organization that specializes in attacking and defeating PKs. The act of killing a player itself is no different from PKing, but PKKs are often welcomed by players who want to kill PKs.

TL Note-.........We have found our second player and even I was more suspicious of the hero or someone from class D and I overlooked Nitta.....R.I.P for Sota in the comments down below.


  1. Dang. And I told my friend that she was too obvious to be a player. I thought it was bait.

  2. Nah,i'll still ship sota x nitta

  3. Bruh, why there has to be another player, i think im gonna drop it


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