The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 372: Between life and death

(TL:By Rafael,

"I have a lot I want to talk about, but first, I want to heal from the fatigue of battle.

With that in mind, I returned to the inn to rest, but...


When I heard that Iris had been found gravely injured, I rushed down to the first floor of the inn.

Iris, her chest soaked in blood, was lying on a table. Next to her were Sora and Luna, who were using healing magic.

"Iris! Are you okay? Iris!"

"Rain, calm down. I understand how you feel, but if you lose control, you won't see what you need to see."

"Damn... sorry."

Tania's words helped me regain some composure. Then, I asked Sora and Luna.

"How bad are Iris's injuries...?"

"To be blunt, it's really bad."

"We've healed the wounds. But she still hasn't woken up. Little by little, her life force is also weakening... There's a possibility that her soul might have been damaged."

Sora and Luna both wore grim expressions.

Iris was still covered in blood, but there were no visible wounds. The two must have healed them. However, her eyes remained closed, and her chest rose and fell at an incredibly slow pace.

"Damn it... how did this happen!?"

"Meow... Do you think it was that woman, Monica?"

"I wonder. She has considerable power when it comes to creating illusions, but I doubt that's enough to do this to Iris..."

"Maybe she's hiding a power we don't know about, or perhaps someone else is involved. That's probably the more likely scenario."

"Yeah, we should be careful. There's a chance we're being targeted too."

Kanade looked at me with concern.

"Meow... Rain, are you okay? You look terrible. You're probably still exhausted from the battle, so maybe you should rest for a bit..."

"...No, I'm fine."


"Yeah, I’m tired, but I can’t just rest in a situation like this. But thanks for worrying, Kanade."

I forced a smile and patted Kanade’s head.

It's times like this...

It's precisely times like this when I need to stay calm. Without panicking, I need to carefully figure out what needs to be done.

I took a deep breath.


I managed to calm down, if only a little. What do I need to do now?

Two things.

Ensure everyone's safety.

And find a way to save Iris.

"Wait for me just a bit."

I stepped outside the inn and summoned a dog and a bird. They were assigned to keep watch over the area. It would be tough for anyone to get past both an aerial and ground surveillance network.

However, the enemy had gotten through Iris's defenses. It was highly likely they used some sort of trick. Maybe a special ability possessed by higher beings, or perhaps a magical tool.

Considering it’s unlikely that someone of Iris’s own kind would attack her, the latter seems more probable.

"Ah, found it."

I located a Reactor Ant, which can sense magical flows. These creatures tend to breed almost anywhere.

I immediately put it to work to add to the surveillance. If a magical tool is involved, this should help detect it.

It’s not perfect, but...

I’ve done everything I can. I returned to the inn.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"What were you doing?"

"I was setting up a perimeter watch. We can't rule out the possibility of another attack."

I explained about the surveillance network using the dog, bird, and Reactor Ants. Hearing this, Rifa moved toward the inn’s entrance.

"I'll help too."

Rifa bit her finger, causing blood to flow. From the swelling blood, two wolves emerged.

"These ones are quite skilled. Let them join the watch."

"Yeah, that’s a big help. With your power, Rifa, it’s like having a hundred people."

With such an extensive surveillance network in place, the enemy would find it difficult to make a move. While we couldn’t let our guard down, at least for now, I could focus on Iris's problem.

"Sora, Luna. How’s Iris doing?"

"Ugh... I'm sorry. We're doing our best with healing magic, but..."

"It seems more and more likely that her soul has been damaged. At this point, just maintaining her condition is the best we can do. Recovery... is difficult."

"I see..."

It seems like they’ve run out of options. Sora and Luna looked frustrated.

But I didn’t want to give up here. There was a chance I could reconcile with Iris. She might have smiled like an ordinary girl.

And yet... to think it’s all over already...

I can’t accept that!

There has to be some way...

"...I know a way to save Iris."


Alpha, who was supposed to be resting on the second floor, came down. She should have been in terrible condition after the backlash from her demonic transformation. In fact, she was stumbling...

If Kanade hadn’t rushed over, she might have collapsed right there.

"You need to be resting..."

"No... In the end, it’s my fault that Iris was hurt. I must take responsibility. If there’s something I can do, I will do anything."

Alpha had a very determined look on her face. It was clear she had resolved to take responsibility for her actions, head-on.

I need any information I can get to save Iris right now. And I can’t stand in the way of Alpha’s resolve.

"...What is this method you’re thinking of?"

"We can borrow the power of the strongest beings."

"The strongest beings...?"

"I’ve heard there’s a being on the northern continent who has the power to heal any wound, and can even bring the dead back to life."

TL Note- I have finished my exams......5 exams in 3 days......


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