The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 377: Northern Continent

(TL:By Rafael,

"『We've arrived!』"

After passing through the Spirit Tribe's village and using the teleportation gate, we arrived at the Northern Continent.

The sight before us was...

"Meow... it's kind of more ordinary than I expected."

As Kanade said, it was indeed ordinary.

A gentle plain stretched out before us. In the distance to the left, a forest was visible. Beyond that, a small mountain.

To the right, a fairly wide river flowed. It extended far into the distance, and from here, it was impossible to tell where its source was.

There wasn't anything like a well-maintained road, of course... but there was nothing noteworthy about the scenery. It was all very ordinary.

"As Kanade said, it's just normal... I was imagining something more ominous," Chiffon chimed in.

"Yeah, totally! Like, trees much bigger than me packed together, strange flowers blooming everywhere, or birds screeching in weird ways," Kanade added.

Chiffon and Kanade were discussing their impressions of the Northern Continent.

To be honest, I had similar thoughts myself. After all, this was supposed to be an unexplored land...

Maybe it’s because I had the impression that "unexplored" meant a dangerous place, so I imagined nothing but terrifying scenes. But in reality, it didn’t seem to be that way... I felt somewhat relieved, though also a little let down.

"I understand what you’re saying, but just because it’s unexplored for humans doesn’t mean it’s uninhabited. The strongest species live here, after all. Naturally, they’d cultivate the land to make it livable," Al pointed out.

Al was right.

"However, don’t let your guard down. Even if it looks ordinary, no one knows what lurks beneath the surface. You could mistake something for a harmless rabbit, but it could turn out to be a terrible monster. Proceed with caution."


"Well then, I shall return to Krios. I’m sorry I can’t accompany you further, but take care, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am!" we all replied in unison.

Seeing our response, Al smiled with satisfaction and vanished into the teleportation gate.

"Alright then... it's time to begin our exploration of the Northern Continent."

"Mm... I'll... do my best," Nina said, clenching her small fists to show her determination.

She must be worried about Iris. It was a level of motivation I hadn’t seen in her before. What a kind-hearted girl.


I couldn’t help but give her a gentle pat on the head, which made Nina blush. But soon, she wore a content expression and leaned into my hand, offering her head for more.

"Meow... grr..." came Kanade and Rifa's envious glares.

They probably wanted to say that this wasn’t the time for such things. And they were right, so I stopped petting her and unfolded the map.

"Rain, what should we do next?"

"Let's see..."

The map we got from Rezona was roughly sketched with the Northern Continent’s terrain. This area was coastline, beyond this was a mountain, and over here was a forest...

However, there was no information on where the strongest species we were looking for might be. So, we'd have to deduce their location from the terrain.

"Logically, it would be here or here, right?"

There were plains in the northeast and northwest of the Northern Continent. The rest was covered by forests or cliffs, making it unsuitable for peaceful living.


"It’s also possible that they might prefer living in the forest."

As Rifa said.

For example, the Spirit Tribe makes the forest their home... and although I don’t know for sure, there might be strongest species that live on steep cliffs. 

To take it further, there could even be strongest species that live underwater.

The thing about the strongest species is that human logic doesn’t apply to them. It wouldn’t be strange if there were some that lived inside a volcano.

When you think about that, it’s hard to know exactly where to start searching.

"...For now, let’s head to the plains in the northeast and northwest. Our common sense may not apply here, but logically, those areas seem like the most likely places to live. Even if we don’t find them, we might still gather some clues. Since we don’t have other options, this seems like the best plan... what do you all think?"

"Yeah, I think Rain’s right. Meow!" 

"I agree with Kanade."

"I... also think it's good."

"I’m on board too."

"Alright, it’s decided."

We unanimously agreed to aim for the plains. The plains in the northeast were a little closer, so we decided to head there first.

"Shall we set off?"


With a lively nod, Kanade easily hoisted a large pack filled with food, water, and other supplies. I felt a bit bad about making a girl carry such a large load, but...

The truth is, Kanade is the strongest among us when it comes to physical strength.

Because of my contract with Kanade, I’m fairly strong too, but I still can’t compare to the power of a strongest species.

I grabbed a slightly smaller pack than Kanade’s.

Chiffon also carried a similar pack. Impressive strength for a hero, especially since she doesn’t have a contract with a strongest species.


Suddenly, Chiffon looked over at me.

"Rain, were you just thinking something rude?"

"Huh? No, not at all..."

"Like, ‘Wow, for a girl, she’s super strong’?"

"...Yeah, I thought that."

"That's a no-go. That’s not a compliment, you know."

"Uh... sorry about that."

Girls... they’re tough to figure out.


After walking for a bit, we spotted a wolf. It didn’t seem hostile and didn’t try to attack us. In fact, it seemed curious and trotted over.

"This is perfect. Let me borrow your strength for a bit."

I tried to tame the wolf to help guide us, but...

"Huh... I can’t form a temporary contract!?"

What in the world is happening? The spell for forming a temporary contract was getting repelled.

TL Note- Did he lose his power or something else?


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