The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 347 Dialogue Part 1

(TL:By Rafael,

We made a temporary contract with a few stray dogs and had them search the town, using the scent of Alpha-san on Iris's body as a guide...

"...They couldn't find anything, huh."


In front of us were dogs whining in distress. They couldn't find the target and had come back.

"There, there. Thanks for trying. Here's your reward."

I patted the dogs' heads and handed them the bone-in meat I had bought beforehand. They looked as if asking, "Is it really okay?" but then they happily took the meat and ran off.

"Even though they failed, you're giving them a reward?"

"They did the job. I wouldn't be so cruel as to give them nothing just because they failed."

"So, what will you do now? Will you try using wild birds next?"

"Wild birds have good eyesight, but their noses aren't as keen as dogs'. I'm not sure we can expect good results from that."

"Then, do you have any other ideas?"

"Well, let me think..."

It seemed that the methods we had used so far wouldn't help us find Alpha-san. We'd need to try something different, some unconventional approach.

In that case...

"...Alright, let's give it a try."

"The way you so easily come up with the next plan, Rain-sama, is truly extraordinary..."

Iris said, half in amazement and half in admiration, but I don't think I'm anything extraordinary. There's only so much I can do alone...

I'm always borrowing someone else's strength.

That's all there is to it.

So, without arrogance or conceit...

I think I need to continue to face everyone sincerely.


"Alright, all set. Sorry to ask again, but I need your help."

I made another temporary contract with the dogs from earlier. The dogs didn't seem to mind; rather, they wagged their tails enthusiastically, as if determined to redeem themselves.

"You're using the dogs again? But they failed once already..."

"This time, I'm changing the method. Instead of looking for Alpha-san directly, we're going to track her footprints."


"The dream is enveloping all of Kagune. I don't think Alpha-san can control such a vast area remotely, so she must be somewhere in this town. So far, so good?"

"Yes, no objections."

"Of course, she's hiding to avoid being found. But she can't stay hidden forever. She needs to come out to buy food and other necessities, which means she has to interact with someone at some point. While there are people who live completely self-sufficiently without any contact with the outside world... I don't think she has the luxury to maintain the dream and live like that. Therefore..."

"I see. So, we're going to track Alpha-san's footprints that she inevitably leaves when she goes out?"


It might be a bit roundabout, but this should help us find Alpha-san. We'll have the dogs work hard again to track the footprints.

We started by heading to the bustling downtown area where various shops line the streets. The dogs led us to a small restaurant on the outskirts. From there, we continued to follow the footprints...

However, when we reached the edge of town, the dogs got confused again. They wandered back and forth, whining in confusion. It seemed they couldn't follow the scent any further.

"This isn't a place where the scent would naturally fade, like near a river. So, that means..."

"A barrier... perhaps?"

"That's probably it."

No wonder the dogs failed twice. I should have considered the possibility of a barrier... I might have been too distracted and missed such a detail because everyone is caught up in the dream. I need to stay calm and composed.

Telling myself this, I gave the dogs their reward and sent them off.

"From here on, we'll need to search on our own."

"Fortunately, we got this far. Now, if we can do something about the barrier..."

"Iris, can you break a barrier?"

"If it's a defensive barrier used in combat, I can break through with brute force... but if it's an illusionary barrier that distorts the surroundings, it might be difficult. If you don't mind me bombing the entire area, I could blow it away..."

"No, that's not an option."

"Yes, I figured you would say that."

Tania, too, tends to think violently. Are all the strongest species like this? Is it because they are a warrior race?

"Well, we don't need to forcefully break the barrier."

"And what do you suggest?"

"We've identified the store that Alpha-san likely visits. It might take time, but we can stake out the place and wait for her."

"Indeed. That sounds reasonable."

With Iris agreeing, we returned to the downtown area and staked out near the small restaurant. Hiding in the shadows, we waited for Alpha-san.

"She's not showing up."

"We've only just started the stakeout. Let's be patient."

"I dislike such monotonous tasks..."

"Well, it seems we won't have to wait long."

A woman appeared. She had a single horn growing from her forehead, and her hair was parted around it, flowing down her shoulders. Despite her modest demeanor, she was incredibly beautiful. Anyone who saw her would be captivated.

She wore a wide, loose-fitting garment. Was it clothing? It was unlike anything I'd seen before... Ah, it must be the traditional clothing of Kagune.

The woman walked straight toward us. She stopped in front of us, bowed slightly, and gave a gentle smile.


"Ah, hello..."

Her normal demeanor caught me off guard, and I reflexively returned the greeting. However, Iris was glaring sternly.

"Good day, Alpha-san."

Iris's voice was tinged with thorns. So, this is Alpha-san...

I immediately understood, but I couldn't hide my surprise at how easily she showed herself.

Sensing my confusion, Alpha-san spoke.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to hide. I was concentrating on maintaining the barrier earlier, which naturally repelled people and animals. I apologize."

"Um... so, you admit that you're the one creating this situation?"

"Yes, that's correct."

She admitted it so easily. Normally, in such situations, people deny or play dumb, right? And yet, Alpha-san didn't exude any malice.

She's different from any opponent I've faced before in many ways. This could be dangerous in its own way. I steeled myself and continued the conversation.

"I have many questions. Is that alright?"

"Yes, of course. I revealed myself because I wanted to talk to you."

"To talk to us? For what purpose?"

"You have awakened from my dream. I want to know why you did that. Why do you choose to walk through a harsh reality? And if possible, I'd like you to accept my dream again."

That's practically a declaration of hostility... But even now, I don't feel any hostility or malice from her. Instead, I sense care and kindness towards us.

She must believe that her actions are absolutely right... Otherwise, I can't explain this attitude.


Alpha-san looked troubled. She glanced at me a few times, hesitating... Ah, I see.

"Sorry. I haven't introduced myself."

No matter the opponent, basic courtesy is necessary.

"I'm Rain Shroud, an adventurer."

"Thank you. I'm Alpha, an Oni of the Dream-Oni species. And... the guide to happy dreams."

TL Note- Happy dreams or Nightmare?


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