Evil Avalon

Chapter 138 Deities

(TL:By Rafael,valhallatls.blogspot.com)

"--So. How did you feel seeing him up close?"

In a spacious, dimly lit room of a luxurious mansion, a woman in a dress sat comfortably in a luxurious chair, asking in a calm and composed voice. She was adorned with large jewels on her hair, ears, and fingers, but even those did not outshine her radiant beauty.

The woman's name was Haruka Mikami. A few years ago, she inherited the title of Count from her father, who was the Minister of the Army, and now she leads the intelligence unit "Kunoichi Red" that was her pawn. Currently, she is a formidable woman wielding her influence broadly in the political, entertainment, and adventurer worlds.

Standing upright opposite her was a girl with glossy light green hair. Although her distinct features still held a youthful appearance, there was no doubt that in a few years, she would grow into a beauty rivaling Mikami. The girl was Kirara Kusunoki, Mikami's niece and a student at the adventurer school.

The questioned girl, looking directly at Mikami with a slightly tense expression, answered.

"...It was indeed a bizarre and astonishing battle. I could confirm several powerful concealment skills I've never seen before, but he is likely still hiding his true power. Even if our Narumi Souta were to face him, I don't think there's any certainty of defeating him."

"Indeed. From what I observed, his abilities are on par with the renowned members of top-tier strategy clans. With the addition of his concealment skills... it would be fair to rank him among the top domestic adventurers."

On the wall, a masked man and an angelic woman clashing swords were projected in slow motion. The exchange of high-speed slashes was so fast that even a high-speed camera would blur. Despite the speed, each swing of the sword seemed to involve a sophisticated strategic maneuver, like a high-level chess game. It was truly a "death match between masters."

Mikami fast-forwarded the scene several times with a remote control, revealing next a monstrous golem over 5 meters tall. The arena and the image shook with each of its jumps due to its immense weight. Kirara added her honest impression that it was an incredibly extraordinary battle, one hard to believe as a fight between adventurers.

"I honestly can't gauge the danger of Narumi Souta. It would be convenient if we could entice him, but... if we can't bring him under control, we should consider other indirect approaches... I believe he has a family of four?"

"Yes, it has been confirmed that he has a family of four, including his parents and younger sister... but for now, I think we should focus on drawing him to our side."

Mikami turned off the projection and pondered over Narumi Souta's handling while gazing at the jewels on her fingers. There was no warmth in her eyes, which had buried enemies along with those around them. Kirara, breaking into a cold sweat under Mikami's cold gaze, nonetheless argued for Narumi Souta's value.

The recent duel proved not only Narumi's immense combat skills and knowledge but also his calm personality and rational thinking, making him easy to communicate with. Kirara proposed building a cooperative relationship, even if they couldn't recruit him as an ally. However, Mikami did not immediately agree, weighing Narumi's value against his potential danger.

"Who exactly is he? There's no evidence of him being connected to any organization, but it's hard to believe someone of such skill is just an individual. There are two possibilities."

One possibility is that he is an agent with advanced skills, difficult for even Mikami to uncover. In this case, a nation or a large organization is likely involved, making him extremely dangerous and troublesome. Mikami explained that this was her primary concern, and if evidence were found, he should be eliminated.

"And the other possibility is that he is a 'Divine Being' like the 'Saintess.'"

"A Divine Being... no way..."

Kirara gasped and blinked at Mikami's words. If that were true, it would be a world-shaking issue, causing her face to turn pale.

--The 'Saintess' refers to:

About 100 years ago, when dungeons first appeared in this world, four girls immediately ventured into them. Using unknown skills and vast knowledge, they swept through the dungeons as if they were their garden, continuously setting extraordinary speed records. They also established the foundations of current dungeon strategies.

If these four were still alive, they would be over 120 years old, but amazingly, all of them are still living. Moreover, there are testimonies from those who have seen them in person, saying "they looked as youthful as girls," leading to rumors of their immortality.

These four are now under the protection of different countries: Japan, Europe, Central Asia, and South America, and they wield significant influence in the adventurer world and over people's hearts. Where did they come from, how did they acquire dungeon knowledge, and why did they conquer dungeons so quickly? Who are they in the first place? All of it remains shrouded in mystery.

People call these extraordinary beings "God's agents" or "Divine Beings" with a mix of reverence and fear.

Mikami, having watched Kusunoki calm down, quietly resumed the conversation.

"When we first received information about Narumi, we suspected he might be a member of 'Oboro' or an overseas agent... but considering Tsukishima's presence and the earlier footage, we can't rule out the possibility that he is a Divine Being."

"...Like Narumi, Tsukishima also used astonishing skills."

Takuya Tsukishima, who fought a fierce battle with the masterful Souta Narumi and defeated the strongest student at the adventurer school, Akizane Sagara. Seeing such an otherworldly battle, it makes more sense to think of them as Divine Beings like the "Saintesses" rather than members of Oboro or foreign agents.

"Let's lower the alert level for Narumi... continue to gather information cautiously while acting friendly. As for Tsukishima... the same situation persists?"

"Yes. The Saintess Agency is constantly monitoring him. We plan to use the First Magic Division to create a diversion and attempt contact again."

Takuya Tsukishima suddenly emerged onto the public stage, possessing extremely high combat skills and unique concealment abilities, making his information value incalculable, just like Narumi. Akizane Sagara, the student council president, forced all spectators at the arena to sign a nondisclosure contract magic to prevent any information from leaking out, except for Kusunoki, who reported directly to Mikami.

Mikami took this opportunity to order Kusunoki and the Thief Research Club to gather information on Tsukishima, but it was impossible to approach him due to constant surveillance by Kikyo Sera and the Saintess Agency. Thus, Kusunoki explained they are now employing strategies using other forces.

"It's frustrating that we can't take drastic measures, but we have to be cautious since it's the Saintess Agency. And Kirara Kusunoki, as you understand, if there's any movement from the 'Saintesses,' you must withdraw immediately. Understood?"

"Yes, I will exercise the utmost caution."

The Saintess Agency monitoring Tsukishima is confirmed to be acting on Kikyo Sera's independent judgment. That's why Mikami entrusted her niece, Kusunoki, with full authority for the investigation. However, if the 'Saintesses' were to intervene, it could become an exceedingly troublesome situation.

Because the 'Saintesses' are stronger than any adventurer, wielding incredible abilities like resurrection, they have become national guardian deities capturing people's hearts. The Japanese 'Saintess' is no exception, and if she were to turn against them, even Mikami, with her countess title, wouldn't emerge unscathed.

Normally, provoking the Saintess Agency would be too risky, but the information on Tsukishima holds the potential to change the world. Mikami is determined to extract this information by any means necessary before the 'Saintesses' make their move.

The room's master leaned back deeply in her chair, delving into thought again.

Kusunoki stood by the wall, holding her breath so as not to disturb her master's thoughts. The room was silent except for the periodic ticking of the clock, until the quiet was broken by approaching footsteps.

--Knock, knock.

The heavy wooden door was knocked on, and without waiting for Mikami's permission, the double doors silently opened. A woman dressed as a 'kunoichi' with two short swords at her waist entered. It was Mizuha Toudou, the vice leader of Kunoichi Red.

Unlike her usual revealing attire, she wore a formidable kunoichi suit with metal plates woven into the gauntlets, knee pads, and around the torso.

Kusunoki, who was about to open the door, quickly stepped aside and bowed, allowing Toudou to approach Mikami with a cheerful smile and hand over an envelope.

Mikami immediately opened the envelope and pulled out a single document. Despite initially reading it without any expression, Mikami's brow slightly furrowed as she read the contents, indicating the severity of the situation.

"A whole platoon... It seems our opponent has brought quite a few pawns. And multiple mercenaries renowned for their roles in conflicts worldwide, as well as several infamous adventurers."

"I've instructed the kunoichi to prepare for combat. I've also alerted the Adventurers' Guild and 'Ten Rakshasas' for support. It looks like we might have a serious battle on our hands."

Despite Touduo's ominous report delivered with a sinister smile, the gravity of the situation left Kusunoki visibly uneasy.

Toudou handed over a "Investigation Report on the Kinran-kai". This clan is planning to host a large-scale party this weekend. They have already sent invitations to well-known clans, nobles, and media from both domestic and international spheres, naturally including Omiya.

The invitations included a note about fostering relationships, but this was just a pretext. It's speculated that the true aim is to make a huge announcement related to dungeons, something revolutionary that would resound throughout the world and elevate the Kinran-kai's reputation. It's not just speculation but a deliberate rumor spread by the Kinran-kai themselves.

In an attempt to gain significant early advantage by obtaining information beforehand, Omiya had ninjas under their command attempt to gather information, but they failed due to Kinran-kai's tight security.

However, instead of that, a serious concern arose that "our country's secrets might leak out" behind the scenes of the clan party. Furthermore, the potential leak destination is the foremost adventurer nation in Eastern Europe, the Holy Empire.

It has been confirmed that one of the Holy Empire's top advisors, Cardinal, and his entourage have already entered Japan. According to Toudou's investigation over the past few days, it seems they have been steadily bringing in reinforcements, numbering in the tens, including specialized units renowned in world clan conflicts and disputes.

Toudou was cautious of such movements by the Holy Empire and further increased their subordinates' presence to monitor them closely. By chance, they intercepted part of a code. Upon analysis, it became clear that the word "Samurai" appeared frequently.

"Toudou-sama... Did 'Colors' really betray our country?"

"Well? I'm going to verify that now," Toudou replied with an undaunted smile as Kusunoki asked with a saddened expression.

Among the melee jobs known in this world, the "Samurai" is highly regarded for its "maximum firepower". It is the only job exclusively held by Japan, designated as the highest national secret military force, crucial to national defense.

Because of the existence of "Samurai" and "Holy Maiden" as a pair, Japan can maintain a significant advantage and presence even amidst chaotic world situations, which is not an exaggeration to say.

Currently, there are several "Samurai" who have pledged loyalty to the country in Japan, including Colors' clan leader Tasato Taro. Therefore, if information about "Samurai" were to leak out, it would naturally be from Colors, the top-tier group that possesses "Samurai," rather than the secondary group Kinran-kai, as Kusunoki suggested.

If Colors' betrayal is indeed true, it would not simply result in the leakage of "Samurai" information and a decline in Japan's defense against adventurers. The fact that the clan, reputed as Japan's finest, has colluded in national treason would severely undermine loyalty and trust in the country, greatly damaging its prestige.

Such a country would be seen as lacking the power to suppress domestic and foreign military organizations and become an attractive target for terrorists worldwide. Incidents where terrorists attack the military and police, disrupt national policies, and plunge entire societies into chaos are not uncommon.

Such a disastrous event could potentially occur at the Kinran-kai clan party.

Mikami is eager to prevent the leakage of "Samurai" information at all costs, but facing Colors' elite and the Holy Empire's best warriors, even the Red Kunoichi alone would be too burdensome. Therefore, they requested support from the Adventurer Guild and Japan's largest conquering clan, The Ten Rakshasas.

Kusunoki, who had been listening with astonishment at the unexpected situation, seemed about to falter but gathered courage to step forward once more.

"May I ask a question?"


" Toudou-sama... You mentioned preventing the leakage of secrets, but if Colors and the Holy Empire have already made contact, hasn't it already leaked?"

"Not yet. If it had, the Holy Empire wouldn't need to gather this much force. They're probably preparing...," Toudou replied, shaking her head.

Kusunoki wondered if, with such intentions, confidential information would leak orally as soon as they made contact, but Toudou shook their head. The reason being that important national secrets like "Samurai" and "Holy Maiden" are structured to not easily leak.

Mikami slowly stood up after burning the paper they held in their hand near the lantern, saying, "From now on, what I say stays here," and began to answer Kusunoki's questions politely.

"... Those who know the most critical state secrets are engraved with a 'multi-contract magic' that ensures they never divulge it. In Colors, this includes the five executives, including Tasato, who holds the title of [Samurai]. If any of these five were to leak information, at that moment, all would be subjected to a severe penalty where they would all perish together in solidarity."

"The practice of engraving contract magic is banned under international law from a human rights perspective, but every country protects its secrets in this manner. It's a well-known but unenforced aspect of international law."

Contract magic can trigger actions beyond just speaking out, including writing and communicating, all of which can be monitored. Once engraved, contract magic cannot be erased, and any attempt to do so results in the death of the person. Hence, its binding nature is absolute. She adds that there have been no instances of breaches of multi-contract magic, and it's thanks to this magic that the highest secrets and world order have been preserved.

However, if there were a way to circumvent multi-contract magic...

"I'd prefer not to think that such a method exists... The Holy Empire might have acquired the means to temporarily nullify contract magic."

—The Holy Empire.

A young nation established in the 1990s with an [Oracle] \ Saint  leading adventurers. Initially just a small city-state centered around dungeons, they engaged in successive wars with neighboring countries, rapidly expanding their territories. Their momentum over the past decade has been particularly formidable, engaging in fierce wars across Eastern Europe with the EU while collecting dungeon information by any means necessary, now regarded as the world's largest adventurer nation.

Everything happening in this country, from what's transpiring to how much dungeon information they've amassed, remains shrouded in a thick veil, sparking continuous debate. Nevertheless, on battlefields, adventurers from the empire displaying skills and equipment unseen elsewhere have been confirmed multiple times, undoubtedly exceeding global averages.

Furthermore, earlier this year, an event that shook world leaders occurred. It was revealed that they repeatedly conducted experiments to release and cause the death of those who held confidential information.

Various countries under heightened tension have been engaging in intense diplomatic warfare with the empire, making it a hot topic in international news even now—

...With that said, Mikami verifies the concerns regarding the Holy Empire while explaining. Toudou responds with a sigh.

'That country has no integrity, coming so far to this remote island nation.'

'Certainly, we need to enhance surveillance over Colors executives and Cardinal Cardinal, just in case.'

The Holy Empire is planning something at the Clan Party of Kinran-kai. Though it's unclear what exactly, it's a serious matter, and we must gather information, even by groping around. If the leak of the [Samurai]'s information becomes certain, Mikami declares that all five Colors executives will become targets for elimination.

Already, the upper echelons of the Adventurers Guild, including [Samurai] and The Ten Rakshasas, are moving. If it comes to conflict, it will undoubtedly be the largest battle in Japan since World War II.

In a quiet tone, Mikami issues instructions, her eyes swirling with a turbulent anger. She, like the keepers of state secrets, has pledged loyalty to the country. She intends to be the first to kill the traitors.

Seeing such determination in Mikami, there is something that Kusunoki cannot help but ask.

'...Aunt. Is it acceptable to take Narumi to such a place?'

'Narumi? That odd child who becomes fat as soon as he eats. There is a high risk of getting involved, but is that okay?'

Mikami, who had figured out Narumi's relationship with Oboro, handed over the invitation received from the antagonistic Kinran-kai in order to curry favor with the wierd boy. Alongside accompanying him to gather Kinran-kai's information, she also hoped to obtain information on Oboro. However, the situation has completely changed now. The possibility of Narumi being related to Oboro is low, and Kinran-kai's Clan Party is turning into a deadly battlefield with top adventurers. Is it really okay to take him to such a place?

Mikami ponders briefly with her hand on her chin, then gazes at her niece with eyes full of determination.

'If Narumi Souta is truly a divine being, he may be able to adapt to the Holy Empire's unknown armaments and skills. Kirara Kusunoki, escort Narumi with care. And if you can lend assistance... prepare to demonstrate our "sincerity" along with a substantial reward.'

'...Understood. I will make sure of it.'

Kusunoki also quietly resolves while deeply bowing to the Lord's command. Sharing Mikami's dedication, she has already fully prepared herself to bury her bones for the country at this tender age of hers. If the nation's crisis is imminent, she must pull Narumi in even at the risk of her life.

The battle that will determine Japan's fate is about to begin. The girl continues to think desperately.

TL Note-Well Souta successfully lowered his danger level......Well that's some development.


  1. Thanks for the chapter ❤️

  2. "it will undoubtedly be the largest battle in Japan since World War II", bit of a slip-up here. There wasn't a WW2 in this world.

    1. The whole world war 2 thing has been discussed on the valhallatls discord server and the those words were there on the raw chapter so it's the author's mistake or original idea and we will make changes accordingly.

    2. Yeah, I figured it was something like that, nothing major. I was guessing it would get replaced with whatever the period of internal conflict was called before the Tokugawa Shogunate.

      Also, I may have to re-read that section, but shouldn't they know, based on what Sou was telling EVERYONE, that Tsukishima and two others possessed the power of a god (i.e., a divine being)? Lisa was also explicitly noted to be one of the other two, and since Mikami and Kusunoki were watching a recording of the fight where Lisa stopped Souta from killing Tsukishima, shouldn't Lisa also be on their radar as well as a divine being? I can only guess that maybe Kirara wasn't near Sou when he was bragging about forming a team with a god and that no one relayed that info to her after the fact, partially due to Sagara's non-disclosure contract.

      STILL, they should have noticed Lisa stopping Souta's finishing blow in the recording and started looking into her as well. And since they can't get at Tsukishima directly, they should be expected to target the people who showed up with him to his god-level fight.

      Heck, the Red Ninjettes have identified TWO POTENTIAL DIVINE BEINGS (three if they know about Lisa) in a single class of anticipated losers at adventuring school! If they half of a functioning brain they'd be VERY curious about the class in general and whatever other treasures/surprises it might hold and start monitoring the other students in the class. Doing so would probably cause issues on its own for Kuga, the foreign agent/spy.

  3. Hope MC starts to show a little, after reading Extra Survival Guide I got it clear you can do things without being a pushover and still get thw story line not changed too much.


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