The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 162-crossroads

(TL:By Rafael,

The next day.

 As per prior information, a strike team arrived at the village of Zis.

 A mixed force of adventurers and knights.

 There were more than a hundred of them.

 There was no way that such a large number of people could fit into the small village. ......

 The strike force had set up camp in the plaza outside the village.

"Nyah,......, it's so full."(Kanade)

 Kanade spilled that impression.

 She seemed surprised and had her eyes wide open.


 I do know why she was surprised.

 It's not every day that so many adventurers and knights get together in one place.

 This incident: ......

 How seriously are the top management taking this?

 How serious they are about it.

 This is a scene that clearly shows that.

"Oh, there you are."(Cel)

 I turn around to see Axe and Cel.

"The defeat squad is about to hold a meeting. They want us to attend."(Cel)

"We're the investigation team."(Rain)

"We're the only ones who have had direct contact with the demons. They want our opinions."(Cel)

"They also said they wanted to talk to us because it might make a big difference in the way things are going to be done."(Axe)

"I'll be right there. Can you go back to the others?"(Rain)

"Oh, and Kanade, will you follow us?"(Cel)

 Cel added.

"Nyan? Me too?"(Kanade))

"I think they wants to hear your opinion, the strongest of the species. It would be better to have as much information as possible about who we are going to fight."(Cel)

"Nya...... we don't intend to fight, though."(Kanade)

"What is it now?"(Axe)

"Nya, it's nothing."(Kanade)

"Can you give me a minute then? I'm going to tell the people waiting at the inn that I'm going to a meeting."(Rain)

"Yes, Sorry, but you'll have to hurry."(Cel)

 I left Axe and Cel and headed to the inn with Kanade.

"Rain, Rain."(Kanade)


"I wonder if we're going to be part of the strike team after all?"(Kanade)

"......, there's a good chance of that."(Rain)

"What are you going to do?(Kanade)

"I'll fight."(Rain)

 Rather than fighting with Iris, I will save her.

 That's what I decided.


 After returning to the inn and getting the message to everyone: ......

 Kanade and I moved to a large tent set up by the strike team where the meeting was to take place.

 When we entered, Ax and Cel were already there.

 The others were adventurers and knights.

 And ......

"Oh, it's Rain, isn't it? It's been a long time."(??)

"Isn't it Stella?"(Rain)

 Stella, who was supposed to be the head of the Knight Order in the city of Horizon, was here for some reason.

"What are you doing here?"(Rain)

"I got a call for backup. Normally, there should be someone else who is better suited for the job, but ...... for some reason, I was put in charge of organizing the knights."(Stella)

"Stella will be fine. She's got the ability and the experience to do the job."(Rain)

"Don't humor me, I'm still a novice."(Stella)

(TL:I don't  remember  her, must be when Gust was translating.)

 We shook hands again.

"I knew that Raim and the others had left town on an urgent request, but to see you guys again in a place like this ......, the world is a big place, but also so small."(Stella)


"Well,...... I'm sorry, but I'm going to start the meeting right away. Can you stay with me for a moment?"(Stella)


 Kanade and I took our seats.

 And shortly after, the meeting started.

 First of all, information about the demon ...... Iris was to be shared.

 Me, Kanade, Axe, Cel, and others gave testimonies and talked about Iris's abilities.

Summoning magic that has no restrictions whatsoever and can be used without limit.

 When I told them of this tremendous ability, the tent was abuzz.

 Although some adventurers and knights refuted back, saying that such a thing was impossible,......

 Axe and Cel are A-rated adventurers.

 And I, if I may say so myself, am known as the "Hero of Horizon."

 Stella silenced everyone by saying that there was no way we would tell such a trivial lie.

 The adventurers and knights who had refuted us were probably just upset.

 They were soon convinced and calmed down.

 Then ......

 We discussed our plans for the future.

"Now, as for the future,...... let me first inform you of the above decision. The survey team will cease its activities. I want you to join our strike team."(Stella)

"Hmm? What does that mean?"(Axe)

 To Axe's question, Stella answered smoothly as she had expected the question.

"The devil's power is so powerful that it cannot be left unchecked. Even if we succeed in sealing it, there is a fear that it will be broken again someday. We have come to the conclusion that we must strike it now, so that it will not leave a lasting grudge."(Stella)

"I see. ...... Well, it's not hard to see why."(Axe)

 I knew it would come to that. ......

 I had expected it beforehand, but it was going to be an undesirable turn of events for me.

"We're going to join up with the rest of the squad. And we'll use our maximum strength to destroy the demon."(Stella)

"Is this really such a good idea? If we concentrate our forces in one place, we'll leave the other defenses vulnerable, won't we?"(Axe)

"Axe gave decent opinion ......are  you, a fake?"(Cel)

"Why not should I give a decent opinion?"(Axe)

 Axe and Cel were performing a comic joke.

After all, these two might be on good terms with each other.

 Stella answers with a wry smile.

"I think I know that."(Stella)

"Then why?"(Axe)

"The thing is that the more we spread out our forces, the less likely it is that we will be able to defeat the demons. Other defenses will be thin on the ground,......, but that is something we will have to cover somehow. The main body of the squad will stay here, leaving only the minimum number of guards and spotters. If the devil is discovered, the plan is to rush in as soon as possible and bring the battle to a decisive conclusion. ......"(Stella)

"That's not truly a pla......."(Axe)

"It's a bit haphazard, and it's not really a plan at all."(Cel)

"I know but there is no other way."(Stella)

"Well, that's true."(Axe)

"If that is the policy that ...... the top has decided on, then we will not oppose it."(Cel)

 Axe and Cel seemed to have their own thoughts on the matter, but  she was able convince them at least for the moment.

 Stella looks at me.

 Her eyes ask, "Is everything all right there?

 To which I reply, ......

"I'm sorry, ......."(Rain)


"Sorry, we can't work together."(Rain)

 I told the surprised Stella clearly my intention.

"What does ...... that mean?"(Stella)

 At first Stella was surprised, but she soon regained her composure and turned her strong gaze on me.

 It was a hard, inquiring look.

 I never thought that Stella would look at me like this. ......

 Feeling some heartache,......

 Still, I will make my intentions known.

No. ......

 In this case, it's our intention ......?

"We ( Rain and his party) will continue to look for ways to seal Iris."(Rain)

"I believe I said the option of sealing is gone?"(Stella)

"I know."(Rain)

'Even if we seal it, it might come back again. It is just a postponement of the problem. Wouldn't Rain understand that?"(Stella)

"I do, but I can't accept."(Rain)


"Killing is the only solution. ...... That's something I can't accept."(Rain)

 It would be difficult to convince Stella, who does not know Iris's past.


 Even if she knew about Iris' past, she might not be convinced.

 In the worst case, I might turn Stella into an enemy

 But even so.

 I decided to take what I thought was the right path.


 Kanade, who was standing next to me, gently held my hand.

 What I'm doing is not wrong.

 She is supporting me.

 It was as if I had received such words from her, and it warmed my heart.

"I understand. ......"(Stella)

 After a moment of silence, Stella gave a small nod.

 Her face was smiling like she had ...... no choice.

'Then, Rain, you'll continue to act as an investigative team as you have in the past. I'll make the arrangements upstairs."(Stella)

"Thank you, that's very helpful."(Rain)

"I've had a lot of help from you at Horizon. The next time, it's my turn to help Rain. However, I don't think this will be enough to repay you."(Stella)

"That's enough."(Rain)

 Stella and I smiled at each other.

TL Note- I had fun celebrating Holi the festival of colors.....I am dead tired though. 


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