The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 158-Iris's Past, 2

(TL:By Rafael,

Humans are involved in the extinction of the heavenly race.

 What does that mean?

 I try to think about it in various ways, but I can't come up with an answer because I don't have enough information at all.

 I am not sure if I should be asking her this.

 It's still hard for me to talk about my hometown, too.

 Iris might be feeling the same way.


Something  tells me I should go ahead with the conversation now.

 I should move forward in order to get to know more about Iris.

 I made that decision and continued the conversation.

"What does ...... that mean? I know this is going to be hard, but can you elaborate?"(Rain)

"Yes, thank you for showing such consideration but  I will tell you all about it if it is for you, Rain-sama. Well, as I said before, it is not so that we can understand each other, but so that ...... we can know that it is impossible for us to understand each other."(Iris)

"That's fine with me......."(Rain)

"Fufu then I'll tell you the rest of the story."(Iris)

 Somehow happily, Iris spins around on the spot.

"Now then, how far did we talk? Inadvertently, the conversation got sidetracked and I forgot about it."(Iris)

"We were just about to talk about the Heavenly Tribe, weren't we?"(Rain)

"Oh, yes, that's right. About us, the heavenly race. I understand that you know very little about us Celestials. If that is the case, let me start by explaining about the Celestials. However, there is no need for you to be self-conscious. I do not intend to give a long lecture. I will give you a brief explanation."(Iris)


 Iris sat down on the ground and made herself comfortable, not caring that her skirt was stained with dirt.

 Then, she patted the spot next to her.

 As if invited by the tap, I sat down next to Iris.

 A small silence occurs .

 I felt as if I was alone with Iris in this vast world.

"The Heavenly Tribe is a race that has received blessings from the gods."(Iris)

 Iris opened her mouth softly.

"The Heavenly Tribe is similar to the Gods in the sense that they have received the blessings of the Gods. But there was one crucial difference between them and the gods."(Iris)

" That is.....?"(Rain)

"We, the Heavenly Tribe, are the sentinels of the gods. We are the heavenly tribe that executes the will of the heavens on behalf of the gods who cannot descend to the earth. This is the role that is assigned to us, the celestials. That is the biggest difference between us and the gods."(Iris)

"So it was correct information that the ...... celestials are the messengers of the gods?"(Rain)

"Yes, it seems that in some places the correct information is still there. As expected, they couldn't have covered up everything with lies."(Iris)

 When I hear those words, I wonder ......

If what Iris say is the truth then doesn't  it means that some of the lore we're hearing about the Celestials is a lie.

 Which of them are lies?

"I mean, you're talking about God so casually,...... I've never heard of God not being able to descend to earth before."(Rain)

"Oh, really? I think even ordinary people know this much."(Iris)

"I never went to church to learn about God's teachings. ......"(Rain)

 If my hometown hadn't been attacked by demons, I might have eventually started attending church. ......

 I no longer have that opportunity.

 Besides, ......

 I also stopped believing in God when my hometown was attacked.

 Not that I don't believe in him, but ......

 I stopped praying more than I should have because I realized that the only person who can help me in times of need is myself.

 I digressed from the topic.

 I listened to Iris' story with meekness.

"Our mission as heavenly beings is to carry out the will of the heavens on behalf of the gods. That heavenly will is to protect the ...... humans and to exterminate their natural enemy, the demon tribe. Those are the two missions given to us by God."(Iris)

 That very same heavenly race is now called demons and has become man's enemy. ......

 What an irony!

"We had a good relationship with humans back then, well ...... it gives me chills to think back on it. Basically Humans knew that we were the sentinels of the gods, and they respected us."(Iris)

"Hmm? Wait a minute."(Rain)

Iris speaks as if she has seen the scene.

'May I have a word?'(Rain)

"Carry on?"(Iris)

'Sorry to break the ice, but exactly how old is ...... Iris?(Rain)

 It was a long time ago that the Heavenly Tribe became extinct.

 The fact that you speak as if you know what happened back then means that Iris ......

 Iris is much older than me, even though she looks like this?


 Iris let out a sigh.

 Then she stares me which gives me the jitters.

'Rain-sama It is not polite to ask such a question to a lady, is it? And to interrupt an important conversation to ask such a silly question. ......"(Iris)

"I'm sorry. I was just curious. ......"(Rain)

"Exactly... but that may be what Rain-sama is 'like'. Freedom to not be bound by anything... In a sense, it may be a virtue."(Iris)

"Well, ...... thank you I guess?"(Rain (

"Half of it is sarcasm, so please don't take it honestly,...... Fufu, I really can't help it anymore."(Iris)

 The stare change to a smile.

 I suddenly think

 If she was able to laugh all the time like this,......

 I wish we could have a relationship where we could laugh at each other.

 But according to Iris, that is absolutely impossible.

 What on earth happened in the past?

 I listened to Iris's story.

"Now, sorry that I digressed a bit. ...... we and humans have developed a reasonably good relationship. It was no exaggeration to say that we became good neighbors. The Celestials were close to humans, and we walked the path of development together."(Iris)

 The life of the most powerful species cohabiting with humans: ......

 I felt a little comforted when I imagined that scene.

 Would it be like my party now?

 It must have been fun and peaceful.

 It seems that my imagination was not wrong, and Iris also had a peaceful face.

 The days she spent with humans were not at all bad, even for Iris, who hates people so much.

"It was one day like that. The Demon King had returned."(Iris)

"The Demon King  ......?"(Rain)

"You know this, don't you, Rain-sama? The Demon King periodically replaces and resurrects himself, and after a period of dormancy, he enters a period of activity. After that, he leads all the demon tribe to destroy humans. ......Why he wants to destroy humans, I don't know. ......But since long ago, wars between humans and demon kings have been repeated."(Iris)

"Yes,...... I know about that too."(Rain)

"We, the Heavenly Tribe, are the protectors of humans and the destroyers of demons. We chose to cooperate with the humans and fought together against the demons."

 Iris looked grim, perhaps remembering the battles of those days.

"Many of our friends died. Even so, we were unable to defeat the Demon King."(Iris)

"Is the Demon King that strong ......?"(Rain)

"Yes, he was very strong. Even if we, the heavenly race, could not defeat him,......, we could only be hunted."(Iris)

 Iris bit her lip.


 Hatred for the Demon King?

 Or is it frustration with herself for not being able to do more?

 It seemed to be both.

"If this continues, we will be annihilated,...... and the Demon King will win and everything will be destroyed,...... so we decided to take the last resort."(Iris)

"Last resort......?"(Rain)



 The words, said so casually, took my breath away.

"We, the Heavenly Tribe, have the greatest specifications among the strongest species. Not only do we have the physical ability, but we also have strong magical power. Such a plan was taken to unleash all our power, let it run wild, and hit our enemies ......."(Iris)

"Such a thing ......"(Rain)

"The enemy is not so naive as to allow single celestial self-destruct to get close and  defeat the Demon King. All the Celestials were gathered together, and all of them decided to go on a suicide mission."(Iris)

"Did you have to go that far ......? To have to go to such lengths ......?"(Rain)

"The power of the Demon King was just that great."(Iris)

 Perhaps remembering those days, Iris made a bitter face.



 She has not touched on the part of why she came to hate humans.

'...... can you tell me the rest of the story?'(Rain)

'Yes, that's fine."(Iris)

"...... sorry for asking to remember something so bad."(Iris)

'Fufu, please don't feel sorry for me. It is true that it is hard to remember those days, but in ...... my mind, it is already over so I don't mind it so much."(Iris)

"I see,......, I'll leave it at that for now. Thank you."(Rain)

 How could it not be painful?

 Still, Iris continues to talk to me.

 At the very least, I bowed my head to acknowledge her will.

"Now,......, let's continue with the story, shall we?We, the heavenly race, are going to self-destruct, but not all of us. If we did, we would become extinct. Young ones like myself were left behind without having to go on a suicide mission."(Iris)

"Is that so. ......'(Rain)

"Then a suicide attack was carried out and ...... we, in exchange for the lives of many of the heavenly beings, succeeded in inflicting a great wound on the Demon King. Next, the human heroes attacked and stabbed the Demon King and succeeded in defeating him. There were many other things that happened as well, but ...... is not relevant to this story, so I will omit them. Anyway, that is how we succeeded in defeating the Demon King, but we, the Heavenly Tribe, had to greatly reduce our numbers."(Iris)

 It was a magnificent story.

 I never thought that the strongest species would have to risk their lives to the very last minute to be destroyed just to inflict some injuries. ......

 Once again, I am reminded of the threat of the Demon King.

 Just ......

 From what I just heard, I don't see any reason for Iris to hate people.

 The story still continues, I guess. ......

 What reason on earth is waiting for me?

 What truth is hidden?

 I'm afraid to ask that. ......

 But I can't run away.

"So ...... what then?"(Rain)

"We, the Heavenly Tribe, have greatly reduced our numbers, making it difficult for us to achieve our raison d'être."(Iris)

"The raison d'etre ...... is to act on behalf of God's will?"(Rain)

"Yes, that's right. The only ones left were women and children. They could not be the guardians of humans or fight against demons, and they were occupied with trying to ensure the survival of the species. Even the gods recognized that, you know."(Iris)

'Well, yes, he must. There is no way you could do it even if God told you to work hard after all that. ...... If God told me such a thing, I would be angry on the contrary. God didn't say such a reckless thing, did he?"(Rain)

"Yes, that's right. The gods didn't say anything reckless like that."(Iris)

 I felt something  deeper in her words.

 God would never say such a thing.

 In other words, ......

"But humans did say reckless things. They said, "Protect us as you have done in the past". ......"(Iris)

TL Note- I am down with viral fever and cold , this chapter was translated while I am still suffering form fever so please bear with me and mistakes you can report them in the comments or discord, I will try to correct them


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