The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet
Chapter 410: Shall we escape from prison? Let's do it!
(TL:By Rafael,
Inside the cell, Kanade swayed her tail restlessly. She sighed, glanced outside the cell, sighed again, and repeated this cycle over and over.
"Kanade-san, are you okay?"
"Oh, Chiffon. Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just worried about Rain..."
"Yeah, I understand... Knowing Rain-kun, he’ll probably be fine unless something really extraordinary happens, but... you can’t help thinking about the 'what ifs,' right?"
Like Kanade, Chiffon wore a worried expression.
In this situation, Rain wasn’t the only one they should be concerned about.
As members of the strongest species, Kanade and her group had only been captured to prevent interference. They weren’t likely to be harmed afterward.
But Chiffon was different.
She was human and an enemy of the Phoenix Tribe. What would happen to her next was uncertain. Execution was a real possibility.
Chiffon was fully aware of this but still found herself more preoccupied with Rain’s fate. She cared about others more than herself, a trait that revealed her true character.
"Rain would never do something like summon monsters or kidnap that girl named Finia... Ugh, why can’t anyone understand that?"
"It’s tough. I mean, even I was suspicious at first," remarked Rifa with a comment that was both supportive and not.
"I... I believed in him from the start. He saved me..." Nina said softly.
"Yeah, same here. Rain helped me too," added another.
"You two are such softies."
"U-nyan... Rifa, that’s harsh."
"But... I don’t dislike people like you two."
Nina happily hugged Rifa, whose usual expressionless face now had a slight blush. While her expression didn’t change much, the faint red tint betrayed her embarrassment.
"Ah, wait a second. There’s some commotion outside," Chiffon suddenly noted.
At her cue, the four of them turned their attention to the exterior of the cell.
They heard footsteps and murmurs, punctuated occasionally by what sounded like cheers.
"What’s going on? Something’s definitely happening, but..."
"It’s hard to tell... from here," Nina replied, looking puzzled. Then, as if struck by inspiration, she clapped her hands.
"Wait... Let me try something."
"Nyah? Try what?"
"Listening in."
Nina spun her right hand, creating a small hole in the air. From it, voices began to filter through. Rifa tilted her head curiously.
"What did you do?"
"I linked a bit of space ahead to this spot... so we can catch the sounds from over there."
"That’s impressive."
"Hehe," Nina giggled, embarrassed by Rifa’s admiration.
Meanwhile, Chiffon stood in stunned silence.
"A-amazing... I knew the strongest species possessed absurd abilities, but this is beyond anything I imagined."
With this power, eavesdropping would be effortless. It could provide an overwhelming advantage in information warfare—possibly even allowing one person to control a battlefield. Chiffon was once again struck by the incomprehensible power of the strongest species.
"So? What’s happening?"
Apparently, Nina was the only one who could hear the sounds. She concentrated, her expression gradually growing more serious.
"W-what should we do...?"
"Nyah? What’s wrong? Why are you panicking?"
"Rain... it sounds like he’s been captured..."
The three of them exclaimed in unison, their disbelief evident. Nina, flustered and distressed, confirmed that her words were no lie.
"W-what should we do...?"
"What’s the situation?"
"I don’t really know... I just overheard that they caught Rain..."
Rifa's expression grew serious.
She hoped it was all a mistake, but from what Nina had said, that possibility seemed slim. She made her judgment but didn’t succumb to despair.
If there was time to cry or lament, it was better spent thinking of ways to break through the situation.
Rifa’s mind raced at high speed. Soon, she reached a conclusion.
"Let’s break out."
Kanade’s tail shot straight up in alarm at the audacious suggestion. Chiffon, too, was left stunned, her expression frozen in disbelief.
However, she quickly discarded her surprise and adopted an analytical look, trying to grasp Rifa’s intent.
"What do you mean by that? If we escape now, wouldn’t it just make Rain-kun’s situation worse?"
"It’s already bad enough."
"That’s... true..."
Chiffon couldn’t argue with that.
"We can’t let things get any worse. Rain might be hurt if we don’t act."
"So, you’re saying we break out and help him... before it gets to that point?"
"But that’s... no, actually, it might be the only option. At this point, there doesn’t seem to be any other way. First and foremost, we have to prioritize Rain-kun’s safety. If the worst happens, we won’t even have the chance to clear up the misunderstandings. We need to secure the bare minimum before that happens..."
Chiffon placed a hand on her chin, muttering to herself as she considered the proposal.
As the leader and strategist of the New Hero Party, thinking through problems was her forte. She pushed her mind to its limits to devise the best solution in this dire situation.
The optimal answer was clear: ensuring Rain’s safety.
Escaping might complicate things further, but if anything happened to Rain, it would all be over.
Instead of worrying about the consequences, they had to act in the now. That was the conclusion she reached.
"Alright, I’m in. Let’s break out."
"Eh... a-are you sure?"
"Rain-kun might be in danger."
"Alright, then let’s break out, nyah!"
Kanade immediately reversed her earlier hesitation.
It wasn’t just concern for her comrade that spurred her on; her feelings for Rain as someone she cared deeply about—the emotions of a girl in love—played a significant role.
A girl in love is unstoppable... and prone to recklessness.
"Here we go... NOW!"
When an idea came, it had to be acted upon immediately.
Kanade raised her fist high and slammed it down onto the bars of the cell holding them.
TL Note- A jailbreak it is....Hope you folks enjoyed Christmas....I just went shopping with my Family....
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