The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 384: Not listening to me

(TL:By Rafael,

She was a girl about the same age as Kanade.

The first thing that stood out was her fiery red hair.

It was darker than Tania's, yet still shone brilliantly.

Her hair was so long that it reached down to her waist.

And her ears were long, almost pointed.

They extended out to the sides, giving them a unique shape.

She wasn't particularly tall or short—just average.

The clothes she wore were somewhat revealing, making it a little hard to know where to look.

The next thing that stood out, besides her red hair, was the collar.

She wore a collar with a chain that clinked slightly.

It was adorned with intricate decorations, including some gemstones.

She didn’t seem like a slave, so perhaps it was just an accessory?

"Huh? Why is the door open...? Was someone outside? Um... wait, what?"


The girl's gaze shifted to Kanade.

Kanade smiled cheerfully, waved her hand in a carefree manner, as if to say "I'm not an enemy," and greeted her casually.

"Nyah... nyah-ho...?"

The girl politely returned the same greeting.

"Wait, a Cat Spirit...? Why are you here in our village?"



"Huh? Huh? There’s also a Divine and a Oni...? What’s going on?"

The girl looked confused and flustered.

She looked at Kanade, then at Nina, then at Rifa...

And then she looked at me.


For some reason, she froze.

She probably realized I was human.

But she didn’t attack right away.

Maybe we can talk?

"Hello. I’m Rain Shroud. I’m an adventurer."


"Sorry for the sudden visit. Are you perhaps from the Phoenix Tribe, one of the strongest races?"


"It might be a bit overwhelming, but I’d like to talk for a moment. The truth is..."




Suddenly, the girl let out a strange scream.

Her eyes filled with tears, and she began trembling as if terrified.

"H-h-h-human!? That form, that presence—it must be a human! Aaaaah, I can't believe a human has invaded our village!?"

"Huh!? No, wait! It’s not like that, we didn’t invade..."

"Uuuu! Humans... just... disappear!"

The gemstone embedded in her collar began to glow.

At the same time, her hair started swaying gently.

A red light began to spill from her fiery hair.

What’s this!?

I didn’t quite understand what was happening, but it definitely felt bad.

"Wait, listen to me—!"

"Rain, watch out!"

Before I could finish, Chiffon stepped in front of me.

As she raised her Shield of Truth, flames burst around the girl.

"Don’t come any closer—!!"

The flames rising from the girl’s body seemed to lash out at us, as if following her arm movements.


The compressed flames collided with the Shield of Truth, and Chiffon grimaced in pain.

It wasn’t just the heat; she seemed to be feeling a significant amount of pressure.

"Take this!"

The girl shouted, and even more flames were born.

She stood at the center of the inferno, yet she didn’t have a single burn.

In fact, she seemed to enjoy the heat.

She could control the flames as if they were part of her own body.

This must be part of the Phoenix Tribe's abilities.

"Whoa, calm down! We’re not your enemies!"

"Yes, please calm down."

Kanade and Rifa tried to call out to her, but the girl seemed to be in a full-blown panic.

Their words didn’t reach her, and she kept relentlessly hurling flames at us.

"Nina, I’m counting on you!"


Nina gracefully moved her hand in a circular motion. 

Following that motion, a hole opened in the space around us.


The flames were discarded into the subspace, or perhaps diverted to a completely different direction.

She managed to block the girl’s attacks, but soon, Nina’s expression became anxious.

The girl’s attacks just wouldn’t stop.

Like a storm, more flames came rushing one after another.

Nina dealt with them one by one, but she was starting to fall behind.

"Damn... Fireball Multi-Shot!"

Since we were in a cave, I kept the power to a minimum.

I fired multiple fireballs to assist Nina.

"Blood Shoot!"

"Giga Bolt!"


Rifa used blood bullets, Chiffon used magic, and Kanade threw rocks... each of them tried to intercept the flames.

But even with all that, it was hard to completely stop the girl’s attacks.

The overwhelming volume of flames was gradually pushing us back.

Defending against this barrage was tough. 

While fighting her could be an option, we couldn't afford to battle this girl who seemed to be from the Phoenix Tribe.

What should we do!?


Sakura’s howl echoed through the cave.

The sound reverberated, becoming a weapon of sound that enveloped the girl.


It must have felt like loud noise was being blasted directly into her ears.

The girl shuddered, clutched her ears, and crouched down.

The flames subsided, and the heatwave disappeared.

Not missing that moment, Sakura rushed toward her.

She charged straight at the girl and tackled her, knocking her down.


The girl, pushed down by Sakura, was in a state of confusion, tears welling up as she seemed to reach the peak of her panic.

Sakura climbed on top of her and began licking her face.


The girl had squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the worst, but when she realized she was just being licked, she hesitantly opened her eyes.

Seeing Sakura on top of her, she looked bewildered.



Wagging her tail energetically, Sakura barked while sitting on top of the girl.

Seeing this, the girl had a puzzled look, as if wondering, "Why is she here?"

It seemed like they knew each other.

Maybe that’s why Shigure said it would be better for Sakura to come along.

"Wh-why is Sakura-chan with humans...?"


"...Huh!? C-c-could it be... did you get captured by humans!?"


"D-did they do all sorts of horrible things to you!? Awful, awful things, like... oh no, oh no!"


Sakura let out a sigh, almost as if she was exasperated.

"Huh? N-no? Then..."

"Humans! There’s a human here!"

"Finia is being attacked!"

"Call for reinforcements! Don’t let the human leave alive!"

More members of the Phoenix Tribe appeared from deeper within the cave.

Just like the girl, they were also clad in flames.

This is bad.

If that many of them came charging at us, there’s no way we could handle it.

"Rain, we have to retreat for now!"

"Damn... Everyone, fall back!"

I had been prepared to take some risks to save Iris, but...

Anything more than this wouldn’t just be reckless—it’d be suicide.

At my command, Sakura returned to me.

And together, we retreated from the cave.

TL Note- New girl, new member of the hare- no I mean party.


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