Super Mothership

Chapter 376 Floating Cannon

(TL:By Rafael,

“Spread out!"Following Klein's order, the 10 fighters spread out in groups of twos and threes, looking for attack opportunities nearby, and at the same time, they also made room for the “Sword Fairy” to play freely on the battlefield.

Gemini's fleet obviously also discovered the enemy here, and rushed towards the front of the “Sword Fairy” mecha in a triangular charge formation.

“The enemy aircraft enters the attack range, and the 'Royal Sword System’ is turned on!”

“Bah bah bah!”The five weird-looking sword-shaped weapons behind the sword fairy mecha immediately burst out of their scabbards through electromagnetic ejection.

The sword fairy's body is covered with a strange magnetic field, controlling five shuttle-shaped “long swords” that are narrow in front and wide in the back. They are suspended in a ring and rotate slowly behind the mecha's head as if they have been used for swordsmanship.

Magnetic floating cannon!

A group of scientists have added a magnetic control system to the interior of the mecha, and the five shuttle-shaped “long swords” attached to the back of the mecha are magnetic floating cannons made of strong magnetic materials!

This weapon draws on Gemini's directional magnetron technology, coupled with the atomic-grade magnetized materials and high-precision laser output lenses created by the mechanical worm himself, the power and range of the floating cannon are almost comparable to that of the battleship's auxiliary cannon. Half the level.

Not only that, the shell of the floating cannon also adopts a special high-precision specular reflective armor, which has a certain immunity to laser attacks!

“Cool!"Lancelot shouted excitedly, and the locking frame of the automatic fire control system in his eyes moved quickly to lock the enemy aircraft!"With a movement of his finger, he pressed the fire command!

“Swish swish!The tip of the “shuttle-shaped” long sword" shoots out red high-energy lasers, followed by another round of shooting!

The five floating cannons took turns frantically at a speed of 2s at a time, almost forming a red light net in the front!

“Boom boom!”At the superior range, the two Gemini drones were the first to be shot down under intensive firepower!

The remaining seven fighters had to change direction to avoid the fire net, but the head of the mecha turned slightly, firmly locking one of the drones, while the five floating cannons deflected slightly at the same rotation angle, and the red light rain followed its trajectory and chased it up!

“Boom!”Another dazzling cluster of light exploded in the universe.

“Bah bah bah!”After hitting a stunning 3 consecutive kills, the floating cannons “returned to the sheath" one after another, accurately inserted back into the slot behind them...charging……

No way, although the floating cannon looks very tall, as a consumable that can be replaced at any time, its built-in energy is not a precious energy crystal, but a set of high-energy battery modules produced by mechanical insects are installed. Coupled with the limited size, the battery life is naturally affected.

According to the design theory, after 8 rounds of shooting, the stored energy of these floating cannons will sink to the bottom and can only be returned to the body to recharge.

After the floating cannon returned, I saw the nuclear fusion energy furnace on the chest of the “Sword Fairy” mecha glowing slightly, increasing the energy output power to quickly charge the five floating cannons.

The so-called one cent for one cent, while increasing the output of firepower, energy consumption is also greatly increased.

Thanks to the cancellation of the cockpit of the ”Sword Fairy" mecha and the supporting protection and life-support system, the vacated internal space was fully utilized, and a set of energy cores with more powerful output power were installed, which improved the overall combat effectiveness and endurance of the mecha!

“Haha!Cool!"Lancelot laughed loudly, and the tail flame of the propeller behind the mecha burst into flames, pushing the mecha towards the remaining enemy aircraft at high speed!"

Klein was a little helpless. Lancelot, this guy, obviously ignored it after entering a state of combat frenzy, and hurriedly greeted the fighters in the rear to keep up and prepare to cover at any time.

Using Nie Yun's neural connection technology, this two-player mode can not only reduce the complexity of the control of the mecha, so that the operator can give full play to each person's strengths, but also allow the commander to be in a state of detachment from the battle, more focused on battlefield command.

“Swish swish!”The remaining six drones of Gemini also began to counterattack immediately after they entered range!

The "Sword Fairy“ mecha flexibly flips in various poses in the air to avoid it. Although it is not as pleasing to the eye as the ”Captain of the Vanguard", its more powerful maneuverability allows all attacks to only eat ash behind the mecha.

The two sides approached rapidly, and soon entered the most dangerous melee.

The closer the distance, the higher the weapon hit rate. After all, the “Sword Fairy” mecha is 1 to 6. In the process of approaching, two beams of light hit the mecha's shield, causing ripples on it.

The remaining shield...78%!And the recovery speed...very fast!

Klein looked at the “blue bar” that was missing from the Mecha display panel, but was rising, and completely relieved.

Fierce firepower!The shield is powerful!The money is so valuable!

However...the performance belonging to the “Sword Fairy” is not over yet!

“Royal Sword System-Melee Mode!"Lancelot turned on the melee mode of the mecha with excitement.

“Bah bah bah!”The floating cannon is unsheathed again!

“Swish swish!”Lasers chased the enemy aircraft one by one!

Five floating cannons are scattered and suspended within a range of 1 kilometer around the mecha. While using the fire control system to automatically attack the locked target, they are constantly maneuvering and shifting under the control of magnetic force to avoid attacks in disordered movements. The speed is as fast as a dragon!

Six enemy aircraft immediately discovered these new sources of attack, and quickly determined these floating cannons as hostile targets and began to return fire.

However, the very small attack cross-section of the floating cannon itself and the characteristics of continuous high-speed movement make the opponent's attack basically impossible to even touch the side of the floating cannon.

Even if the shotgun laser mode is turned on, I want to use the blockade net to destroy these floating cannons, but the beam that occasionally hits is too low because of its power, it is easily bounced off by the specular reflective armor.

Not only that, once it is detected that the machine is locked by the enemy radar, these floating cannons will give priority to attacking the locked person and forcing it away from the angle of attack, which can be described as a combination of attack and defense!

In a moment, another enemy aircraft was hit and destroyed by a floating cannon!The number of remaining enemy aircraft has dropped to 5!

“This body is great!"Lancelot's eyes lit up.

With the powerful shield and the cover shooting of the floating cannon, Lancelot had the illusion that he was the one with many people.

He took out a metal sword hilt from his waist, “brushed” a small blade of uncertain light, and then rushed directly up.

“Whoosh!”Two enemy aircraft passed quickly at close range, and at the same time they continued to fire at Lancelot, and the shield was aroused by several ripples.

“Good job!"Lancelot waved his arm violently!

“Brush!”The blade skyrocketed, and the light blade in his hand was instantly extended to a length of tens of meters, and the two drones were cut into two sections at once!"

“Boom boom!”The remaining number of enemy aircraft...3!The remaining shield...46%!

“Boom boom!”As the number of enemy aircraft decreased, the firepower of the floating cannon became more concentrated, and two more drones were shot down!The remaining number of enemy aircraft...1!

“Bah bah bah!”The floating cannon was retracted, and Lancelot rushed towards the last enemy aircraft with a light blade in his hand.

“The wingman is completely destroyed!Insufficient combat effectiveness, evacuate immediately...Didi!An unknown body is found, intelligence collection rules are triggered, evacuation is suspended... Friendly support is called...combat data is being uploaded synchronously...”

The powerful "Sword Fairy" mecha finally triggered certain preset rules of the intelligence of the Gemini drone. uncharacteristically, the drone did not escape from the battlefield where the strength was very different, but rushed back towards Lancelot. Up.

“Boom!”The choice is tragic, but the ending is obvious.

When the "Sword Fairy" mecha rushed out of the exploding fire with a light blue shield, the 1V9 battle was completely over!

"Hiss!So strong!”

The members of the Knights of the Round Table were all amazed by the performance of the “Sword Fairy” mecha.

With gorgeous fighting methods and powerful strength, drones, cheap cannon fodder, can only become targets in front of the ”Sword fairy"!

Halfway through the battle, Klein canceled the original tactical arrangements, and all the fighters who were ready to take cover completely became spectators, making this battle a personal show for the “Sword fairy”!

“Haha!Produced by Captain Ghost, it really is a boutique!I found that I have fallen in love with this mecha!"Lancelot stood proudly in the void and laughed.

In this battle alone, the team won 900 unlimited coins with zero loss, which is equivalent to the purchasing power of a Wanderer mecha and 4 fighters. The return on investment ratio is quite amazing!

The members of the Knights of the Round Table were also very surprised. With such a powerful body, they have been able to see countless infinite coins raining down like raindrops.……

“Didi!”At this moment, a harsh warning came from the radar.

“Huh?There are more than a dozen enemy aircraft rushing towards us all around. No, the number has risen to 20!"Klein was shocked.

The so-called art masters are bold. In order to find more “opponents”, the Knights of the Round Table have already penetrated deep into the enemy line at this time, but they did not know that as a new airframe, Gemini's drones will launch attacks regardless of losses and collect more weapon information for themselves!

In other words... their wave of hatred is properly drawn!

“The number of enemy aircraft is still increasing...The situation is a bit wrong. Let's withdraw first and find some friendly support!"Klein said cautiously.

“Captain, is there a commander of the opponent in the fighter we just killed?""Lancelot was completely excited that he was not afraid of things.

“Uh... the opponent's commander shouldn't take this kind of cheap low-level cannon fodder. I may be that our experimental mecha aroused the opponent's interest...” Klein guessed the key at once.

Then he moved in his heart, hatred is worth this kind of thing, although it is dangerous, but it is used well... maybe there will be surprises?

You know, not everyone can make a big move like ridicule!

“Gawain, Percival, you go to the nearest weapons warehouse to line up to buy 2 vagrants. I don't think you should have to line up for too long with your pilot level. Return to the team as soon as possible after you buy it!"Klein invested all the funds currently on hand to urgently strengthen his own strength.

“Others, immediately contact their comrades-in-arms around them, and say that we have a large wave of enemy aircraft coming here!”

He is going to... play a big game!

TL Note-Mecha Wars...


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