Super Mothership

Chapter 379 God Assists

(TL:By Rafael,

The battlefield of the solar system.

The war has been going on for nearly 5 hours, and Gemini drones are still continuously entering the solar system, which seems to be endless.

Nie Yun's mechanical insect detector has spread all over the airspace near the wormhole, and this scene is also being reflected to the commander on the earth side in real time.

“My goodness!How many drones have these Gemini people made?This number is already close to 100,000, right?Opposite us, is it really just a second-tier fleet of the other party?”In the virtual command room, General Yuri looked at the drone wreckage everywhere at the entrance of the wormhole and was a little speechless.

Even if the Earth side occupies the land and strives to suppress the exit of the wormhole, these drone forces suffered heavy casualties as soon as they entered the solar system. There are not one in ten who can join the strangling battle ahead, but until now, Gemini's investment still stunned many earthlings.

"Fortunately, Captain Ghost's manufacturing ability is not weak."Schneider wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with some joy.

The battlefield ahead has completely become a meat grinder. Aircraft from both sides are chasing and fighting each other everywhere you come and go. The Earth and Gemini are also adding fuel. Tactics generally continue to invest in troops to encircle and counter the enemy's aircraft. Encirclement and counter-encirclement.

The ejection channel inside the floating fortress basically never stopped, and various fighters and mecha were generally launched out of the water to join this tragic war.

Special missiles have become a kind of consumables, and the cumulative delivery volume has reached 50,000!

Even if the productivity has been fully activated before, and the manufacturing capacity of the fully automated production line is amazing, the inventory on the earth side is still declining rapidly, and nearly two-thirds of the weapons warehouses are already empty and can run out of mice.

Gemini is not prepared for this war, but the Earth side also has weaknesses!

There are no large-scale celestial bodies and resources near the exit of the wormhole for Nie Yun's violent soldiers. They can only rely on asteroids pulled from the surrounding airspace with traction beams as temporary production bases. It is already the manufacturing ability of mechanical insects to produce so many weapons and equipment in such a short period of time. Against the sky.

However, Nie Yun, who had the exact information on the opposite side, was not in a hurry. He knew that the battle was nearing its end.

“Huh?What's going on there?”Just as everyone was talking, General Hu suddenly zoomed in on a corner of the battlefield.

In the picture, thousands of their own aircraft are taking a blue mecha as the core, and there are also nearly a thousand Gemini drones on the periphery. The two sides are fighting fiercely.

Because the intensity of the battlefield was significantly higher than that of other areas, the fire from the explosion could be said to be continuous, which was discovered by General Hu, who had been observing the war situation.

“This a newly launched test machine of Captain Ghost. The price is high and requires pilots above Lv3 to operate.

Speaking of which, our military has also purchased two water tests, but Gemini seems to be very interested in this kind of mecha. In order to avoid the destruction of the precious body, we have transferred them back to a safe area."Schneider said.

“It seems that it seems to be a combat group spontaneously organized by the people. This commander is really bold enough to use this kind of mecha as bait!"Yuri quickly thought about the causes and consequences of the incident, and couldn't help but appreciate it.

“Report to your Excellency the three commanders, the owner of that blue mecha should be the famous group ‘Knights of the Round Table’, head Klein, codenamed ‘Arthur’!

We saw the message for help posted by them on the public channel of the "Civilization Front’. Many friendly forces near that airspace are also heading to their battle group to jointly strangle Gemini's large army!”

A staff officer next to him dutifully sent the information of the blue mecha.

“Oh?Is it him?"General Hu's eyes lit up slightly.

With the recent political changes in Europe, flower farmers have naturally received news. As a hardcore supporter of the ghost system, Klein and the group behind him can be said to be in the same camp as them. It is said that the high-level is still considering contacting each other to reach a certain degree of alliance.

I can't get involved in political matters, but can I pull a teammate on the battlefield?General Hu had a little nine-nine fight in his heart.

At present, the political landscape on the earth has completely changed. It is no longer a super strong one, but has gradually been divided into two camps. One is the “pro-You faction” that supports the active integration into the Ghost Captain system, and the other is the “conservative” who refuses to integrate into the new system based on “threat theory” and “conspiracy theory”.

As Captain Ghost's technological penetration of the earth has gotten out of hand, the power of the “pro-You Faction” led by the flower planter is rapidly expanding, and the “Ghost Party” like Klein has sprung up and flourished.

Although the strength of this camp is not weak, because the development time is too short and the strength is too scattered, the momentum is not small, but it cannot be twisted into a rope.

In addition, although the “conservative” led by the United States are clearly afraid of the deterrent power of the ghost captain, they dare not jump too happily, and even adopt a default attitude towards the technological transformation of the ghost captain, but the group of vested interests can not be broken up in a short time. Break up.

Judging from the overall strength, the secret power of the “conservative” is still far stronger than that of the former. This can be seen from the turmoil of Atlantis' last acquisition.

The emergence of the two major camps is nothing more than the involvement of interests. The current primary school class leaders know that they use snacks to buy a few small partners and win over the division. Nie Yun said that even elementary school students can use it to show you!

"Huh!This kind of civil society group is a group of shit-stirring sticks, not to mention the poor fighting consciousness, and there is no sense of teamwork!"Schneider was a little dissatisfied when he heard Klein's identity.

Although the Earth Defense Force has now gradually inclined to Captain Ghost, the inherent concept of country still binds most people. Schneider is the kind who can't let go of his identity. The country behind him is the backbone of the conservative party.

Although Schneider's words are a bit unpleasant, as a professional soldier, it is a common phenomenon not to look at the civil society groups that participated in the war. No one here feels that what Schneider said is wrong.

In terms of the combat effectiveness of the group, it is indeed true that civil society groups are not as good as well-trained professional soldiers.

“Hehe!Although these civil society groups are not as good as us in large groups, their combat effectiveness at the tactical level is still worthy of affirmation.

Judging from the personal record, the personal contribution of a small number of civil society groups has surpassed that of most soldiers, which is very telling.

Moreover, why do you think Captain Ghost introduced a large number of civil society groups in the war?"General Hu's mind turned, and he smiled deeply.

“I think it should be to expand the source of soldiers, right?After all, the Earth Defense Army is full of calculations, and it is only a few million people. Gemini is a huge civilization with a population of nearly one trillion. According to the military-civilian ratio of our earth, their army is at least ten billion.

If the war expands in the future, it is estimated that such a few of us will not even have a fraction of others."Schneider analyzed.

“Yeah!Even if the whole people are conscripted, we still have a huge gap in absolute numbers. This reason is naturally correct, but……

In the Ganymede War, only the Ghost Captain's thousands of 'guards' participated in the war as foreign aid. In the first battle of the Wormhole, 10,000 folk masters who passed layers of screening participated in the war. In this free mode, almost everyone can participate in the war.……

Haven't you noticed that the proportion of civil society groups participating in the war is slowly increasing?"General Hu looked inscrutable.

“Uh...” Yuri and Schneider slowly opened their eyes wide.

They didn't even notice such an important thing?!

“You mean, Captain Ghost wants to replace us with a civilian group?!"Schneider sweated a little on his forehead.

Everything about the Earth Defense Army can be said to originate from the ghost captain. Once the ghost captain finds a better armed group and cuts off the remote control rights of the Earth Defense Army, then they, the so-called professional soldiers, can only return to the earth as infantry.

That's right, it's infantry!

Even if you are a high-ranking air force on earth, in front of a higher cosmic fleet, you can definitely only be called an infantry!

Compared with the Earth Defense Army, which has no affiliation, wouldn't it be better to have a group of volunteer mercenaries on call?Judging from the performance of the last two times, as long as the system tasks are properly arranged, these people simply refer to where to fight!

Thinking of this possibility, Schneider felt a little guilty in his heart, and for the first time he realized so strongly that his career was a bit involuntary.……

“That's not true. For a civilization, the existence of professional soldiers is a must!

However, these civil society groups are like the ancient Tuntian soldiers in my country. They are soldiers in wartime and produce in their spare time. Not only is their combat effectiveness remarkable, but the most important thing is that the cost is almost zero!

In my opinion, the combination of the professional military system and civilian military groups can greatly make up for the shortcomings of our insufficient population and strength, and greatly reduce military expenditures. It is an advanced recruitment mechanism that combines the compulsory military service system and the voluntary military service system!"General Hu analyzed slowly with confidence.

The combination of compulsory military service and voluntary military service?What a tall look!Yuri and Schneider were taken aback when they heard it.

But taste carefully... it seems very reasonable!

It turns out... Captain Ghost's seemingly game-like actions actually have such far-reaching considerations implied in them.

“It deserves to be the ghost captain, it really is forethought!Our generation is not as good as..." Yuri sighed, pulling a sentence of Chinese a little stiffly.

The official written languages in the Ghost Captain system are Chinese and Eagle. Although there are powerful translators in the system that can communicate without obstacles, as the ghost system's influence on the earth becomes more and more profound, people with a little vision will choose to study one of the languages as a refined foreign language.

And Captain Ghost himself is still half of Chinese descent, the so-called upward and downward effect, which has led to the popularity of Chinese among the senior ranks of the Earth Defense Force even surpasses the Eagle language, even the commander Yuri signed up for a virtual Chinese class to recharge himself. .

A meal of analysis brought a wave of prestige to Captain Ghost, and General Hu continued, "So, in the future wars, cooperation with these civil society groups will be the norm, so maintaining a good relationship with them is the basis for collaborative operations!

I think the battle of this group is very representative. They have already opened up a part of the situation on the battlefield. If we can send a force to reinforce and expand this advantage...”

“Hmm!Yes, the tone of civil-military cooperation must be set. This case can also be used as a propaganda material in the future. I think support is very necessary!"Yuri first spoke out in support.

Seeing that both of them agreed, even if Schneider felt that something seemed wrong, he could only nod his head and vote in favor.

It stands to reason that this kind of small local battlefield has nothing to do with the overall situation regardless of the outcome, but since it is for propaganda needs, the situation is completely different.

With the order issued, the rear troops were quickly mobilized and assembled!

Soon, a mixed cluster of two blue “Sword fairy” mechas, with a number of 800 mechas, fighters, and missiles, led by two blue "sword fairy" mechas, drove from the rear towards Klein's battle group.……

Behind a successful man, it is inseparable from the assist of a god teammate!

Looking at the mighty troops going to support, a teammate surnamed Hu showed a contented smile.……

Sure enough... if you want  God assists, you must have a deep routine.……

TL Note- GodLike......


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