The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 366: It's Not Solved...

(TL:By Rafael,

Such an abrupt ending.

That's why I suspect a trap.

"... What did you just say?"

"I lost. I will dispel the dream."

It doesn't seem like I misheard.

Still, I can't bring myself to believe it so easily.

Alpha doesn't seem like the type to resort to deceitful tactics, but...

When someone is cornered, you never know what they might do.

Iris seems to be thinking the same way and doesn't let her guard down.

She sharply glares at Alpha.

"You’re being awfully straightforward. Not long ago, you were determined not to yield at all. Are you planning something?"

"...I can't blame you for thinking that. Your concern, Iris, is understandable."


Once again, Alpha responds honestly, leaving Iris looking slightly taken aback.

Something feels off.

Alpha seemed like a quiet person, but inside, there appeared to be a very strong core.

For the sake of ideals, to share the happiness she believed in with others.

She seemed to be giving her all...

"This tower was created by me. Therefore, I can grasp to some extent what happens inside it, even from a distance."

"In other words...?"

"I was watching your fight with Rain. I also heard the words you two exchanged during that time."

Alpha gently placed a hand on her chest.

As if touching the heart within, revealing it outwardly...

She quietly spun her words.

"I thought I was right. That’s why I carried out this plan. But... after hearing the words you two exchanged, I can no longer confidently say that I'm right."

That meant our words had reached Alpha.

If that’s true, then I’m happy.

Even though we ended up opposing Alpha...

Not even once did I hate her.

I never felt any hostility.

Though our beliefs differ, Alpha thinks of others.

She acts with thoughts for someone else.

Truthfully, I hesitated a bit to point a blade at such a person.

If that's no longer necessary, then it’s something to welcome.

"Lord Rain, you shouldn’t trust so easily. It could still be a trap."

"Iris, you’re too suspicious..."

"You are just too naive, Lord Rain."

Since even our comrades often say this, it’s hard to deny.

"Please rest assured. I am not lying. I have no intention of fighting you two, and I will gradually dispel the dream."

"Why not dispel it immediately? Is it to buy time?"

"Oh, no... that's not my intention. It's just that if I dispel the dream right away, this tower will also vanish... and if that happens, I think it wouldn't end well for you, Rain."


Iris let out a dumbfounded sound, as if she had forgotten about that outcome.

It's rare to see her make such a blunder.

Maybe Iris had been tense too.

Perhaps talking face-to-face with Alpha made her relax a little?

"I will do whatever you say, Rain. If you don’t trust me, feel free to restrain or neutralize me."

"No... we don’t need to go that far. For now, let’s just descend the tower together. We can't dispel the dream while we're here."

"... You trust me?"

"I do."

As I replied immediately, Alpha's eyes widened in surprise.

Next to me, Iris looked exasperated, but there was a smile on her lips.

"I think I’ve said this somewhere before... but it’s better to trust than to doubt. If that leads to betrayal, well, it can’t be helped. I'll accept the result and figure things out from there."

"... Hehe."

Alpha let out a small laugh, as if unable to hold it in.

"You truly are an amusing human... just like that person."

"That person?"

"The one I loved. Innocent like a child and very pure."

"Where is that person now...?"

"... No longer here."

I had somewhat anticipated the answer...

But hearing it still left me with indescribable feelings.

Indeed, this person knows the pain of a heart torn apart.

Suffering from that pain, crying...

Perhaps it was because of that experience that she wanted to save others.

Though her methods were twisted...

But the sentiment was genuine, that much could be said.

"Shall we descend the tower, then?"

"... Alpha?"


"I cannot approve of your methods. Even if one dreams, it does not lead to true happiness fundamentally. On that point, I will oppose you as many times as necessary."

"... I understand."

"But... if there are other ways, I am open to accepting them. So, how should I put this... please continue being yourself, Alpha."


Alpha's eyes widened briefly...

And then she softly smiled.

"Yes. I promise."

"Yes, it's a promise."

We shook hands.

In this moment, Alpha and I truly understood each other...

And the incident occurring in Kagune was resolved.

...Or so I thought, at that moment.

"‘Happily ever after’... if it were to end like that, it would be quite inconvenient for us. Therefore, we'll have to stop this development of you two joining hands."

A woman's voice echoed from nowhere.

It was a familiar voice...

I mean, it's not something you could easily forget.


"It’s been a little while, hasn't it, Rain?"

A soft, chuckling voice echoed.

I hastily glanced around, but Monica was nowhere to be seen.

Iris seemed to be using her magic to search as well, but...

"... It's no use. Even with my powers, I cannot pinpoint Monica’s location."

To deceive Iris, one of the strongest beings... and an angel, no less?

Is such a power even possible in this world?

"It's futile. Even for one of the strongest, breaking my illusion is not an easy feat. That was proven in the battle against Kanade and the others."

"Why does Monica have such power...?"

"I have been trained in this way since childhood. Oops... I may have spoken a bit too much."


That sounds almost like...

Just like me.

"The power of my illusions and Alpha's dream-casting... they complement each other very well. It would be a waste to just let it go, so I think I’ll take it all for myself."

TL Note- Monica wants a boost?


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