The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 354: The Female Knight and the Wizard

(TL:By Rafael,

"Hmm... So that Celestial (Member of Heavenly Tribe) was dispatched to a place like this."

From a distant location, a shadow was observing Rain and Iris.

If they were within visual range, Rain and Iris might have sensed the presence. However, the observer was using magic to conduct long-distance surveillance. Neither Rain nor Iris had the ability to naturally detect long-range magical observation. If they were more aware, it might be different, but in their current state of unawareness, it was difficult to notice.

And the identity of the observer from afar was...

"Sigh, having to come to such an easternmost town is really a hassle."

"I'm sorry, Lin."

It was Lin and Monica.

They had two missions. One was to prevent the hero from repairing the Comet Sword. The other was...

"There’s a high possibility that the Celestial will betray us, right? Is that really true?"

"Yes, I believe it’s quite possible. Lady Reez also thinks so, and I share the same view."

"I see. Well, it wouldn't be surprising. That one betrayed us before too."

The second order given to Lin and Monica was to take certain measures if Iris were to separate.

Watching Iris move alongside Rain, Lin grinned.

"I wouldn’t mind if she betrayed us. I still owe her for what she did before."

"I understand how you feel, Lin, but please bear with it until we know for sure. Lady Reez has high expectations for Iris."

"She had power, that's for sure, but her personality is the worst."

Lin still harbored resentment over the past betrayal, evident in her bitter expression.

Who broke the seal? It was us. Despite that, Iris forgot the favor and turned against us. That incident caused our honor to plummet. It’s unforgivable.

Lin pondered such things, but the very act of breaking the seal was inherently evil. They hadn’t done something good, but something bad, and they were reaping the consequences. It was karma, a natural outcome.

Yet, Lin turned a blind eye to this fact. She insisted they were not at fault and placed all the blame on Iris.

No growth at all. In fact, in some ways, she had grown worse. Her thinking had become even more distorted, making it harder to discern right from wrong.

Monica internally sneered at the sight of such a Lin. As Reez desired, Lin’s soul was turning black, accumulating impurity, and becoming corrupted. At this rate, they would fulfill their master’s wishes. Monica was genuinely delighted to be of service to Reez, trembling slightly with joy.

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing..."

Monica scolded herself. She had gotten too excited and it showed slightly in her behavior. Even small lapses could lead to everything falling apart.

Monica composed herself and continued the conversation.

"By the way, if the Celestial betrays us, we can just kill it, right?"

"Yes, we will kill it, but we must take certain measures. This is Lady Reez' wish."

"Honestly, it’s a hassle. After all, the opponent is one of the strongest species. Will it work? I don’t think we’ll lose in a normal fight, though."

Lin spoke with confidence.

In the past, they were overwhelmed by Iris even when it was four against one. Despite that bitter experience, Lin now exuded confidence due to training under Reez.

Lin feared becoming useless and failing at crucial moments due to a lack of power. This fear drove her to seek greater strength, leading her to train under Reez.

Though initially reluctant about the bothersome training, Lin saw it through with encouragement from Mina and guidance from Arios, resulting in significant power-ups.

Now, she was confident she wouldn’t lose against the strongest species, even in a one-on-one fight. However...

"The specific measure we have to take is troublesome. We need to immobilize them during the process, which takes time."

"Indeed... But that’s why Lady Reez gave us that staff, isn’t it?"


Lin twirled the staff in her right hand.

The staff was unique, mostly made of glass, with a long handle resembling a spear, and a seven-colored crystal embedded at the tip.

Despite Lin’s somewhat rough handling—twirling and tapping it on the ground—the staff remained undamaged and unscathed.

Seeing this, Lin smiled.

"It’s truly the legendary equipment ‘Rainbow Crystal’. Just holding it, I can feel its immense power."

The staff was once used by a mage from the hero party that defeated the previous Demon King. It was said to have high magical power and the ability to manipulate space.

Originally, it was securely stored in the royal castle.

However, during Arios's recent escape, Monica stole it. Although the legendary equipment meant exclusively for the hero was replaced with a fake, leading to a failed theft, other items were successfully acquired.

"With that staff, I believe it would be possible to take certain measures even against the strongest species."

"Right, it should make things a lot easier. Thanks, Monica. But are you really okay with me having something like this?"

"Yes, of course. It's only fitting that Arios, the true hero, and his companion Lin should wield it."

"Hmm, well, that's true. I'm the most suitable for it."

Lin, despite merely being flattered, was in high spirits. Though she had a troublesome personality, she was actually quite easy to handle.

"So, Monica, what do you think about that Celestial? Being with that trash, can we assume she has already betrayed us?"

"Indeed, she is with Rain, but it's still hard to say for sure."

"Isn't it clearly a betrayal?"

"We didn't expect Kagune to end up like this either. If they chose to cooperate temporarily to deal with this situation, it can't be blamed."

"Well, that's... Ah, it's so troublesome! Why did it come to this?"

The abnormality in Kagune was unexpected even for Lin and her group. Who could have imagined a special barrier that would engulf an entire town? And who could predict that the barrier would slowly expand?

Fortunately for them, Lin and Monica were not trapped in a dream. Lin's happiness was tied to material wealth and honor, not something attainable in a dream.

Monica's happiness, on the other hand, was the misfortune of others. It was akin to the demonic principle of human extermination. Realizing this dream would bring suffering to others, thus, they couldn't be trapped by dreams.

"Seriously, the strongest species always cause trouble, no matter the situation."

"It is troublesome, but it's also an opportunity for us. Thanks to this, the repair of the Comet Sword is stalled."

"Well, I can at least praise that aspect."

Lin was always condescending.

"By the way..."


"What do you think about continually sending monsters at them?"

"That is... not highly recommended. Neither Rain nor Iris would be defeated by mere monsters. Besides, Iris is still..."

"The goal isn't to defeat them but to wear them out. If we keep sending weak monsters one after another, they'll get tired eventually. Once they're exhausted, it will be easier for us to deal with them later, no matter what happens."

"That is..."

"Decision made! Hehe, I'll experiment with the power of the 'Rainbow Crystal' that manipulates space to my heart's content."

TL Note- Old and new foes are banding together.....


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