Evil Avalon

Chapter 137 The Strongest Name

(TL:By Rafael,valhallatls.blogspot.com)

In the small room on the first floor of the dungeon, surrounded by rock walls, a refreshing voice echoed.

“I plan to become the ‘strongest’ in this school someday.”

Akagi-kun declared his intention to become the strongest, pointing his index finger at the fully armored figure in full plate mail, who stood dumbfounded.

In Dun-Ex, Akagi-kun was a versatile character who could wield various weapons, excelled in both attack magic and support skills, and performed high-level roles in both close and long-range combat. With his confident demeanor, it was clear he had the potential to aim for the strongest.

Moreover, he possessed a special ability that could serve as a trigger to save Tenma-san. I desperately wanted the two of them to get along well.

“‘The strongest’? But do you know who the strongest is right now?”

“...Come to think of it, I’ve never considered that. If you know, could you tell me who the strongest is?”

“That would be—”

Akagi-kun responded with a question, looking puzzled by Tenma-san’s question of whether he could become the strongest without knowing who the current strongest was.

Who is the current strongest in the school? Tachiki-kun and the members of Mashima-kun’s party mentioned the names of the student council president, Sagara, and the Eight Dragons, but they were probably wrong. I was surprised by Sagara’s strength, but if Kuga-san got serious, she would surpass even that. Sera-san could also wield power that exceeded the Eight Dragons if she used her trump card, the national treasure. The students of this school were more monstrous than everyone thought.

But who would Tenma-san name? As a noble and the second-ranked student in her grade, she was close to the school’s core and likely had more accurate information. Everyone was listening attentively, and she answered in a playful voice.

“I won’t tell you. If you truly want to become the strongest, you should find out for yourself. By the way, it’s not me.”

“Heh, true. It’s my job to find that out. The strongest, huh... I wonder what kind of person they are.”

Rather than being let down by Tenma-san’s response, Akagi-kun’s eyes sparkled. When an ordinary guy says he aims to be the strongest, it sounds like a cheesy line, but when he says it, it sounds like a heroic declaration. Perhaps his charming looks had something to do with it.

In Dun-Ex, he was an ultra-handsome protagonist who charmed various unique heroines and built a harem. Seeing myself now, with my chubby appearance, the contrast was so stark that I couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy—or maybe not. Honestly, I was envious.

(But this is a good vibe, maybe this is my chance?)

Heroine Tenma-san and hero Akagi-kun were a perfect match in both combat and personality. If they crossed swords now, there was a high probability that a friendship would blossom, making it easy to enter Tenma-san’s individual storyline.

To be honest, Tenma-san was one of my few precious friends, and I wanted to save her with my own hands. However, considering the success rate of dispelling the curse and what would happen afterward, it would be selfish to act on such desires. In the end, it was Akagi-kun who should lead her to a happy future.

As I forced myself to calm my inner turmoil and watch, Tenma-san suddenly turned to me and approached.

“Shall we continue our practice, Narumi-kun?”

“Please wait, my lady. That man just declared himself the strongest in the adventurer school. In other words, he claims to surpass even you. Shouldn’t you test whether that’s true?”

The maid intervened, trying to steer the conversation back to training with me. She was good at her job, anticipating her master’s whims. She glanced at me as if to say, “Say something too.”

While training with Tenma-san was enjoyable, my main goal this time was to get her closer to Akagi-kun. I had to do something to pique her interest.

But this was strange. In the game, Tenma-san had shown strong interest in Akagi-kun’s declaration of aiming to be the strongest and had actively sought to deepen their relationship. Why was she showing no interest now? Despite my doubts, I and the maid managed to convince her by praising Akagi-kun’s looks and potential, and reluctantly, Tenma-san picked up a practice sword.

“Well then, come at me.”

“Yeah. Let’s do this, Tenma-san!”

Tenma-san lightly extended her sword with one hand, while Akagi-kun raised his sword overhead in an aggressive stance. Everyone held their breath, watching the imminent battle.

The last time I saw Akagi-kun fight was during his duel with Kariya. At that time, he had rapidly leveled up to five, and his body hadn’t fully adjusted to the enhancements, making his movements somewhat clumsy... but that was two months ago. How much had he grown since then?


The tactic was the same as the one Kowaru had used against Kurosaki-san: hit-and-run with footwork. When facing a vastly superior opponent, the difference in dynamic vision is too great. If you engage head-on, you’ll be knocked down instantly, just like Mashima-kun was earlier. Akagi-kun seemed to have thought this through.

He connected sharp lunges with slashes, inducing a counter from Tenma-san and then following up with a triple counter. He even incorporated feints and maneuvered skillfully, but every move was parried by Tenma-san, not landing a single hit. Actually, it didn’t look like he would be able to land one at all. His attacks and maneuvers weren’t bad, but...

“...Souta, what do you think? I don’t think Yuuma’s swordsmanship is bad.”

As I watched Akagi-kun’s too straightforward swordplay with frustration, Kowaru came up beside me and asked. How did it look? I wanted to answer honestly, but Kowaru’s probing gaze made me think it was better to be evasive.

“It’s too fast for me to see clearly.”

“...I see. But even though it was slow, you were able to spar properly with Tenma-san. Regardless of level, your swordsmanship is quite good.”

Kowaru, narrowing her eyes, pointed out my practice with Tenma-san and then pressed, “You’ll spar with me next, right?” I was impressed that she was checking on us even while being beaten by the maid.

I was contemplating how to respond when Akagi-kun let out a battle cry and shifted gears to get closer, hoping to overwhelm her with more strikes since his attacks weren’t landing from a distance.


“...He has good form. But that redhead needs more cunning in his movements.”

The owner of the gruff voice next to me seemed to share my opinion. In actual combat, winning is all that matters; there’s no distinction between clean and dirty tactics. To win, you pull hair, throw dirt, ambush, or lie—these are all standard. Even in practice, you should mix in psychological warfare and martial arts to unsettle your opponent, find their weak points, and seize your chance to win.

For example, Tenma-san is wearing full armor. Naturally, her field of vision is narrower than a normal person’s, and her arm and leg movements are more restricted. If you consider these armor characteristics while maneuvering, your chances of landing a hit might increase. But who is this guy next to me!?

Standing beside me was a towering man in full plate mail, carrying a large sword on his back. With his head completely covered by a helmet, I couldn’t tell who he was, but his armor was intricately decorated, suggesting he was likely a noble. His massive build made him exude an overwhelming presence, unlike the small-framed Tenma-san.

Kowaru noticed the man and blinked in surprise, while Kurosaki-san, recognizing him, politely bowed. The butlers who had scattered around gathered behind him, hands clasped behind their backs, forming a line... indicating he wasn’t just any noble but a high-ranking one.

Before long, several armored individuals came jogging over from a distance. Despite their jogging, they were moving as fast as most people can run at full speed, indicating a high level of physical enhancement.

Without time to estimate their levels, they quickly formed a line in front of the big man and bellowed in unison. They bore the emblem of the adventurer school on their chests...

“Captain! We’ve found a suitable place for practice and have come to report!”

“Idiot! I’m no longer the captain! Go ahead; I’m staying to watch these guys spar.”

“Understood... Let’s go!”

The armored group, swords at their waists, swiftly departed like the wind after being scolded by the big man. Such heavily armed and enhanced individuals were rare even within the adventurer school... probably the First Swordsmanship Club. If that’s the case, I could guess the identity of the man they called “captain.”

“Continue as you were.”

The large man, arms crossed, told us to proceed in a haughty manner, but Tenma-san and Akagi-kun had lowered their practice swords, stopping their movements. It was only natural. No student of the adventurer school could ignore the presence of Tatehana Sakon, the head of the First Swordsmanship Club and one of the Eight Dragons.

Moreover, Tatehana was a renowned swordsman frequently mentioned in the adventurer community and media, attracting attention from several top clans. Many students likely took the entrance exam for the adventurer school inspired by his name. With such a prominent figure appearing, the classmates could only be bewildered and hesitant.

Kurosaki-san, reading the room, stepped forward to handle the situation, but before she could, a bespectacled girl with a gleam in her eyes intervened with a flat voice.

“Excuse me~ You watching us here is really distracting, so could you please move over there~?”

“Oh, Nitta, isn’t it? So you guys are from the first-year E-class... then why is Tenma here?”

“I asked her to join our practice session. But you’re being a nuisance, so please go over there~.”

Lisa’s casual dismissal of the high noble Tatehana shocked her classmates. But Tatehana didn’t seem offended. Perhaps they had become acquainted after that duel. Kurosaki-san, understanding the situation, said nothing.

“Then let me join the practice. I’ve lost my motivation in the Swordsmanship Club.”

“But what could someone of your caliber gain from practicing with first-year E-class students~?”

Tatehana cracked his neck and said something odd. What could one of the Eight Dragons gain from practicing with a group of single-digit-level students? He was known for his whimsical and unpredictable behavior in the game, and it seemed he was the same here.

However, Tatehana was a high-ranking noble and a central figure in the school. Getting involved with him could mean trouble with the First Swordsmanship Club again, so Lisa tried to ascertain his true intentions.

“A strategy combining swords and magic... Nitta, you can do it too, right? From now on, it’s not just about swords or magic. A new era is coming.”

“A new era of... swords and magic... I’m interested too, but I didn’t expect you to know about it, Tatehana-sama.”

Tatehana begged Lisa to teach him the fusion tactics of sword and magic. This is the strongest combat style that has been tested countless times in Dun-Ex, and it's what I taught my family and Satsuki. Surprisingly, even Tenma-san seems interested in this combat style. Although, given her close-range specialization, it's uncertain how strong she could become with it.

Tatehana removed his helmet and, without seeking approval, cheerfully said, "Nice to meet you, kids," while reaching out for a handshake with his classmates, who were visibly taken aback. I'd like to tell him to show some restraint.

However, this might be an opportunity in disguise. Lisa, who had been pondering, seemed to realize this as well. Her initially displeased expression transformed into a blossoming smile as she responded to Tatehana.

"I can teach you a little, but... in return, could you teach your sword skills to my classmates?"

"My sword skills? To these kids?"

In the Dun-Ex game story, there are several mentor-like sub-characters who significantly enhance the protagonist's abilities. One of them is Kurosaki-san. However, to seek her tutelage, one must enter the "Tenma Shou Route," which excludes female protagonists who cannot enter that route.

On the other hand, Tatehana teaches anyone he acknowledges. His guidance is strict yet precise, significantly boosting swordsmanship and related stats. If Akagi-kun and the others could seek his guidance, they could potentially experience rapid growth, even at this early stage.

Of course, there are issues. In the game, Tatehana never trained those without abilities. Specifically, one needed to possess the skills necessary to be accepted into the First Swordsmanship Club. At this point, Akagi-kun and the others are far from that level and would undoubtedly be turned away in the game—but—

"Well, I guess I can't be too picky. Hahaha... but!"

Though Tatehana scanned the classmates with a skeptical gaze, he suddenly smiled broadly and readily agreed, before glaring sharply to shift into an intimidating mode.

"I can teach you the sword, but... I won't hold back at all. What about you, redhead?"

Akagi-kun, suddenly addressed, looked confused and sought the opinions of Tachiki-kun and Kowaru, but Pink-chan quietly nodded, urging him to accept Tatehana's teachings. It seemed she was also motivated.

"...Of course. You're the head of the First Swordsmanship Club, right? If you're really going to teach us the sword, I'll follow you no matter what. Right, everyone?"

"Naturally. We can't afford to miss such an opportunity!"

"Me too! I'll give it my all!"

The chance to receive direct instruction from one of the Eight Dragons might never come again. Responding to Akagi-kun's determination, Mashima-kun and the other classmates showed their enthusiasm, encouraging themselves.

With Tatehana's appearance, the practice session began to take an unexpected turn. While the purpose of strengthening individual capabilities remains unchanged, it seems I've managed to escape Kowaru's scrutiny for now.

"I've heard Tatehana-sama's training is very tough... do you think they'll be okay?"

As Tenma-san watched the classmates gathering around Tatehana with eager eyes, she expressed her concern. Knowing how rigorous the First Swordsmanship Club's training is, she worried about the low-level classmates' willingness to undertake it. However, I judged the potential rewards to be worth the risk.

Given the collapsing game story, many events that would have propelled the protagonist team’s growth will no longer occur. Yet, the disaster events will undoubtedly come relentlessly and mercilessly.

In such dire straits, gaining Tatehana's cooperation—an instructor renowned even in Dun-Ex—would be invaluable. Trading our strategies for his guidance is a small price to pay.

That aside, there's something I want to ask Tenma-san.

"Tenma-san, what did you think of Akagi-kun's swordsmanship?"

"Not even close. The dream of becoming the strongest in the Adventurers School is far off... but why do you care so much about that boy, Narumi-kun?"

Tenma-san delivered a harsh assessment of Akagi-kun, noting he was far from being the strongest. Yet, she seemed curious why I cared about him, given that I'd asked about his performance and wanted to match swords with him. Naturally, I do care.

"He lacks experience in interpersonal combat and doesn’t understand the ropes yet. But this is just my intuition—Akagi-kun has the potential to become very strong and could be a top-tier adventurer someday."

"Hmm... if you say so, Narumi-kun, maybe that's true?"

Tenma-san slowly shifted her gaze to Akagi-kun, showing genuine interest for the first time. However, what I said was not a lie. Though he may not be remarkable now, Akagi-kun possesses genuine potential, the power to change the future, and a charisma that attracts and motivates those around him.

Moreover, he can act as a trigger to save many heroines, including Tenma-san, and has a remarkable affinity with demons and spirits, crucial for dungeon conquering. Only he and Pink-chan are so beloved by the Dun-Ex world.

Considering future challenges, their growth is crucial. I am determined to assist them wholeheartedly—though, first...

(I need to deal with some issues.)

Displayed on my wrist terminal is a message from Kirara-chan. It's an invitation to an upcoming Clan Party hosted by the Kinran-kai. The message also mentions raising the alert level due to the participation of several suspicious and high-risk individuals.

(Ten Rakshasas, Colors, and even the Holy Empire...)

Seeing the list of individuals who typically appear later in the game is daunting. While I anticipate what will happen at this Clan Party, there's no need to be overly cautious since we won’t be fighting them. I just need to gather information to ensure my family and school are safe, and then return promptly.

Meanwhile, the classmates are focused on Tatehana's explanation, and Tenma-san, appearing to be in a good mood, invites me to practice. While worrying won't improve the situation, enjoying this moment of peace should be fine.

TL Note- Long time no see, we finally got a new chapter since the month of March, Hope we get more soon. Rakshasas stand for demons or the one who oppose the order and heaven.


  1. Thank you for the translation

  2. I love it, but I haven't forgotten about the duel between Souta and Mashima, so hoping for it in the next chapter. I want to imagine that Tatehana will see it and see through Souta's disguise (having watched it prior duel in Arena 1), and then we'll have one more of the 8 Dragons who are on "Team Narumi".

    Plus, I just want to see the obnoxious Mashima get his face pushed in and Souta get at least a little respect from his class. The dude hasn't done ANYTHING wrong since the first day of class, yet they treat him like absolute dog crap, only because they "think" he's weaker than them. How can they not see they're doing to him exactly what the upper classes are doing to them, and be fine with the former but have issue with the latter. Makes me REALLY want Souta to just beat Mashima and his ego into the ground.

    1. Welp your thinking is same as Kaoru, and just patient, Souta hidden his talent actually has good effect. The first one is Tsukishima never think that Souta is actually player, so with that he can protect everyone he cared in the shadow. That's why until his family training until they can protect themselves again evil people. He need to stay hidden.

    2. Problem is that he's so pathetic that he actually kind of stands out. Also, Tsukishima kept treating Souta like he was harassing Kaoru, as ANY player would have expected some really obvious harassment from Piggy toward the heroine. However, not only does Souta not go anywhere near her, he's obviously trying to almost be invisible in class. A pretty suspicious difference from the game.

      In the game, Piggy was a sub-boss the that the hero had to defeat. Even at Akagi's current pathetic level, Piggy at level 3 wouldn't be anywhere near his opponent. Souta, if he wants to stand out a little less relative to the game, i.e., be less suspicious, need to at least appear a little less weak such that he can at least give Akagi a little bit of a fight.

  3. Thank you for the chapter and all the translation over the years ❤️, sorry if it is poorly written in English, I am using the Spanish to English translator


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