Super Mothership

Chapter 301 Diplomacy

(TL:By Rafael,

The waves caused by the first planetary-level espionage case in the human world did not attract much attention, because the world had been completely confused by the news that the Gemini civilization had withdrawn from the solar system.

  The media all over the world are broadcasting this exciting news. The earth swept away the dull atmosphere of the previous defeat of the battle of Ganymede and fell into a sea of carnival!

  “Hahaha!The earth is safe!We have won!”

  “Happiness comes too suddenly, life is really ups and downs... I have to eat a few packs of spicy strips at night to suppress the shock...”

  “ this true?But why did they evacuate?Didn't we fail in the battle of Ganymede?”

  Why did Gemini evacuate suddenly?This is the common question in everyone's hearts while they are ecstatic.

  Not long after the battle of Ganymede had just failed, everyone was anxiously waiting for the next move of the Gemini civilization.

  Where will they attack next?The asteroid belt?Or Mars?Or come straight to the earth?

  But no one thought that they would just evacuate like this?!

  “Uh...could it be that the ghost captain forced their battleship back?”

  “I don't think so. Depending on the strength of science and technology, Captain Ghost is obviously still a bit worse. In this case, it would be good if we could rely on the resistance of various planets. How could we just scare them away?”

  “I don't know, maybe people are scared... Zifeiyu knows the joy of fish...”

  “I think it was the Ganymede Defense that allowed the aliens to see our strength. After all, they only had two warships.”

  “Yes, this is a temporary strategic retreat of the other party. Maybe next time it will be a huge fleet that covers the sky and the sun. Don't forget, they are a civilization, and these two warships are just pioneers of pathfinder!”

  “Well, although they won a small game, this is our home field after all. It is definitely impossible to fight a protracted battle with two warships. After such a large-scale battle, the opponent's logistics and supplies may soon be unable to keep up!

  No matter how strong your technology is, my ghost captain can consume them with a sea of machines!”

  “Hehe!I think it's the ghost captain who sacrificed some black technology again, otherwise these aliens can be directly scared away?”

  “Damn it!Why don't we even have a war report, how on earth did we win?”

  “I heard that the news came from the Earth Defense Force, but the news was only dry, and even a military commentator didn't show his head...”

  “Ask for popular science!”



  The other two generals nodded and agreed with this judgment. After all, Captain Ghost is synonymous with black technology. Every time he doesn't show up, a little black technology will blow everyone's eyeballs. The guy from Skye is uncomfortable.……

  But this attack distance... is a bit too foul, right?

  “However...what is even more strange is what happened later!”The staff officer continued to report with a weird expression on his face.

  “It can be seen that the battle was very fierce at that time. Although the duration of the battle was not long, the detected energy index was incredibly high!Find a bookstore

But soon after a short fight, the three warships made quite strange maneuvers!Please see their movement trajectory next...”

  The three generals stared carefully at the trajectories of the three warships simulated in the picture, and then their eyes opened wider and wider!

  “This is...a chase battle!"Schneider exclaimed in amazement.

  He was once born in the air force, and he obviously felt that the three warships were engaged in a complex three-dimensional pursuit battle, and it was a two-to-one containment.

  But this is not what surprised them. After all, two fights and one chase are normal.

  What made them stunned one by one was that they were chased all over the world and beaten in groups... it was actually a red spot of light!That of the two Gemini warships!


Isn't the color marked wrong?"Yuri rubbed his eyes hard.

  “We have carefully confirmed that unless the two warships can shift shape and position with each other millions of kilometers apart, there will be absolutely nothing wrong!”The staff officer said with certainty.

  The three generals glanced at each other in amazement, their faces full of weirdness.

  Can this still chase and chase, and chase the enemy aircraft into a wingman?Then immediately take the newly acquired wingman to fight the host together?

  Could it be that the diplomatic skills have reached the full level, and the success rate of the move is 50% with one shot?!

  Is this performance also okay?!

TL Note- Diplomats do things strategically....probably. 


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