The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 229 Marathon

(TL:By Rafael,

The keystone of the earth is 3 kilometers wide horizontally and 2 kilometers tall vertically.

Including the underground parts, it's a massive relic with a height difference of nearly 100 meters.

The first test is quite straightforward; you just need to run around the perimeter of the relic.

However, it's not specified how many laps you need to complete to reach the finish line.

Furthermore, an examiner runs at the back.

This examiner is different from one and not Cell.

The examiner at the back gradually increases their speed...

If you get overtaken, you're disqualified.

You fail at that point.

In other words, you have to keep running at a consistent pace to stay ahead of the examiner.

You can't see the finish line, and you're constantly being pursued, creating a psychological pressure.

It's a test that not only challenges your physical strength but also tests your mental fortitude.

It seems to be a quite challenging test...

...Before it started, I was thinking about such things.


"Fufu, I'm faster!"

"I still have some energy left. It's all about pacing."

When the exam began...

Kanade and Tania were in the lead.

Since the goal is not to get overtaken by the examiner at the back, there's no need for them to compete with each other. However, their competitive instincts seem to be kicking in, and they're running side by side, creating sparks.

Their speed keeps increasing, and their backs are getting farther away.

Will they eventually start running seriously...?

Well, Kanade and Tania both have plenty of stamina, so they're not worried about getting exhausted and overtaken by the examiner.


"Oh, Tania... Wait a bit... The up-and-down motion is too intense... Ugh."

"K-Kanade...? If things get too intense for Sora, it might become problematic..."

Luna and Sora, who are being piggybacked by the two, had turned pale.

In this marathon, any method is allowed. You can use magic or utilize special abilities. The only rule is not to get overtaken by the examiners.

Since Sora and Luna lack stamina, they decided to be carried by Kanade and Tania.
Kanade and Tania have surplus stamina, so it doesn't handicap them.

In fact, Kanade and Tania continue to race at top speed.

They are so full of energy that it's almost unbelievable.

However, they are a bit too energetic.

Because they are running so vigorously, the two on their backs are being jolted around...

"Ohh... I'm at my limit... Seriously, this is bad!"

"Luna...? Are Sora and the others done for? I can't take this anymore..."

The two are completely motionsick, their faces drained of color.

Unaware of their condition, Kanade and Tania's competition becomes even more intense.

Their momentum doesn't wane; instead, it accelerates further.

Despite racing at full speed at the front, do they still have energy left?

Both of them are quite something.

"Nyaa, Tania, you're amazing."

"Kanade, it's you who are worthy!"

"Hehe, that's what makes you my rival. It's worth the fight."

"Shall I show you my true power soon?"

"I'll win this match! I'm going all out!"

"Those lines are mine! I'm going at full power!"


Kanade and Tania shift into top gear, and their backs get further and further away.

Sora and Luna's screams merge, disappearing like a Doppler effect.

...Maybe it would have been better if we hadn't mentioned piggybacking. Magic is allowed, so Sora and Luna could have flown instead.

I hope both of them are safe.

I find myself unintentionally praying for that.

"Um... Rain."


I was lightly tapped on the shoulder.

It's Nina.

I'm carrying Nina.

She has more stamina than Sora and Luna, but she's still a child. To avoid pushing her too hard, I ended up carrying her.

By the way, Tina is sitting on Nina's head.

So, with me carrying Nina and Tina sitting on Nina's head...

It's somehow turned into a parent-child turtle-like composition.

"Am I... heavy?"

Looking over my shoulder, I see Nina, who looks somewhat uneasy. There's a sense of apology in her expression.

"You're not heavy at all. In fact, you're quite light. Have you been eating well?"

"Uh... y-yeah. I eat. Luna's cooking... is delicious, so I like it."

"That's good."

But still, Nina is surprisingly light.

She's almost like a feather, and I can barely feel her weight.

Are all children like this?

"Eat well and grow up big and strong, okay?"

"Um... about that... um..."

For some reason, Nina looks troubled.

"It's not good, Rain-sama."

"Huh? Did I do something wrong?"

"You did, big time. You shouldn't say things like 'grow up big' to a girl. Some girls are sensitive about that. Well, actually, most girls are."

"Oh, I see."

She's probably talking about her weight.

I meant it in the sense of wanting her to grow up healthy and strong, but...

If she interprets it as a comment about her weight, I can't blame her.

"Sorry, Nina. That's not what I meant. I just want you to eat a lot and stay healthy."

"Uh, yeah... I get it. I think I understand Rain's feelings..."

"Good, thanks."

"Nina is so cute. To say something so earnest, not everyone can do that."

"Ehehe... I got praised."

Nina blushes and acts shy.

"But... am I really not heavy? Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, you're perfectly fine. It's no big deal."

"That's a relief..."

"Actually, Tina might be heavier than you."

"What?! Why are you suddenly pointing fingers at me?"

"Sorry, sorry. It just slipped out."

"Seriously. If you weren't Rain-sama, I'd be filing a harassment complaint."

"My bad. As an apology, I'll do whatever you ask."

"Oh, that sounds interesting. What should I have you do, Nina?"

"Um... pet me?"

"Why are you asking Nina?"

"Hehe. Nina and I are in this together. Her wish is my wish!"

"You're using that sentiment in the wrong context, you know?"

They continue to chat and laugh as if it's not an endurance race at all.

Considering this is a stamina race, it's better not to waste unnecessary energy...

However, there's still plenty of energy left.

At this point, it feels like we've only used about 10% of our stamina.

If needed, I can enhance my physical abilities with "Boost," so I can keep running.


Talking with everyone like this strangely gives me more energy.

It's more enjoyable to be together with everyone than to run alone.

Naturally, it gives me a sense of relaxation and allows me to run at a calm pace without wasting energy.

"Now, let's do our best."

"Do your best, Rain-sama! We're here with you."

"Do your best, okay? We're cheering for you."


With their encouragement, it feels like I can run as much as needed.

I gather my determination and increase my running speed a bit.


The examiner at the back increased their speed and overtook another candidate.

"That makes it eight people disqualified."

One hour had passed since the start of the exam.

Although they were running at a reasonable pace, there were still fewer than ten candidates who had been disqualified so far.

In previous years, it was common for about twenty candidates to be eliminated at this point.

This year's examinees might be particularly abundant.


It might be more than just abundant.

"Meowww, I got passed!"

"Hehe, don't think you can compete with me!"

A duo sprinted past the examiner at an incredible speed.

The examiner was now laps behind.

The abnormal situation wasn't limited to that alone.

Looking ahead, there was a young man carrying a fox-eared girl on his back, running and chatting.

The examiner tried to increase their speed and catch up, but for some reason, they couldn't catch up at all.

Whenever they accelerated, the young man ahead did the same.

Even when they tried to close the gap, the young man slipped away effortlessly.

And all of this was happening while they were chatting casually.

"What's going on with this year's examinees...?"

TL Note- Examiner doubting their life 


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