The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter 342: Phantom Dream

(TL:By Rafael,

"Tina? What's with your body...?"

She has legs. Her body isn't see-through, and she's not floating.

Right now, Tina looks like an ordinary person you'd see anywhere... For some reason, I feel a huge sense of discomfort about that.

"What's wrong, Rain? Do I look weird or something?"

"Uh... no, it's nothing."

What was I thinking? Feeling discomfort because Tina looks like a normal person... That would mean Tina isn't normally an ordinary person. As if that's the right thing to believe.

No, no. I'm thinking something rude again... Maybe I'm still half-asleep.

"What are you doing, Tina?"

"I was helping out Rain's dad. I felt bad just staying here for free, so I thought I should do something... So, I decided to help with the meals."

"I see. If it's your cooking, Tina, I've got high expectations."

"Leave it to me! ...Well, that's what I want to say, but with Rain's dad and mom around, there's a lot of pressure... Please, don't raise the bar too high."

"I'm looking forward to it, Tina."

"I'm looking forward to it, Tina."

"Were you even listening to me!?"

Tina sharply retorted to the twins who had sneakily added their comments from behind. Watching this interaction naturally made me smile.

How should I put it... It's calm, laid-back, and heartwarming. The word 'happiness' fits perfectly for a scene like this.

"By the way..."

I looked around the first floor.

"Where are Nina and Rifa?"

I couldn't see either of them. Are they still asleep?

"Nina and Rifa went for a walk. They said they’d do some sightseeing in Kagune too."

"They've been gone for a while, so they should be back soon," said Kanade and Tania. Shortly after, Nina and Rifa showed up.

But they weren't alone. Nina was being carried by an adult woman.

This woman looked a lot like Nina. Their eyes, nose, and even the shape of their faces were almost identical... She even had fox ears and a tail. Nina had previously awakened and shown her adult form... This state was close to that.

If you aged Nina's awakened form by about five years and added a touch of allure, she'd look like this.

Rifa was holding hands with a man from the Oni tribe. It was Rifa's brother, Calus.

"Rain... you're awake?"

"We're back."

Nina and Rifa smiled at me, and I returned their smiles.

"Good morning. Were you two out for a walk?"

"Yes... with mother..."

"I was with my brother."

"I see... I see...?"

For some reason, I felt a massive sense of discomfort.

Nina went for a walk with her mother? Rifa went for a walk with Calus?

For some reason, it felt like that shouldn't be possible. Why do I think that? They're right here in front of me. They're not illusions; they're definitely here.

"Rain? Is something wrong? You look troubled," Kanade asked, bringing me back to reality. At the same time, the discomfort quickly vanished.

"...It's nothing. I must still be half-asleep."

Nina's mother is here. Calus is here.

That's not wrong. It's right. It's a happy thing. So, there's no problem. With that decision, I chose not to pursue the discomfort any further and let it fade away.

"Chiffon and the others aren't here either. Are they out for a walk?"



Kanade and Tania looked puzzled. They weren't the only ones. Sora, Luna, Tina, Nina, and Rifa all had perplexed expressions.

"Nya... Who's Chiffon?"

"Rain, did you pick up another girl somewhere again?"

"Don't make it sound like I do that all the time... Seriously, you don't know? Chiffon?"

"Chiffon? Luna, do you know who that is?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I've never heard the name. Rain, who is this?"

"Who? Well, of course..."


I can't answer, even though I brought it up. Just a moment ago, I was sure I had the memory, the information in my head... But it's fading rapidly, disappearing. It's like a thick fog is enveloping my mind, blocking me from accessing my memory... I can't remember anything.

"Nya... Rain, are you okay? Something's off about you today."

"Maybe you're still tired? We just arrived in Kagune yesterday. How about getting some more sleep?"

Kanade and Tania were worried about me. I felt bad for making them worry, but... What is this feeling? I'm awake, yet it feels like I'm dreaming... It's a vague, pleasant sensation, as if I'm still in a dream.

What on earth is this...


Thinking about it isn't going to get me any answers, and all it does is leave me feeling frustrated.

"I think I'll go for a walk."

I couldn't understand my own feelings. To clear my head, I decided to get some fresh air.

I left the inn and started walking slowly. Since it was just a walk to calm my mind, I didn't have a particular destination in mind. I wandered aimlessly through the streets, breathing in the fresh morning air.

"Phew... Do I feel a bit calmer now?"

I felt like a weight had been lifted from my mind. But the sense of discomfort lingering in the back of my mind never completely went away. What could it possibly mean?


Suddenly, I heard a familiar laugh. I looked in the direction of the sound...

"Good day to you, Lord Rain."


TL Note- Iris makes a entery , a friend or foe?


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