The beast tamer exiled from the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet

Chapter  361: Meaningless Battle

(TL:By Rafael,

"Alright, here we go. Come forth, flames from another world!"

Iris summoned flames, seemingly just to test the waters at first. The raging fire, like a furious dragon, surged toward Mille-feuille and Chocolat. The ferocity of the attack was enough to make one doubt if she was really holding back.

The crimson flames threatened to engulf the two of them... But before that could happen, Chocolat stepped forward, holding up her large shield.

"My defense is impenetrable!"

The flames attacked Chocolat. Even with a sturdy shield, it would be impossible to block everything—at least, that's what Iris thought...


Suddenly, Chocolat's large shield was enveloped in light and rapidly expanded in size. The unexpected sight left even Iris stunned.

The flames struck the large shield. Although the fire scattered like a storm, the massive shield stood firm, protecting everything behind it. Not a single attack reached Mille-feuille.

"Holy Arrow~"

A somewhat lackadaisical voice called out as a beam of light was launched toward Iris. It was likely Mille-feuille's magic.

The beam of light was larger and faster than those used by ordinary priests. However, for Iris, it was not much of a threat. She prepared to dodge by flapping her wings...



Suddenly, the beam of light split into multiple arrows. One became two, two became four, four became eight... In the end, there were thirty-two arrows raining down on Iris.

"Tch... Come forth, flames from another world!"

Dodging them all was difficult. Iris quickly summoned flames to cancel out the light arrows.

"What was that...?"

"Hehe, I'm quite good at modifying spells, you see. So, I can do things like this too."

Mille-feuille created another beam of light. This time, instead of splitting it, she merged the beams together. She crafted a massive beam of light and fired it.

"Even a circus performer would be shocked..."

Rather than being impressed, Iris was more exasperated as she summoned magic to intercept the light beam. But she didn’t stop there...

"Come forth, flames from another world. Come forth, bullets of frozen lamentation. Come forth, lightning of annihilation!"

She unleashed a continuous barrage of summoning spells. An unending, multi-layered assault. This was Iris’s true strength.

"Your defensive capabilities are impressive, but how will you defend against a multi-directional attack? Show me."

Flames, ice, and lightning closed in on Chocolat and Mille-feuille from every possible angle. There was no room to escape.

However, Chocolat remained calm. Mille-feuille showed no sign of panic either.

With a somewhat defiant look, Chocolat once again raised her shield. She planted the bottom of the shield firmly on the ground, braced herself, and shouted loudly.

"All-round defense!"

The shield began to change shape again. This time, it didn’t just grow larger; it curved and expanded in all directions. Eventually, the shield formed a perfect circle, completely enveloping Chocolat and Mille-feuille.

"Wha... Is that even allowed!?"

Iris couldn’t help but voice her surprise. Multiple attacks struck the spherical shield in quick succession. Despite the continuous booms, nothing broke through Chocolat's ironclad defense.

As the attacks ceased, the shield slowly returned to its original form. Was that shield alive? Wasn't this just unfair? Iris couldn’t help but think such things.


Chocolat, with her shield back in its normal state, puffed out her small chest proudly. As if to say, "Your attacks won’t work on me."

"Your attacks are useless. They’re too weak."

No, she actually said it aloud.

"Oh, really..."

Iris twitched at her temples. If they were getting cocky because she was holding back... Should she test if they could still say the same after taking a full-force strike?

Iris entertained some rather dangerous thoughts, but she refrained from acting on them. If she were to unleash her full power, she might end up destroying the tower. More importantly, if she killed someone again, she wouldn’t be able to face Rain.

"But... this is troublesome."

Both Chocolat and Mille-feuille were formidable opponents. If she didn’t get serious, defeating them might prove difficult.

"Although, it's not as if I need to defeat them."

Rain and Chiffon had already moved to the upper levels. The occasional sounds of battle indicated that they were likely engaged in combat there.

Her goal was simply to assist Rain… There was no need to force herself to defeat Chocolat and Mille-feuille. If the hero were neutralized, the two would likely give up on their own.


As she pondered this, Iris felt a strange sensation.

These two... are they truly serious about this fight?

"May I ask you something?"

"Oh, what's this? Surrendering? We're pretty lenient, so we'll accept your surrender."

"That’s not it."

Iris's smile stiffened. How could this woman be so good at rubbing people the wrong way? Resisting the urge to strike out reflexively, she continued her questioning.

"After fighting you two, I’ve come to a certain conclusion... May I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead. If you’ve got a question, ask away."

Mille-feuille responded at her own relaxed pace, showing the same demeanor she always had.

"The new hero seemed desperate to prevent this dream from ending… but the two of you seem different."


"You don’t seem particularly attached to this dream. This is just my impression, but... it feels like you might not care either way."


"Tell me, won’t you? What do you two really think about… this dream?"

TL Note- Rain and Chiffon is the main battle field,


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