Super Mothership

Chapter 359 Candidates

(TL:By Rafael,

“Negotiation?Humph!Ridiculous, if we negotiate with each other now, isn't it soft in disguise?

How can the dignified Gemini Fleet compromise with a group of dark organizations hiding in the dark!

They failed to catch you in the solar system, so what leverage do they have to negotiate with us!"Gustav snorted coldly.

“They still have the solar system!With the opponent having such a force, how long will it take for you to break through the opponent's wormhole defense front?How many casualties did you pay?"Nie Yun smiled and asked a question.

“This..." Gustav hesitated for a moment, but a naval commander beside him said confidently.

“Although our attack failed to severely damage the opponent's defensive strength, it also consumed a lot of the opponent's material reserves!

They are just a small fleet without a large logistics supply ship, and they can't stand our consumption at all. As long as they launch two to three more attacks, the opposite side will definitely break through!”

“Oh?Two to three times?Then wait until you have tried it."Nie Yun suddenly closed his words and stopped insisting on his own views.

This kind of war of attrition is similar to tickling the wormhole defense line of the solar system today. If Gemini really adopts this approach, Nie Yun will naturally no longer “stick to his own opinions.”

“What?Alsace, do you think there is a problem with Gustav's attrition tactics?"Isabel asked Nie Yun with a meaningful smile.

“Hehe!This organization is too mysterious, and we have limited information at hand, so I dare not speak nonsense, but I always feel that things will not be so simple."Nie Yun said with a smile, as if he had clicked so far.

Isabel smiled when she heard the words, but stopped talking.

The sea tribe wants to fight a war of consumption, and their feather tribe is naturally happy to consume some strength from each other.

"Huh!Don't pretend to be the two of you, you are the fleet of our sea clan, and you will naturally not feel distressed when you consume it!I admit that the war of attrition... is indeed risky!"Gustav hummed.

“Judging from the combat intelligence of Ganymede that you brought back, this return of all things is very strange. Their kind of small combat robots, as well as the tracking missiles used this time, all apply some kind of advanced technology that we still don't know!

This shows that the opponent's scientific and technological power is not weak, and perhaps he also has his own scientific and technological research and development capabilities. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the opponent has some kind of magical cosmic wonder!

And the huge number of intelligent robots like the one that appeared on Ganymede, from another perspective, can easily be converted into industrial production labor...”

Gustav's words stunned everyone here.

Could it be that the other party can still have good industrial production capacity in the solar system?

“Judging from the current strength of the opponent, in addition to the known Ranger, the opponent has secretly reinforced at least two frigates, as well as a large number of mecha and militarized personnel.……

So how on earth did they transport so many things to the solar system under our noses? This is the place I can't figure out the most!

You must know that our internal wormholes leading to the outside world are manned by troops, and every warship entering and leaving is strictly registered. The materials are okay to say, but the two military warships are strangely missing. It is impossible to hide from our military monitoring system..." Gustav said here, some of the words stopped.

“If the other party can really do this kind of thing, then there are only two possibilities!"Isabel spoke and took the conversation.

“The first possibility... the infiltration of our army by the return of all things has reached a very terrifying point...”

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and the scene was suddenly a little quiet.

If you want to transport so many military supplies in the past without anyone noticing, you at least need to be very aware of their patrols and monitoring blind spots in order to wait for the opportunity to find loopholes and successfully smuggle them in.……

If this is the case, then the water in this organization is probably deeper than they thought.……

“Well... so, could it be the ‘big man’ mentioned by Uther at the time..." Nie Yun lowered his head and touched his chin, as if he was talking to himself and said softly.

Everyone: “......”

Nie Yun's voice was very soft, but in the quiet conference room, everyone could hear it clearly.……

Everyone looked weird, while Gustav stared at Nie Yun and gritted his teeth, the blue veins on his forehead burst out.

Everyone may not know who Uther is, but they will naturally not forget that at the hearing of the review group not long ago, Nie Yun once revealed when he used the truth-spitting agent that his spy adjutant had been to their pioneering legion before his death after the failed hijacking operation. There is a “big man” who will meet him after the event.

This incident also directly caused Gustav to be irritated and chose to use the spitting agent to prove his innocence, uh... although the result was somewhat unsatisfactory.……

At this time, the scar was exposed, how could Gustav not be angry!

Nie Yun raised his head at this time, as if he had just discovered that the atmosphere was wrong, and then coughed embarrassedly."Cough!Did I just... said something?”

Don't you remember what you said about Ni Mei!?Gustav tore Nie Yun's heart out!

“You mean to say that the so-called ‘big man’ may also be a senior member of the return of all things for a while, right?"Isabel was not shy, and said what Nie Yun hadn't finished.

"Logically speaking, this inference is very reasonable.For a military operation of this scale, there is no one behind the scenes with enough weight. I don't believe it. Maybe... this high-level person who will return to everything for a while is one of us here...” Isabel glanced at everyone present.

Everyone suddenly looked at each other, especially the commanders of the Yu clan, their eyes changed a little when they looked at the people on the opposite side.

“Isabel!Pay attention to your words!"Gustav couldn't help it anymore.

“Do you think what I said is wrong?"Isabel spread her hands and asked.

“I..." Gustav wanted to refute, but found that he could not justify it.

Combining the clues from all aspects, even if he is no longer willing, he cannot deny this possibility.

“Since you have no opinion, then I think we need to pay more attention to this possible ‘big man’ immediately!

He is a poisonous snake hidden inside us. If we don't find it out, any of our military operations will be invisible in the eyes of the other party!

But this matter should not be made with great fanfare. After all...the impact on the legion is not good. It is best for us to conduct a secret investigation by ourselves.

I suggest that an investigation team be formed to investigate all the officers present, including myself!"Isabel said with a serious expression.

No one objected to her suggestion. After all, she even included herself in the scope of the review. Besides, there is indeed a “clear conscience” here. Just investigate it. It's better to find out!

“So, who will be in charge of this investigation team?"Gustav asked.

“I suggest...Alsace is in charge!"Isabel pointed to Nie Yun and said.

"Uh..." "Huh?” "What?!”

Everyone present looked stunned, and even Nie Yun himself looked at Isabel in surprise.

“Isabel!What are you kidding!"Gustav said angrily.

“Don't worry, I have a reason to choose Alsace!

First of all, we are all the supreme commanders of the legion. If the person in charge of the investigation is too low-level, who do you think would dare to act on us?

On the other hand, although Alsace is also a high-level member of our legion, don't forget that he was just promoted not long ago, and he has fought desperately with people who have returned to all things for a while.In any case, his suspicion can basically be ruled out!

Do you think there is a more suitable candidate than him?”

Everyone was speechless after thinking about it, but even if they knew that Isabel had a point, they were still a little embarrassed to let such a young man investigate themselves.

“I object!If Alsace is held responsible, then his spearhead will inevitably point at our sea tribe!”Some naval officers spoke out against it, so they didn't even say that Alsace would avenge themselves.

“Can this kind of thing be faked and framed?If it comes to avenging personal grievances, then I believe Alsace is more willing to find out the big man who planned the solar system ambush. Don't forget that he is a victim!

Besides, your sea tribe is the focus of suspicion. Do you want to choose a sea tribe to investigate yourself?Is it interesting?In that case, I think it's better not to investigate!

If you are not at ease, you can send someone to follow and supervise the whole process of the investigation of the sea race in Alsace. In addition, every application for his investigation authority needs to be approved by Gustav and Me at the same time to take effect. Are you still worried that he will favoritism?”

Isabel stared at Gustav after speaking, “Of course, if you don't want us to conduct our own internal investigation, then apply for the military to send someone to investigate!"

Or, you don't want to find this person at all... Then just treat me as if I didn't say how you should fight or fight, anyway, we are just watching the fun in the back.”

Gustav's face was uncertain.

He didn't want to let the military intervene in the investigation. This would make things worse, but he couldn't help but find this person, otherwise he would be stuck in his throat.

“Good!I agree!"Gustav weighed the balance again and again, and finally agreed to this plan.

“Okay, then this matter has been decided. Then let's talk about the second possibility. They may have their own ship-building industry in the solar system. Those two warships are the products of a secret base in the solar system!"Isabel's eyes flashed.

TL Note-Overestimating there enemy or underestimg them?


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