Super Mothership

Chapter 357 I guess there is a grudge

(TL:By Rafael,

What kind of concept is 900,000 unlimited coins?I'm afraid everyone knows it now!

As the saying goes, people die for wealth, and birds die for food. In the face of this huge sum of money, there are few people who are not calm.

However, I have to say that the president of Rio Tinto can climb to this position step by step, and he is definitely a decisive and courageous master!

He first used the power of the company he controlled and cleverly used various names to secretly transfer all funds to his personal account many times, and then he made a wish to Zhinai.……

“I want a healthy, young body!And a... brand new face!”

This wish, which caused the code name to crash for 1 second, was immediately reported to Nie Yun.

When Nie Yun learned about the situation, he was also stunned for a long time. That guy obviously wanted to make money and run away!

He was immediately happy. Although he thought that his wishing machine might have all kinds of wonderful wishes, he didn't expect that the first large-scale personal business he accepted would actually be this kind of wish.

It was precisely because of this incident that Nie Yun began to realize that it was time to tighten the currency, otherwise the wishing machine he opened might be too busy.……

The president of Rio Tinto has obviously carefully studied the scope of wishes allowed by the ghost captain.

First of all, the desire to violate the laws of various countries, violate human ethics, and violate the interests of Captain Ghost's own organization is not impossible to realize, but that price is completely terrifying.

Therefore, the wish he made is not anti-human, at most it can be regarded as a kind of health treatment and cosmetic surgery, which is fully in line with the scope of Captain Ghost's wish.

After waiting nervously for 10s, the president of Rio Tinto waited for a teana-like system prompt.

“Your wish has been accepted, and a total of 600,000 unlimited coins have been deducted. Thank you for your patronage!”

That night, a drone unique to the Ghost series quietly flew into the villa of the president of Rio Tinto in Melbourne. Soon after, a Maserati drove out of the villa.……

The next day, the president of Rio Tinto announced that the world had disappeared, and the consortium behind Rio Tinto was all dumbfounded as soon as they received the news!

“Conspiracy, this is a carefully planned conspiracy!find!Find it for me!Be sure to find out the soul of Chris, who eats inside and outside, and dampen his bones and raise his ashes!"Relevant stakeholders are roaring and roaring.

This money is the last bit of comfort they got from cutting meat. Several old guys from the consortium are still counting on this money to prolong their lives. Now they are actually telling them that the money has been swept away?!

Under the wrath of the huge power group behind it, the entire city boiled almost instantly, and even the military joined the manhunt, and soon after, they made a discovery!

“...Zizi...The 3rd search team found the wreckage of the target vehicle, located under the cliff of Highway 87. No target body was found in the wreckage. It should have abandoned the vehicle and escaped...”

More than a dozen heavily armed special police searched around the wreckage of a Maserati crashed car to report on the situation.

A special police officer searched while chatting with his companions around him.

"Hello!Isn't this Chris the dignified president of Rio Tinto?No one should do such a thing as absconding with money, shouldn't he do it?

Doesn't he know whose money he is involved in?Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, can you still escape the manhunt of those huge forces?”

“Hehe!You don't know that, do you, what do you think he is doing this time?”

“What else can it be?Australian dollar?U.S. dollars?”

“Australian dollar?U.S. dollars?Please!Use your imagination, haven't you read the news? Recently, Rio Tinto has just been acquired by Atlantis, with a full acquisition of 900,000 unlimited coins!”

"Puff! mean...” The man sprayed out a mouthful of salt soda in surprise.

“What do you think!I recently found a part-time job in the virtual world, and I worked hard to earn dozens of unlimited coins. That's 900,000!I want to do this for me!”

“But no matter how much money he has, he has to spend his life!”

“Stupid!With so many unlimited coins and wishing machines, isn't it easy to be incognito?Maybe they are already on Mars now!

Besides, if a person of his identity is going to order a fake identity and open a few secret bank accounts, he will definitely be worry-free for the rest of his life!At that time, as long as you hide in the crowd, trying to find him is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!”

“Well, I'm heartbroken to say that, but I still don't understand it. It's okay to change to an ordinary person, but a person of his net worth is already powerful. Why would he take such a big risk to do this terrible business?”

“I heard that Chris has just been diagnosed with advanced cancer not long ago. Although he is the president of the group, he is just a senior worker. With the face of those greedy capitalists, he wants to use their unlimited coins for treatment. Think about it and know it's impossible!”

“That's it, this is fighting for your life!”


During the discussion, no one noticed that on a mountain not far from them, a man wearing a mountaineering suit and carrying a mountaineering bag, dressed as an ordinary donkey, glanced at this side from a distance, and a proud smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Smile.

Like a climber, he turned around and walked towards the distance on foot. The light golden sun that had just risen shone over, revealing a young and handsome face.……


The manhunt is still going on, but the consortium behind Rio Tinto can no longer sit still.

Although they don't know Chris' specific escape plan, the longer the time drags on, the less unlimited coins the opponent will have!

Squander the stolen money in the shortest possible time, this is what every absconder with the money will basically do!

So they are in a hurry. If they go on like this, even if they can find Chris in a few days, once the unlimited coins are spent, what if they find someone, can they still make Chris spit it out?

So, how to find Chris quickly has become the most important question now!

“He was able to escape smoothly, he must have used the wishing machine!Since he can use it, why can't we use it?”Some smart people have put forward the idea of learning from each other to control each other.

“That's right!He can use unlimited coins to hide, and we can also use unlimited coins to find it!Hurry up and mobilize all remaining funds!”

So soon after, they made a wish to Zhinai.

“We want the exact location of Rio Tinto President Chris!”

Almost instantly, Zhinai gave a reply.

"Beep!After the calculation is completed, according to your wish, please pay 1 million unlimited coins!”

"Damn it!You robbed!I just want a place for one person, and you actually gave me the price of a spaceship!”The wishing person yelled.

“Drop!This machine is a rhythmic wishing machine. The wish involves invading the privacy of others, and an additional rhythmic loss fee is required!”

Everyone: “......”

With such a shameless wishing machine, what kind of integrity do you have to lose?


Inside Chu's villa.

“I have also seen Chris in a virtual network before. I really didn't expect that this guy is really a hidden figure!"Chu Xiaoxiao, who knew the causes and consequences of the incident, couldn't help but admire the decisiveness and boldness of the president of Rio Tinto.

No wonder Rio Tinto agreed to the acquisition most readily, and I'm afraid Chris also played a big role in it.

Thinking further, this Chris also analyzed the wishing system of Captain Ghost very well.

As the advertisement said, infinite coins represent infinite possibilities, which are reflected in the wishing system. It is impossible for Captain Ghost to punch himself in the face.

And Chris' wish is completely reasonable and legal, and it is impossible for Captain Ghost to refuse to execute his wish because of his impure purpose.

Of course, this matter is a bit sensitive. Even if the ghost captain really makes an offer, how much is it? After testing, it seems to depend entirely on the mood of the ghost captain.……

And Chris is probably sure that the consortium behind Rio Tinto, as the opponent of Atlantis, has tried to use the political influence of various countries to put pressure on it in commercial competition. I am afraid that the ghost captain has been displeased.

So even if he knew that he was absconding with money, Captain Ghost would only turn a blind eye and give convenience!

If this is the case, then this person is really wily!

“In desperate situations, human beings will always do something beyond ordinary people's expectations."In response to Chu Xiaoxiao's emotion, he nodded in agreement.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at the code name curiously when she heard the words. Her contact with the code name was not frequent. Only occasionally when Nie Yun was out of time, she conveyed the task of the ghost captain.

After several contacts, Chu Xiaoxiao discovered that she was not a goddess of high cold as rumored by the outside world, but a real “Sanwu Girl”!

In the conversation with her, the other party rarely showed feelings, and the occasional smile seemed a little...jerky?

And from time to time, some weird words will pop up, such as “human” is the weird high-frequency word used by the other party.……

In fact, in order to continuously increase the “human” attribute of the code name, Nie Yun did not disclose the fact that the code name is advanced artificial intelligence, but hoped that everyone would treat her as a human to communicate.

Judging from the experience of the birth of codenames, the exchange of advanced artificial intelligence and intelligent life may also be one of the courses needed for their evolution. If it is regarded as a cold machine, the effect of upgrading experience will definitely be discounted!

"As the number one confidant of the ghost captain, Chu Xiaoxiao is naturally very curious about her and wants to learn about the idol captain through her.

So Chu Xiaoxiao took advantage of this opportunity today and planned to explore the bottom of the code name.……

“That... Sister, how old are you this year, how much older do you seem to be than me?”

“4 months and 7 days!"The code name is very honest.

Chu Xiaoxiao: “......”

Can you still have a good chat!Are you matured by Captain Ghost's biotechnology?!

“Ahem!Sister, why are you called a code name?"Chu Xiaoxiao chose to pinch this paragraph and re-ask the question.

“The captain took it!”

“What?But this name is too strange, didn't you protest?"Chu Xiaoxiao was immediately upset by the code name, what kind of taste is this for naming!"

For the first time, she groaned about her idol.

“Strictly speaking, when the captain named me, I hadn't been born yet, so I couldn't protest!"The code name answered truthfully.

I don't know if it's Chu Xiaoxiao's illusion, I feel that an invisible resentment seems to be spreading in the room.……

“Uh... so that's it, so Captain Ghost is your elder?"Chu Xiaoxiao continued tentatively.

According to her idea, to be able to name an unborn girl, the relationship between an elder should not be able to run away.

But judging from this name, Captain Ghost and his parents... it is estimated that there is a grudge!

“Well... with the ethical relationship of human beings, we should be regarded as father and daughter."The code name said.

Chu Xiaoxiao slowly opened her eyes wide, although the words and sentences were a bit inexplicable, but……

Captain Ghost actually has a daughter!

Is this code name actually the eldest lady of SOS, the “World's No. 1 Dark Organization"?!

TL Note- A.I Daughter of Nie Yu.


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