Super Mothership

Chapter 353 The Third Battleship

(TL:By Rafael,

On the other side of the battlefield, the pilots of Gemini saw the drone group dragging the mecha troops on the earth side behind them, and the distance between the two sides was widening, and their expressions suddenly relaxed.

“Haha!Finally got rid of it!”

“This group of guys is really good enough to hide. There are so many mecha troops ambushing here. Fortunately, we also brought a lot of drones this time.”

“No matter how much we can hide, we only need to entangle a few firepower points for a period of time, and victory belongs to us!”


In the slightly excited conversation, the harsh sirens of all airborne radars suddenly sounded.

The pilots of Gemini were tight-lipped, and then they saw countless little stars rising from the floating fortress from the mecha display screen. It was a large number of missiles flying like a rain curtain.……

“It's a long-range missile, the number is 5,000, a total of 3 waves, all units, use shotgun mode to intercept!”

Gemini's mecha group is no stranger to this type of attack and responded quickly.

Although the number of missiles launched by the Earth Army was a bit astonishing, the pilots of Gemini were not frightened.

In fact, in a space war where radar locking is becoming more accurate and laser weapons are powerful, long-range missiles that are defenseless, have a simple trajectory, and do not fly fast are not very threatening to small targets with excellent mobility such as mecha and fighter jets. High threat.

I saw nearly 200 Gemini mechas all raised their muzzles and adjusted the firing mode to the shotgun launch mode. In the continuous “Didi” sound, the automatic fire control radar quickly locked the targets one by one.

Shotgun mode: A beam of high-energy laser can be divided into several or even more than a dozen beams of equally powerful shotgun lasers through a simple spectroscopy device. It is mainly used to deal with a large number of cannon fodder but weak defense or to build a dense air defense network.


“Zi Zi Zi..." Thousands of fine beams of light shot at the missile group on the earth, like a rain of red light.

Almost at the same time as the fire was fired here, the missile group on the opposite side changed direction in the surprised eyes of the Gemini pilots, and the sky girl scattered flowers opened into a larger net and headed towards them. The net came over.

“Boom boom boom..." Gemini's interceptor laser crashed into the missile group and detonated hundreds of missiles in the missile group, but this result was much lower than they expected.

“Be careful, these missiles are weird, they may be remotely controlled!Don't be careless!”

“Uh...what did I see, those missiles are doing a disorderly change of direction!It's hard for my radar to lock them!”

“Note that these missiles should be equipped with advanced intelligent tactical avoidance programs!”

“Everyone calm down, don't distract the firepower, we must ensure the density of the firepower!”

“No, the air defense network is about to be broken through!”

“This...these missiles seem to be encircling us!”


Amidst the nervous exclamations of the Gemini pilots, these special missiles were like swordfish swimming flexibly, doing various fancy evasive maneuvers in the dense rain of intercepting light, and successfully approaching the mecha group with continuous large-scale attrition, and then plunged in.……

After all, there is no shield system and the protection is too weak. Gemini's interceptor firepower still successfully shot down most of the missiles under this situation. In the end, the remaining more than 2,000 missiles were scurrying around and the Gemini mecha entered a “short-term encounter.”

In order to avoid the firepower coverage of the earth side, the formation of the Gemini mecha is not dense, and in this case there is no way to support each other. Soon there were more than a dozen missiles chasing a mecha on the battlefield. Strange scene.

“Swish swish!”It's like a torpedo flying past at high speed, a pilot sweating sideways to avoid a tracking missile that seemed to have a “grin”, and then turned his head and fired a divergent laser to kill the two behind him.

But before he could catch his breath, he was hit by a missile return rifle behind his back. The violent explosion caused his mecha to vibrate fiercely, and the shield value went crazy!

The missile nest on the shoulders of the other Gemini mecha was fully opened, and dozens of interceptor missiles were shot out with tail flames.

“Boom boom boom!”More than a dozen special missiles around were successfully intercepted, and fireworks exploded at close range.

The smoke dissipated, but the pilot immediately found that four more missiles came from different directions again, faintly blocking all his retreat.

Do these missiles actually work in a team?

This thought flashed by, and it was too late to think carefully. The pilot immediately released an induction bomb. However, what stunned him was that those missiles didn't even look at the induction decoys. It seemed that they were not affected at all, and they still rushed towards him persistently.……

“Damn it!"Boom boom boom boom!""Mixed with a common interstellar last words, the missiles hit one after another, and there was an extra dazzling mass of light in the universe”……

These missiles are like a knight rushing wildly, looking for the target after a hit, and then turning around and doing it again after penetrating the enemy's line!

They pierced back and forth in the enemy formation with their eyes shining, completely immune to detonation and various disturbances, staring at the target and biting.

Life is endless, the chase is endless!

The rapid response enemy-enemy identification system carried on the missile avoids tragic traffic accidents of one's own people, allowing the members of the Expendables to hunt their own targets as much as possible, and the number of Gemini mecha is constantly declining under this desperate attack!

However, as the distance approached to the level of hand-to-hand combat, the anti-aircraft fire hit rate of the mecha also increased, and a large number of defenseless missiles were shot down, and the number was decreasing sharply every moment.

“Boom!"Three minutes later, as the last missile was destroyed, a group of Gemini pilots breathed a sigh of relief.

After looking around, they were shocked to find that the number of their mecha was only in the early 100s, but this wave of missile attacks shot down a small part of their mecha.

The current situation is more tangled. With such a little military strength, even if you can break through the firepower network on the earth side, I am afraid it will be the end of the crossbow.

But they had no retreat at this moment, and even the mothership was destroyed. In the vacuum universe, the life-sustaining system of the mecha alone would not last long.

In the offensive and defensive battle of the wormhole, the pioneers who burst into the opposite side of the wormhole are no different from the death squads. Once the situation cannot be opened and gain a foothold, it is basically impossible for the troops who jumped over to withdraw again. This is an unsuccessful attack!

“There is still a chance, let's fight!”

“Correct!It is still unknown who will die now!”

The remaining pilots broke their desperate boats and continued to rush towards the floating fortress of the Earth Army with a determined expression on their faces.

However, at the moment they included the floating fortress in their attack range, the scene that happened in front of them suddenly stunned them, and then their eyes widened, and the determination on their faces was quickly replaced by horror and despair.……

Because of their goal, a dark shadow slowly rose behind the floating fortress.……

That hideous turret, the familiar appearance... it was actually another pirate frigate that slowly appeared in front of the Gemini people!

The combat unit, the “Soyuz" belonging to the Earth Defense Army, has entered the battlefield!

This is one of the surprises Nie Yun prepared for Gemini.

The first time the combat unit appeared on the battlefield, it triggered a special effect: the enemy's morale was cleared to zero!

The pilots of Gemini looked at the three warships in an equilateral triangle that surrounded the floating fortress in the center. They stood in a daze for a long time, and everyone's hearts gradually fell to the bottom.……

This is...the opponent's third battleship!?

Originally, one's own strength was stretched, but now the other party actually has a vigorous army to join!How do you fight this?!

“Uh...could it be disguised by virtual projection!"Someone said with the last glimmer of hope.

“No, it weighs tens of thousands of tons, and our radar can't go wrong. That's absolutely true.

The gravitational waves emitted by the floating fortress covered up the warships close behind, and they used the overlap of the force fields to create a radar blind spot!"Some people shook their heads and sighed, extinguishing some people's last fantasies.

They couldn't help falling into a short silence. Everyone understood that with such a few people as them, it was basically impossible to cause any decent interference to the opponent, and there was no way to interfere with the opponent's firepower output, and the subsequent offensive of the troops could not be talked about.……

The appearance of this battleship has already sentenced them to death for their actions!

So the question is, in this desperate situation...should they die generously, or……


Neighboring galaxy, the flagship of Gustav's fleet.

"Boom!"Gustav's steel right arm slapped hard on the armrest of the captain's chair, and he actually took a clear palm print.

“This is impossible!"Gustav's face was livid and gritted his teeth.

After all, he has been on the battlefield for a long time, and at the moment the Soyuz appeared, he knew that this wormhole recapture operation had been completely declared a failure!

The energy of the wormhole is limited, and the wormhole of the solar system is called Huarong Road. There is a limit to the tonnage of passage within a certain period of time. Originally, if the plan went well, they should be able to send three more frigate-level warships through the wormhole. .

In this way, the combat power of the two sides in the solar system can be basically the same, and at that time, whether it is offensive or defensive, they can make quite a lot of choices.

Even if you lose both in the end, but you still have an endless army, no matter how you look at it, you can take advantage of it!

However, the plan was only a plan after all. Just halfway through the plan, it was coldly photographed by the real sea.……

TL Note-Space Warfare.....


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