Evil Avalon

Chapter 139 A brief lunch break

(TL:By Rafael,valhallatls.blogspot.com)

I walk through the school grounds, looking up at the verdant rows of trees. Though it's July and the sun is increasingly intense, making me sweat, the shade is quite cool thanks to the breeze. The place is well-maintained and pleasant this time of year, yet despite it being lunchtime, there isn’t a single student in sight. While it seems a waste, I reconsider, thinking it's fine if I can have this tree-lined path all to myself, and continue walking.

"This should be the place, but... huh?"

"Souta, over here!"

As sunlight filters through the trees, I check my position using my wrist device. Under a large tree, a girl with pigtails—Satsuki—waves her hand to show me where she is. Behind her, I can see Lisa sitting on a mat, relaxing. It looks like they've secured a nice, cool spot.

"Now that Souta is here, let’s have lunch. I made plenty!"

"This is vegetable soup. It’s leftovers from yesterday, but it was delicious, so I hope you like it too, Souta."

I sit down in an open spot and take a breath. Lisa opens a lunchbox packed with rice balls, potato salad, and fried chicken, while Satsuki serves me a bowl of vegetable soup from a thermos. Being able to eat homemade food prepared by girls is a perk of being in this world.

In my previous life, I had no girlfriend, friends, or family, but I was used to it and never felt lonely. However, in this world, I have a warm family, and in front of me, two girls are smiling as they offer me a homemade lunch. Embarrassed, I feel a warm sensation welling up inside me.

But sentimentality can wait. I’m hungry, so I’ll dig in without hesitation. I take a rice ball wrapped in seaweed and bite into it.

The rice ball, generously sprinkled with sesame seeds, is fragrant, and the soup, filled with tenderly cooked vegetables, is flavorful. While it’s all delicious, I wish they wouldn’t stare at me while I eat; it’s embarrassing.

"Both are delicious. The soup is seasoned perfectly."

"Really? I'm glad!"

"Then let’s eat too."

Hearing that the food is tasty, they seem pleased and start eating rice balls themselves. It’s something to look forward to, but if there’s a next time, I’d like to reciprocate in some way.

However, we didn’t come here just to eat lunch. As usual, we’re here for a strategy meeting. While munching on a rice ball filled with bonito flakes, I take a small magic device out of my pocket and activate it.

"These days, we can't have a conversation without a soundproof magic device. It's troublesome."

"Exactly. The Holy Maiden Agency, the Weapon Research Department, and the First Magic Division are all active."

After the duel, the information-gathering battle over Tsukishima intensified as expected. The Weapon Research Department and the First Magic Division are staking out Tsukishima's dorm, causing minor chaos. Soon, Ms. Sera, using her authority as student council president, announced a no-contact rule—violators would be expelled. This brought temporary peace.

However, now they're using disposable subordinates to make contact. Moreover, Lisa and Class B's Suou are also being targeted for information gathering, so I need to hear the latest details.

"I'm always ready to escape, so I'm fine."

"Lisa’s stealth skills are unmatched."

I thought she might be struggling, but she's adeptly avoiding detection with her stealth skills. Suou is surrounded by guards, making it impossible to approach, and there’s been no contact with Kaworu so far. I was ready to act if something happened, but for now, it seems everyone is safe.

Now, let's check on Akagi and his group.

I’m concerned about Tatehana Sakon, the former head of the First Swordsmanship Division. While it’s great that he’s helping his classmates with practice, I’ve heard that his grueling training regime, which spares no time except for school and sleep, is causing concern.

I feared that starting so intensely would lead to many dropping out, but according to Satsuki, no one has fled from his training sessions. Even Mashima is working hard with a new determination in his eyes.

Additionally, the sword fights with Tatehana seem to significantly increase their experience points. Akagi and Pink have reached level 7, and several others have also leveled up. It's far more efficient than hunting in appropriate dungeons, though it leaves them utterly exhausted each time.

"Thanks to Sanjou’s healing skills, even such grueling training is highly efficient. Her swordsmanship talent is also impressive."

"With a strong supporter, we can afford to be reckless. If they could reach level 10 quickly, it would be a great help."

Sanjou Sakurako, nicknamed Pink, handles the rear guard in the protagonist’s party. Apparently, she’s the one best able to handle Tatehana’s versatile swordplay. Though it surprised everyone, it’s simply because she’s modest and doesn’t seek attention. Given her heroic aptitude, like Akagi, it’s no surprise that her swordsmanship is top-notch.

Additionally, Pink has the aptitude of a [Holy Maiden], giving her top-notch support abilities on par with Sera-san. In other words, she’s even more of a cheat character than Akagi-kun. Even in Class E, which has single-digit levels and no support members to rely on, having Pink alone ensures comprehensive support. Lisa analyzes that the key to Akagi-kun and his group's rapid growth lies with her.

I was worried that they might quickly give up under such harsh training, but it seems to be going well, which is a relief. As a reward for Tatehana, I've promised to teach him magic combat. This is something I should do as a gesture of thanks. Maybe if I disguise myself with a mask and robe, I won’t be recognized.

After wrapping up the conversation, I try the fried chicken Lisa made. Even though it's cold, it’s still crispy and juicy. The slightly strong seasoning goes perfectly with the rice balls.

It seems the fried chicken is also popular with Satsuki, who is happily munching on it like a small animal. When our eyes meet, she shyly covers her mouth, laughs softly, and says, “Souta, you have something to discuss too, right?”

Indeed, I have something I need to talk about.

I’ve already told them that I’ll be going to a Clan Party of Kinran-kai for information gathering. What I want to discuss today is an email I received last night from Kirara-chan. Apparently, something “rather unpleasant” is happening.

When I show Satsuki the email and explain it, she looks surprised and flustered, wondering why Lisa and I are so calm about it.

“[Samurai] is a famous job, right? The leader of the Colors. It’s considered a national treasure of Japan. Isn’t it a big problem if that information leaks…?”

“It would be a huge issue for the upper echelons of the Japanese government and the Adventurer’s Guild. It would mean losing their advantage over the world. But for us, it’s something we’ve anticipated.”

The [Samurai] that Japan prides itself on has its job change methods and some skill characteristics designated as top national secrets. It’s natural for Satsuki to question whether it’s a big problem if this information leaks.

To summarize the current situation, the Holy Empire has sent its pawns to Japan to obtain the [Samurai] information. Last night, Kunoichi Red, having detected their movements, sent me an email through Kirara-chan.

I had previously spotted Cardinal at Kunoichi Red’s Clan Party, and I had already confirmed that the Holy Empire’s agents were sneaking around in Japan, just like in the story.

If the [Samurai] information leaks as it is, the Holy Empire will use it as leverage to politically pressure Japan, making unreasonable demands. Meanwhile, the Japanese government will secretly send operatives and combatants, leading to fierce battles both domestically and abroad.

These events are a forced scenario in Dungeon Explorer, and they’re already integrated into the game’s story in this world. So what concerns me isn’t the leakage of the [Samurai] information itself, but the fact that Kirara-chan wants to prevent the leak.

After briefly explaining this, Satsuki nods several times and then raises her hand to ask a question. Yes, go ahead.

“So, if we don’t follow the future you and Lisa know, the events that are supposed to happen might not, and we won’t be able to predict what will happen next, right?”

“Exactly. That’s why we prefer not to intervene in expected events, even if they’re problematic.”

“…But that means there will be frequent battles both domestically and internationally, right? That’s kind of scary…”

As Satsuki points out, if the information leaks as per the game’s story, the future becomes predictable, but there will be numerous combat events with the Holy Empire. Moreover, if handled poorly, it could cause significant damage within the country.

However, if we manage it well, we can avoid most battles that involve civilians, and the protagonist’s party will engage various domestic organizations to gain allies, ultimately leading to a good ending. For us, this future is easier to manage.

But what happens if we prevent this crucial leakage event? Satsuki seems curious about that too, but I have no idea what such a future would look like. It’s possible the Holy Empire might give up on the [Samurai] information and withdraw entirely, ending things peacefully. However, there’s a significant reason why preventing this event is difficult.

“The guy leading the Holy Empire’s forces this time is seriously dangerous. If we fought him head-on, he’s as strong as Arthur and just as smart. He’s an opponent we’re not ready to face.”

“He directly assists Holy Maiden Aurora and is one of the founders of the Empire. Before becoming Cardinal, he was renowned as one of the top five adventurers in the world.”

“As strong as Arthur… one of the top five in the world… Such a person is in Japan?”

Hearing the identity of the mastermind, Satsuki’s already large eyes widen in surprise, which is understandable.

He’s the boss of the Holy Empire arc and a specialist in various secret arts. He’s like a weapon of mass destruction who devastates enemy strongholds. Even if I fought him seriously now, I can only foresee defeat. Moreover, he moves with many pawns, making it difficult to engage him one-on-one.

If we’re serious about preventing the information leak, we’d have to deal with Cardinal and his pawns somehow. In the game, there might be a chance for a dramatic showdown, but in this world, where losing means death, facing such opponents is akin to suicide.

Even Kunoichi Red plans to call for support from the Ten Rakshasas, known as the largest domestic clan and the Adventurer’s Guild. There might be a way to handle it, but with Cardinal as the opponent, the odds are still slim.

“But Senior Kusunoki isn’t asking Souta to fight, right?”

“Yeah. She just wants me to share any insights I have on how the Holy Empire plans to steal the [Samurai] information and what traps they might set. And—”

Seeing the proposed reward amount made both of them gasp in surprise. And that’s not counting the success bonus. Plus, it’s confirmed that Kirara-chan and Kunoichi Red will provide full backup going forward.

"…As expected from the noble family, the Kusunoki family is said to be quite wealthy."

"The amount they proposed is impressive, but having Kunoichi Red as an ally is a significant advantage. It could negate any events where they might become enemies in the future."

The members of Kunoichi Red aren’t particularly strong, but as the clan leader and countess, Mikami wields considerable influence and connections in politics, the military, and the Adventurer’s Guild. If they became enemies, it would be impossible to live a normal life. The fact that enemy events could occur depending on the game route is what makes it scary.

On the other hand, if Kunoichi Red becomes an ally, we would gain access to their extensive information network and funds. Although players have the advantage of future knowledge from the game story, they are limited in information-gathering abilities and, being students, lack sufficient responsiveness and standing. Having this support is a significant advantage, as Lisa points out.

"But changing the starting point of the game story is unsettling. I'll help, but maybe we should let the samurai information leak as planned."

"Yes... I agree. Because both Lisa and Souta are striving to secure a bright future... trying to ensure that no one ends up unhappy, right? I feel bad for Kusunoki-senpai, but…"

If we want Kunoichi Red to be on our side, we should honor our commitment and fully cooperate. The proposed money is an amount we’ve never seen and, of course, we want it. But we are moving to protect “something more important.” We cannot afford to gamble on an uncertain and chaotic future by disrupting the game story.

(But well... it was good to discuss this after all.)

Until I came here, I was somewhat swayed by the good terms Kirara-chan offered, thinking it wouldn’t hurt to cooperate a bit.

However, after consulting with Satsuki, she earnestly considered why we are moving the way we do, and Lisa also reassured me, confirming our stance. Thanks to them, I could decisively clear my doubts. Having companions you can rely on is incredibly reassuring.

“By the way, the Kinrankai clan party is tonight, right? We should also prepare.”

“I’ll be watching with Arthur from behind the monitor, so if you need support, just say the word, okay?”

“Thanks. But we’re not going to fight. I’ll just do a little reconnaissance on Kinrankai and come right back.”

The clan party will be held on a high floor of a building in Tokyo. Kirara-chan is supposed to drive us there, and all necessary items, including formal wear, will be provided. There’s nothing in particular I need to prepare right now.

While there might be some troubles, I’m optimistic since I plan to leave early. Even if I get caught in a battle, I’m prepared to escape, and if I’m delayed, I’ve arranged for backup, so everything’s ready. If it weren't for this, I wouldn’t be going to a place where Kinrankai or Holy Empire members gather, even if it’s for information gathering. I’ll go with a lighthearted approach, maybe even humming a tune.

(And, I’m looking forward to something too.)

After the clan party, I plan to explore the streets of Tokyo at night.

In this world, Japan wasn’t devastated during World War II, so Tokyo still has cultural buildings like palaces and mausoleums. Besides that, I want to see with my own eyes how dungeons have changed this world compared to the original one. Tomorrow is a school holiday, so I’ll stay at a cheap inn and enjoy sightseeing in Tokyo.

While munching on karaage and pondering where to go, the warning bell rings.

“We only have 10 minutes of lunch break left. We need to hurry and eat.”

“There’s still a lot left. Souta, can you eat more?”

“No problem, leave it to me.”

With this body, speed-eating is no challenge. Besides, if it’s tasty, I can eat as much as I want. However, since overeating could instantly make me fat, I need to be careful not to overeat once we get there.

TL Note- Well , now let's wait for the clan party to see some action.


  1. Keep it up author the story is enjoyable and exciting because of how unpredictable some situation and it's funny I mean is the protagonist of how he get trouble

  2. Thx for the chapter ☺️ i will wait for the action

  3. I wonder if it has occurred to them that Satsuki could be a target of Kinrankai? She's much stronger than she should be for a member of class E and she obviously had a connection to the masked girl who beat up their people.


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